Chapter 42 : At The Party - Part 2

In front of a mysterious room, Ibrahim stopped and retrieved a key from his pocket. Ava, puzzled, questioned, "How do you have the key to this room?"

Ibrahim casually replied, "I'm the owner of this hotel."

Ava murmured, "Oh, Don't know why I always forget this man is wealthy too." 

He unlocked the door, revealing a dark room. Ava's eyes widened. She took two steps back but Ibrahim caught her hand. "What happened? Ibrahim asked. 

"I won't go inside. You might do something wrong." Ava replied.

Ibrahim sighed, "No, Baby Girl. Come inside." 

He tried to drag Ava inside but Ava grab the wall with other hand, "No, No, No, No. I don't believe you. Every time you get an opportunity, you try to touch me. I won't go inside in a dark room with you." 

Ibrahim tried to dispel her doubts. "Ava, I won't do anything to you. I promise." 

Ibrahim led Ava into the room. Though Ava was still fearful. He closed the door from behind and switched on the lights on. And the room revealed a warm atmosphere with soft lighting and tasteful decorations. 

The soft golden lights danced upon the walls.In the center of the room, a small, elegantly set table held a vase of fresh Jasmine flowers, their petals catching the soft light of the room. The air carried the subtle fragrance of scented candles. 

Ava was really surprised to see these decoration. Ibrahim came in front of her, "I wanted you to show you a different side, Ava." 

Ibrahim hold Ava's both hand. And Ava let him hold. She again heard Ibrahim's voice, "I've lived a life surrounded by shadows, Ava. But you... you bring light. I want to offer you something beyond the darkness, beyond the forcefulness that brought us together. I've never been one for grand gestures or sentiments, but being with you has made me reconsider many things."

 However, she was still in a surprise mood, Ibrahim guided her toward a specially prepared corner of the room. Petals of white roses and lavender scattered across the floor, creating a path that led to a meticulously arranged setup—a display of jewelry on a small, intricately designed table. The flickering candlelight danced on the jewelry box's surfaces, enhancing their sparkle.

Taking a small box from the table, Ibrahim opened it to reveal a necklace with a pendant—a finely crafted key. The necklace itself seemed like a work of art, a masterpiece designed to complement the beauty of the one who wore it.

Ibrahim looked into Ava's eyes. His gaze conveyed an soft emotion. Ava never seen his soft gaze before. His eyes were really deep. His eyes weren't unique. It was deep brown in colour but it was really deep. And Ava could see herself on his eyes.

Ibrahim delicately lifted the necklace from its box. The pendent - the key slightly shimmered on the lights. 

"I've chosen this key for you," Ibrahim murmured, "A key symbolizes not only unlocking doors but opening possibilities. And with you, Ava, I want to explore those possibilities."

He went behind Ava and gently gathered her hair to one side, exposing the delicate curve of her neck. With meticulous care, Ibrahim fastened the necklace around Ava's neck and the pendant nestled against the hollow of Ava's throat. Ava felt the warmth of his fingers. She closed her eyes. 

"I never thought I'd find myself in this position," He still stood behind her, "But with you, everything seems to shift. I've built my life on power and control, but with you, I see the strength in vulnerability." 

Ava stood in silence, her usual defiance replaced by a quiet curiosity. Ibrahim continued, "Ava, I love you in a way that transcends the life I've led. This necklace is a promise, a symbol of a different path—one where you don't have to live in fear."

He came infront of her. And Ava opened her eyes. "Ava, I may not say this often, but I love you. More than I thought was possible. And I want to keep discovering that love, every day."

He didn't stop there. He took a step closer to her. But there still a gap between them. 

"I want to live a different life with you, a life where happiness isn't a fleeting moment but a constant presence," Ibrahim confessed. "I want to fall in love with you again and again, to explore a side of me that I never knew existed."

Ava never heard a any confession like that. It was really like a dream, no a fairytale, not a fairytale. Something else. But this felt good. If she was dreaming, she didn't want to see the end of the dream. But she was not living in a dream. She was living in reality with darkness.

Ava couldn't help but feel a twinge of warmth, a longing for the love and care she had been deprived of for so long. His words echoed in her mind, and for a moment, the harsh reality of their past seemed to fade away. The man who once instilled fear in her now stood before her, baring a side she hadn't known.

"Ibrahim, you don't understand," Ava finally spoke, her voice quivering with a mix of emotions. "These words, this gesture—. You can't erase the past with a necklace and sweet words."

Ibrahim hold her hand. Her hand was trembling. "Ava, I know I've caused you pain, and I can't change what's happened. But I want a chance to make things right, to build a future together."

The days of captivity, the threats, and the tears she shed in silence she remembered everything. She had not forgot any day, any moment. 

 "I can't forget the days when you... when you kidnapped me, the day you killed someone in front of me. You threatened my brother's life to make me marry you." She paused and took a breathe, "Do you know how many tears I shed because of you? How much pain you caused me?"

She pulled her hand gently. Tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down on her cheeks, "You can't buy my love with gifts or promises, Ibrahim. Love isn't something you can force or demand. It's earned through trust, respect, and understanding. And those are things you took away from me."

"Ava, I'll do anything to make you happy. I'll change, I'll protect you. Just give me a chance." Ibrahim pleaded. He never pleaded infront of anyone. But Ava was his love. 

"This isn't about making me happy with material things. It's about healing wounds that run too deep. You can't undo the past, and I can't forget it. I'm here for Elara, not because I love you." Ava shook her head. 

She couldn't control her emotions, more tears streaming down her face. "I can't," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I can't love the man who caused me so much pain."

With that Ava turned away and left the room. She didn't know where to go. She saw the lift and entered there.


There was something cooking inside the party. Faisal, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, surreptitiously approached the bar where Rafi was engaged in conversation with other guests. 

Faisal smoothly reached for a small vial from his pocket containing a clear liquid. He uncorked the vial and, shielded by the crowd, poured a few drops into Rafi's drink. The liquid, almost transparent, blended seamlessly with the amber hue of Rafi's beverage. Faisal, wearing a playful smirk, glanced around to ensure no one had noticed his secret act.

Meanwhile, Rafi continued his conversations, completely unaware of the added element to his drink and the party buzzed around him. 

After successfully spiking Rafi's drink, Faisal casually strolled away and made his way to Samir. 

"What did you just do over there?" Samir asked. 

Faisal chuckled, "Just adding a pinch of mischief to Rafi's evening. Ibrahim's special request."

Samir raised an eyebrow, "What's the plan?"

Faisal leaned in and lowered his voice, "Let's just say Rafi might find himself in an amusing situation soon."