Chapter 43 : A Scandal in The Town.

The room wasn't dark, the tubelight creating a glow all over the room. Ava lay on the double bed, hidden under the weight of the blanket. The room was filled with the subtle sound of Ava's silent sobs. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks, falling onto the pillow beneath her. 

Across the room, Ibrahim was on the single bed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. Despite the distance between them, Ibrahim sensed Ava's distress. He could feel the quiet waves of sorrow emanating from her side of the room. The unspoken connection between them persisted, a thread that neither could sever. He felt an ache in his chest. 

Ava couldn't pinpoint why tears streamed down her face. Was it the memories of the pain Ibrahim had caused her? Or was it the weight of rejecting his unexpected proposal? Confusion and heartache mingled in her silent sobs.

The ticking clock on the bedside table marked the passing hours. And the night wore on....


In the early morning light, Samir, dressed in a crisp blue shirt and black jeans, stood at the entrance of "The Opulent Haven." After last night's party, everyone got hyped by seeing the exterior of the hotel. The hotel was going through renovation. And last night party caught public's eye. They had demanded for the interior of the hotel. And after one month, the hotel would be open for public. 

Samir welcomed the media with a warm smile, "Good morning, everyone. Welcome to 'The Opulent Haven.' Today, I'll be giving you an exclusive tour of our newly renovated hotel." 

As the media entered the hotel, the opulent interior left them in awe. The lobby, adorned with chandeliers and marble accents. Samir guided them through the corridors, each step revealing carefully curated decor, artistic touches, and modern amenities. 

The questions poured in as the media explored different areas of the hotel. And Samir addressed each questions of them. As Samir opened the door to one of the lavish rooms, an air of anticipation filled the space. The media eagerly prepared to capture the opulence within. However, what unfolded behind that door was beyond anyone's expectations.

In the dimly lit room, the atmosphere shifted from awe to shock. Rafi Ahmed, a celebrated businessman, known for his public image, lay entwined with a mysterious woman. Gasps escaped the lips of the reporters as they witnessed the scene before them. 

"What the...?" one journalist exclaimed.

Cameras clicked continuously as the unexpected scene unfolded. Both figures lay beneath a disheveled blanket, their clothes scattered on the floor. 

"Are you seeing this?" another reporter whispered, her eyes widening with disbelief.

On the other hand, Samir stood in a corner with sly smile. The guards rushed to intervene. "Please, we must ask you to leave. This is a private matter." 

However, it was too late. The sensational images had already been captured, ready to be unleashed into the public domain.

"Scandalous! This is gold!" a photographer exclaimed, capturing the drama with his lens.


In the dim glow of his living room, Yusuf adjusted his tie while the television blared the scandalous news about Rafi Ahmed. The dramatic headlines filled the tv screen. Yusuf internally thought what would be the reaction of Rafi's wife. Rafi would be dead by his wife. Yusuf shook his head. 

A sudden knock startled him. Yusuf approached and opened the door. And he was met with a sight that defied his expectations. Before him stood Ibrahim with Aidan nestled in his arms. Shock and disbelief played across Yusuf's face. A relief flooded inside Yusuf. 

"Daddy!" Aidan's gleeful voice pierced through the silence. Yusuf took Aidan into his arms, showering him with kisses as the weight of the days without his son lifted from his shoulders, "Oh Aidan, I miss you dear, I really missed you so much."

Amidst the warmth of their embrace, Ibrahim spoke, 

"Aidan is unharmed, as promised," Ibrahim declared, a smirk playing on his lips.

Yusuf looked at Ibrahim, "You didn't do the right thing by kidnapping Aidan. I knew you wouldn't harm him, but that doesn't make it right."

Ibrahim was unfazed, "I always strike at someone's weakness, whether it's a person or a thing..... Won't you let me enter?" 

On the other hand Aidan was giggling and playing with his father's tie. Yusuf moved aside reluctantly. Ibrahim entered. And both men settled into the sofa. Aidan was still on Yusuf's arms. The TV continued to broadcast the scandalous news of Rafi Ahmed. Yusuf stole a glance at Ibrahim, he couldn't ignore the smile playing on the Ibrahim's's lips.

"Aidan, why don't you check out the new toys in your room?" Yusuf suggested. 

Aidan nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, Daddy!" 

But before Aidan could make his exit, Ibrahim intercepted, "Hey, little man, I have something for you." 

Ibrahim took out two chocolate packets from his pocket. Aidan's eyes widened, and a radiant smile illuminated his face. "Chocolate?" 

Ibrahim handed over the chocolates with a conspiratorial grin. "Here you go." 

"Thank you, Uncle Ibi!" Aidan gleefully responded, his tiny hands grabbing the chocolates as if they were treasures.

And Aidan happily went to his room. But Yusuf didn't take their interaction with good eye. 

He eyed Ibrahim warily and questioned, "Isn't that a bit too friendly, Mr. Rahman?"

Ibrahim's eye still fixed on TV, "We spent a good time together." 

Yusuf shook his head. His gaze shifted to the ongoing news broadcast, and he posed a direct question, "Is all of this your doing?" He gestured towards the sensational reports involving Rafi.

"Yes, it is." Ibrahim affirmed.

"Why did you do that?" Yusuf inquired. 

Ibrahim, reclined on the sofa, met Yusuf's gaze, "Last night at the party, Rafi made disrespectful comments about my wife."

"So, you did all of this because of a comment about your wife?" Yusuf questioned. 

Ibrahim shook his head, "Actually, no. It was pre-planned. I don't invite my enemies to a party without any cause."

"Hmmm. I knew it before. Now Rafi will going through a major family drama. But..... Don't involve me in any of your plans. I won't participate." Yusuf told. 

Ibrahim turned off the TV with remote, "What if I offer a substantial amount of money?"

Yusuf looked at Ibrahim, "You're enjoying this, aren't you? Every time I refuse to work for you, you bring money into the equation."

Ibrahim chuckled, "Money is the only way to convince anyone." 

"And what about your wife? Is she convinced by your wealth?" Yusuf pressed further. 

The smile vanished from Ibrahim's face, replaced by a sudden seriousness. 

"I know she doesn't use a single penny of yours. I'm... I'm genuinely impressed by her ego. She is not like other girls." Yusuf continued.

Ibrahim's tone turned stern. "Shut your mouth." 

"Why? Does it bother you that your relationship isn't conventional?" Yusuf asked.

Ibrahim rose from the sofa and declared, "You talk too much. You don't have the right to delve into my personal life."

Yusuf also stood up and their eyes met. "Fine, I won't comment, but I'll do your work. The condition is a good amount of money." 

Ibrahim nodded, "I'll call you later." He made his way toward the door, Yusuf's words stopped him in his tracks. 

"I want to tell you one thing," Yusuf began, "If your wife doesn't want to be with you, don't force her. Being a single dad in this world is tough. I understand your position; I've been through it. I don't want you to end up in my position though I hate you a lot."