Chapter 44 : "The thing we haven't done yet."

In the cool night, the darkened streets of Kuala Lumpur stretched before them as Samir drove the car with ease. While Ibrahim seated beside Samir. 

Samir stole a glance at his older brother, couldn't help but notice the furrow on Ibrahim's usually composed brow. "Why so serious, Ibrahim? Enjoy the show." 

"It's not as entertaining as you think," Ibrahim replied. 

"What's bothering you? Rafi's wife is asking for a divorce – that's a spectacle!" Samir asked. 

Ibrahim sighed, "It's not about Rafi. It's something else."

Samir raised an eyebrow. "Come on, spill it. What's got the mighty Ibrahim Rahman feeling blue?"

"I proposed to Ava yesterday." Ibrahim shared. 

Samir's eyes widened with disbelief. "Wait, what? You proposed to Ava? But you two are already married! What kind of proposal happens after marriage?"

Ibrahim's face remained stoic, "It's complicated. I wanted to make things right."

Samir was trying to make sense, "So, what? Did you get down on one knee and ask, 'Will you marry me again?'"

Ibrahim shot Samir a look. "It wasn't like that. I just wanted to express my feelings."

Samir chuckled, "Bro, you're rewriting the rules of marriage proposals. Next, you'll be planning a surprise engagement party for the two of you."

Ibrahim's eyes narrowed, "Just drive the car, Samir."

Samir Chuckled. And in the meantime, they reached The Rahman Mansion and the car glided through the gates of the Mansion.

Both brothers stepped out of the car and entered the mansion. While going through the hall Ibrahim's eyes caught Yasmeen, carrying a bowl of soup.

"Yasmeen, for whom is that soup?" Ibrahim asked. 

Yasmeen explained, "Sir, it's for Ava ma'am. She said she won't take dinner, so..."

"Set the dinner. Ava will come." Ibrahim ordered. 

Yasmeen asked, "So, sir, this soup?"

Samir chimed in, "Give it to me. I'm hungry." Taking the bowl, Samir headed to his room. 

Ibrahim also went towards his room. In front of his room, Ibrahim took a deep breath. He hesitated to open it. They both didn't talk after the Ibrahim's proposal. Ibrahim went early to work and at that time Ava didn't wake up. But now he was thinking how to communicate with her.

Ava meticulously was arranging her thick books into the closet. The book shelves were already filled to capacity. So she had to find an alternative sanctuary for her cherished volumes. 

After arranging the books, Ava closed the door with a satisfied exhale. However, as she turned, she was startled by the appearance of Ibrahim. Blinking in surprise, Ava voiced her question, "When did you come?"

"Just now," Ibrahim replied. He was calm and composed.

Ava was momentarily surprised. She questioned herself, had she been so absorbed in her task that the subtle creak of the opening door went unnoticed? Nervously tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear, she told, "Maybe I didn't hear."

Moving toward her bed, Ava tried to convey her focus on studies by reaching for a book from her bedside table. Ibrahim observed her actions, inquired, "Didn't you go to the university today?"

Ava shook her head in no. 

Ibrahim took off his suit and asked, "Why didn't you go?"

"Exams next month. Better to study at home," Ava replied, her gaze still fixed on the book in her hands.

 Ibrahim's shirt now removed, exposing his upper body. He slowly approached Ava. 

She was sitting on bed, engrossed in her book—or at least pretending to be. His shirtless presence didn't go unnoticed by Ava, who continued to look at her book without reading.

"Did you tell Yasmeen that you won't be having dinner?" Ibrahim questioned, standing beside her.

Ava finally looked up but she quickly diverted her eyes as she didn't want to look his half exposing body. She stammered, " Y.... Yes, I told her."

Ibrahim sighed and fetched a weight machine from the room's corner. Placing it on the floor, he turned to Ava, "Check your weight."

"I don't have to check and I don't even want to." Ava dismissed the idea. 

"I told you to check your weight, Ava." Ibrahim pressed the matter.

Rolling her eyes, Ava shot back, "Then wear something. Don't roam around without clothes."

With a sly grin Ibrahim raised an eyebrow. "Is my body not attractive? Seems like you're getting distracted; that's why you want me to wear something." 

Ava really got puzzled by Ibrahim's response, "You're so overconfident. I don't even look at your body."

"Then you shouldn't have any problem with my exposed body. Now check your weight." Ibrahim countered. 

 Growing frustrated, Ava rose from the bed and stepped onto the weight machine. The metallic clink echoed in the room as Ibrahim exclaimed, "47 kg! Really, Ava? You've lost more than 5 kgs in 20 days? And you say you won't take dinner?"

Ava stepped off the weight machine, defended herself, "Don't act as if you don't know what situation I've been through. I eat just to survive."

Ibrahim moved the weight machine aside with his leg and approached Ava, "Don't bring up the same topic again. I'm going to freshen up, and then we'll go for dinner." 

Ava crossed her arms, "I'm not hungry. I won't eat." 

Ibrahim began to articulate a response, but Ava cut him off, "Yes, I know what you'll do now. You'll threaten me, that if I don't do this you'll do this or that, huh. Am I not right, Mr. Ibrahim?

Ibrahim took one step closer to Ava, "Yes, you know me well."

Ava too instinctively took a step back. But Ibrahim continued to advance until Ava's back met the cool surface of the wall. In the imposing presence of his half-exposed, muscled body, Ava appeared little. He placed his hands on the wall, creating an enclosing barrier around her.

Ava quickly placed her hand over her mouth, ready to defend against any untoward intentions Ibrahim might have. Ibrahim couldn't help but smile and his gaze locked onto her.

But a knock on the door interepted them. Yasmeen's voice floated in, "Sir, the dinner is ready and Mrs. Aliya told Samir sir are waiting for them at the table." 

Ibrahim sought her opinion, "What should I tell? Should we join now, or should I ask Yasmeen to bring the tray to our room after 30 minutes?"

Furrowing her brows Ava lowered her hand from her mouth, "What will happen in 30 minutes?"

Ibrahim responded with a sly tone, "The thing we haven't done yet."

Ava's eyes widened in realization. She fumbled for words. 

"Yasmeen, We're coming in a few minutes." she instructed Yasmeen. 

"Okay, ma'am." Yasmeen replied from outside of the door. 

Inside the room, Ava wanted to push Ibrahim away from her but she hesitated. She didn't want to touch his half exposed body, "I thought you would be different after yesterday's proposal, but you're still the same. Just try to take every opportunity to come closer to me. Here I am, sad the whole day."

"Are you sad? Why?" Ibrahim smirked. He didn't expect that his proposal would make any effects on Ava. 

Ava caught off guard. She couldn't tell that she was sad because she was feeling kind of guilty by rejecting his proposal. Though she didn't love or like him, whole day she was feeling a kind of uneasiness. 

"I'm sad because... because I'm missing Elara." She scrambled for an explanation.

And mood shifted abruptly. Was it too much to accept that she was feeling sad because of him? He straightened his posture and withdrew his hands from the wall, allowing Ava to step aside.

 Ava asserted, "These tricks are old, Mr. Ibrahim Rahman. I won't be scared by you just being close."

Ibrahim sighed and walked toward the closet. He collected his clothes and headed to the washroom. Before opening the door he glanced back at Ava, "Then I'll find a new way."

Ava stood there, dumbfounded. She saw him went into the bathroom. Had she just dug a grave with her own hands? Now what he would do?