Chapter 76 : "And deep down, you want this too."

Ava attempted to voice her reservations, "Listen, Ibrahim, we can't go too far. It's not appropriate."

But Ibrahim countered her concerns, "We both know there's nothing wrong. And deep down, you want this too."

In a daring move, Ibrahim leaned in and pressed a tender kiss on Ava's neck. The heat of his lips sent shivers down her spine. Her breath caught and she could feel the fever in his kisses, a fever that only seemed to intensify the connection between them.

She managed to stammer, "Ibrahim, you have a fever. You should rest." Her voice quivered, and her body trembled slightly from the effect of his warm kisses.

Ignoring her words, Ibrahim continued to leave a trail of wet kisses along her neck. He strategically moved along the exposed areas of her neck where the fabric of her dress met her skin. His actions were a silent invitation, a dance of desire in the hushed atmosphere of the room. 

In response to Ibrahim's affectionate advances, Ava closed her eyes, surrendering to the whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Each moist imprint on her neck sent ripples of sensation through her body. Her nervous gulp echoed in the room as she grappled with the sensations flooding her senses. These sensations were too new for her. Ibrahim's warm touch left her both intrigued and anxious.

As Ibrahim's feverish body pressed against hers, Ava found herself gazing up at the ceiling, seeking solace in the neutral expanse above. She tried to resist. Placing her arms on Ibrahim's chest, she attempted to create a buffer between them. "Ibrahim, we shouldn't," she whispered.

But Ibrahim was in own world. He continued to trail kisses along her neck. His hands, now beneath Ava's back, pulled her even closer. And Ava's attempts to resist were gradually losing their strength like wax beneath a heated touch. 

His actions became more intense; he began to suck on the skin of her neck, leaving behind a series of love bites. Every inch of her skin became a new chapter to him, and it felt like he was reading with great concentration.

Ava again closed her eyes and gripped his shirt tightly. Her breaths quickened, and she murmured, "Ibrahim, we should stop here." 

But her pleas seemed unheard. Ibrahim continued marking chapters on her skin. Ava tilted her head to the right for comfort. But this decision offered Ibrahim more space to explore. His lips traced the contours of her jaw. In an attempt to stifle any sounds, Ava bit her lower lip. 

Moving to a new territory, Ibrahim's lips found Ava's earlobe. He gently captured her earlobe between his lips. Ava instinctively clenched her fists, gripping his shirt more tighter. A soft moan escaped from her lips. 

Ibrahim smiled. He found the weak point. His lips revisited her earlobe once again and another moan escaped from Ava's lips. 

Whispering in her ear, he teasingly remarked, "You've been quite a distraction today, baby girl. Next time, I might just have to put a black tape on your mouth."

Ava's eyes widened as she looked at Ibrahim, who was still hovering over her.

"What have I done?" she asked, her words escaping in a hushed tone.

Ibrahim shifted to lay beside her, facing the ceiling. His deep breaths resonated in the room as he processed her words, "You stopped me three times today."

Ava's brows furrowed. Looking at the ceiling, she murmured, "Shameless man." They were both laying on the bed side by side. 

And Ibrahim's smile widened. It's been days that he hadn't heard "Shameless Man" from Ava. Turning his head towards Ava, Ibrahim noticed the faint red marks on her neck, "Baby Girl, you need to use a scarf now."

Ava was surprised, "Why?"

He gestured with a finger towards her neck. Ava blinked confusedly and rose up from the bed. Approaching the mirror, Her mouth fell open as she discovered the red marks on her neck. The evidence of Ibrahim's affection was scattered across her skin. The imprints were not harsh but left a gentle, rosy trail. Each one had a unique shape.

Ava traced her fingertips over them, feeling a mix of sensations—shyness, excitement, and a hint of possession.

She turned towards Ibrahim and exclaimed, "What have you done?" 

Ibrahim sat up on the bed, "Just left my mark, baby girl."

Ava blushed by his words. She tried to cover it up by throwing a couple of perfume bottles toward him, "Ibrahim, you're shameless!"

But he caught the perfumes with a playful smirk, "Guilty as charged."


Rafi Ahmed stormed out of the courtroom, frustration etched across his face. The divorce trial had not gone well, and the weight of the accusations Sophia had hurled at him hung heavily inside his mind. 

Yusuf, his 'loyal' assistant, trailed behind him, attempting to provide some semblance of comfort, "Don't worry, sir. We will win the case. Your divorce won't happen."

Rafi clenched his fists in anger, shot back, "Now I want the divorce. I can't live with Sophia. Did you see how many false accusations she made against me?"

"It's not unusual, sir. Lawyers often use false accusations to strengthen their case. Sophia hired a renowned divorce lawyer.... and they played dirty." Yusuf explained. 

Rafi abruptly stopped, turning to face Yusuf, his frustration evident. "Hire another lawyer, do whatever it takes, but make sure my case is stronger."

Yusuf nodded, "Yes, sir. I'll look for another lawyer. Don't stress too much."

Rafi resumed his determined walk, he vented his frustrations to Yusuf. "What haven't I lost? My reputation, my status, and now I can't even think about joining politics. One scandal has destroyed everything in my life."

The sun cast long shadows in the parking lot. Rafi and Yusuf walked towards his car. In the meantime, Sophia, donned in a stylish ensemble and sunglasses, sauntered towards them, her confidence apparent in every step. 

Sophia's voice cut through the tense air, "Impressive performance in there, Rafi. Your lawyer did an excellent job today." She taunted, a subtle smirk playing on her lips.

Rafi's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing, but he restrained himself from responding.

But Sophia continued her verbal assault, "It must be hard for you, isn't it? Facing the consequences of your actions."

Yusuf attempted to calm Rafi, "Sir, let's not engage. We'll find a way to counter this legally."

But Sophia wasn't finished. She provocatively added, "I hope you've considered how this will affect your political aspirations. Scandals and politicians don't mix well."

 Rafi was now visibly infuriated, "This is your doing, Sophia. You want to ruin me completely, don't you?"

 Sophia continued to push his buttons. "Don't get angry, Rafi. This is just the beginning. I want my kids and a fair share of the properties we bought together."

Though seething with frustration, Rafi managed a humorless chuckle. "You won't get anything. I'm not giving you custody of our kids, and those properties are mine. Those properties are not for negotiation."

"I contributed to buying those properties. It's not just your money that went into them. It's my right to claim a share." Sophia pressed on. 

Rafi's tone grew sharper as he retorted, "Your contribution was minimal, and you know it. I won't let you take away everything from me."

Sophia's words cut through the air like a knife, "You thought cheating on me was a game? Well, Rafi, get ready to lose everything – your kids, your money, and your precious properties. You don't deserve any of it, you cheater."

Rafi's anger surged like a tidal wave. His face contorted with frustration. In a fit of rage, Rafi raised his hand, ready to deliver a resounding slap. But Yusuf swiftly intervened, holding Rafi back. He warned, "Sir, there are CCTV cameras everywhere. We can't afford more controversies."

Sophia winked at Rafi and provocatively stated, "Now you're not just a cheater but also a wife beater. This will look great in court, won't it?"

As Sophia walked away, leaving Rafi seething with anger, the realization dawned on him. She had come to provoke him, to gather more evidence for her case. The plan had worked, and Rafi was left standing in the parking lot, grappling with his fury.

Unable to contain his rage, Rafi directed his anger towards the nearest object, kicking the tire of his car with a force that echoed his frustration.