Chapter 77 : The Second Victim.

The morning sun struggled to pierce through the clouds, casting an unusual gloom over Kuala Lumpur. In the midst of this atmospheric disturbance, Mahi found herself abruptly woken by the relentless clamor of the doorbell. Racing to answer it, she swung the door open to a sight that immediately intensified her concern – Noor stood on the doorstep, her face stained with tears.

Mahi queried anxiously, "What happened? Why are you crying, Noor?" 

Without uttering any word, Noor entered their shared apartment, wiping away the tears. Her gaze fixed on Zeba's closed bedroom door. Her distressed plea echoed through the apartment, "Open the door, Zeba, open the door."

Mahi's confusion increased and she pressed Noor for an explanation, "Noor, what happened? Tell me something."

Noor wiped her tears, "Many things happened, Mahi. You can't even imagine." 

In the meantime, Zeba finally opened the door. And the situation escalated. Noor delivered a resounding slap to Zeba, catching her off guard. The impact reverberated through the room, and Zeba crumpled to the floor, stunned by the force of the blow.

The loud slap reverberated, leaving Zeba's cheek throbbing with pain. She knew the reason behind Noor's anger – the same reason she herself was a victim of. Noor questioned Zeba accusingly, "Why didn't you tell anyone when you received the video?"

But Zeba remained silent. She lowered her gaze. On the other hand, Mahi was still confused. She implored Noor, "What video? What are you even saying?"

With a heavy heart, Noor responded, "Ask Zeba. She's the first victim. Now Mahi and Farah will also fall victim to Prof. Syed, just like Zeba and me. He has our showering videos and is blackmailing us. If we don't comply, he'll upload them on the internet."

Mahi's brows furrowed as she struggled to comprehend the shocking revelation. How could Prof. Syed, their mentor, stoop so low? The realization hit her like a bomb, leaving her bewildered.

"How did Prof. Syed get our showering videos?" Mahi asked Noor

"I have no idea." Noor replied. 

Mahi pressed on, "What is he telling you to do?"

And Zeba finally broke her voice, "To sleep with him."

Noor disclosed the grim reality, "Now, I'm the second victim, and the third will be Mahi, and the fourth will be Farah."

And Mahi sat on the floor with a thud. There was a pin drop silence. She couldn't understand what do now or what to say.

 "Why didn't you tell us when you received the video? We could have done something if we knew earlier," Noor questioned again.

With a hint of sarcasm, Zeba shot back, "What about you, Noor? Did you do something when you received the video? Did you tell anyone?" 

This response left Noor momentarily silent. She recalled the moment she received the video – it wasn't a moment to share with anyone. 

Meanwhile, Mahi asked a crucial question, "Will Prof. Syed threaten me too?"

"Yes, be ready for that." Zeba mocked. 

Mahi expressed disbelief, "I can't believe Prof. Syed would stoop this low."

 "Are the cameras still in the bathroom?" Noor asked Zeba.

Zeba reassured them, "No, I detached those cameras."

Mahi sought guidance, "What should I do? I don't want this."

Noor suggested a drastic measure, "What about Farah hacking Prof. Syed's laptop and phone to delete all the videos?"

"Do you think he only has those videos on his laptop and phone?" Zeba asked.

Noor bit her lip and admitted, "I don't know."

"Can't we report him or something?" Mahi spoke up. 

"He threatened to upload the videos if we don't comply. Going to the authorities might make things worse." Zeba replied. 

Noor got more frustrated, "He's using our fear against us."

Zeba raised another concern, "Even if we delete the videos, what's stopping him from recording more?"

"Is there no other way? Can't we go to the police?" Mahi asked. 

Zeba hesitated, "I fear he might have covered his tracks well. Going to the police without solid evidence could backfire."

Mahi pondered, "Who could even attach those cameras?"

Noor suggested a possibility, "Could it be Jessica? She recently stayed in our flat for a few days."

Mahi, considering the option, questioned, "Jessica? But she's our classmate. Why would she do something like this?"

Zeba added, "And we don't have any proof. Prof. Syed is messaging us from different numbers and we can't trace him."

Noor shared her own encounter, "When he called me in the hotel, he took my phone from me. There's no option to record his voice either."


The day unfolded as a serene canvas for Ibrahim and Ava in Malacca. The weather was pleasant, and Ibrahim, fortunately, didn't have a fever, allowing them to explore with vigor.

Their first stop was Famosa Fortress. It was an iconic structure to the city's rich history. The fortress, built by the Portuguese in the 16th century, served as a defensive bastion during the colonial era.

From there, they ascended to St. Paul's Church, perched on a hill. It offered panoramic views of the city. The church, once a burial ground for nobility, echoed with tales of a bygone era.

Wandering through the vibrant streets, they reached Christ Church, a vibrant red building nearby, greeted them with its Dutch influence. Constructed in the 18th century, the church's iconic facade and interior reflected the enduring legacy of Malacca's diverse cultural heritage.

Their journey through time continued at the Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum, where they delved into the captivating history of the Peranakans, descendants of Chinese immigrants who settled in the Malay archipelago. The museum's intricate exhibits showcased the unique blend of cultures that defined the Peranakan lifestyle.

The night descended and they found themselves along the serene banks of the Malacca River. The city lights danced on the water, creating a mesmerizing reflection. The soft melody of the river blended with distant urban sounds, offering a serene backdrop to their night.

Walking hand in hand, Ibrahim and Ava soaked in the tranquil atmosphere. The riverbank was adorned with old-world charm, illuminated by antique street lamps that cast a warm glow. Couples strolled by, sharing quiet moments, and distant laughter echoed through the night.

"Ibrahim, this place is truly enchanting. I never expected Malacca to be so beautiful at night. This place is truly magical." Ava expressed her appreciation. 

With a genuine smile, Ibrahim replied, "I'm glad you like it, Ava. Your happiness means the world to me. There's something special about the city's energy at night."

As they strolled by the water's edge, Ava fidgeted with the scarf around her neck. The fabric felt restrictive, and she couldn't shake the discomfort it brought. She adjusted it repeatedly, attempting to find a balance between concealing the love bites and easing her unease.

She turned to Ibrahim, "I had to wear this scarf just for you today, and it's driving me crazy."

Ibrahim teased, "Well, I wouldn't mind giving you more marks like that."

Ava rolled her eyes, "Ibrahim, you can't be serious. I won't let you give me more marks like that. It's crossing a line."

Ibrahim chuckled, "Didn't I say yesterday that there should be a line between us?"

Ava hesitated, "But..."

Ibrahim interrupted, "But what, Ava? You want to set the boundaries, yet you enjoy when I push them. That's the contradiction you are, and I love it."

Ibrahim's words echoed in her mind and Ava fell into a momentary silence. She was feeling exposed as if Ibrahim had uncovered all her hidden secrets. The picturesque surroundings, usually a source of comfort, now felt like a stage for the unfolding drama of her emotions.

She felt torn between the desire to share her feelings with him and the fear of disappointing Elara, her protective brother. Her internal struggle left her with a peculiar sensation – her hands felt full yet strangely empty.

It was like she stood at the edge of a metaphorical well. Taking one step inside, and she risked falling into the profound depths; taking one step outside, and she would be ensnared in the muddied uncertainties. Each path felt equally precarious, leaving her in a state of uncertainty.

Drawing in a deep breath, Ava admitted to Ibrahim, "I don't know what's happening with me. I can't think straight."

Ibrahim gently squeezed her hand while walking, "There's no rush. I only want to do what you want. Don't let Elara dictate your decisions."

Ava nodded and decided to shift the conversation, "Are we returning to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow?" 

"What about the day after tomorrow?" Ibrahim asked. 

Ava replied, "No problem." She halted in her steps, her ears catching a faint sound, almost lost in the night's gentle whispers. She turned to Ibrahim and asked, "Did you hear that?"