Chapter 132 : "killing is the simplest solution."

Farah took a deep breath, "How do you cope up after a crime? How do you find peace after knowing you've done something wrong?"

Ibrahim removed his sunglasses and studied Farah for a long moment. And he realised Farah was really waiting for his answer. She didn't ask the question just like that.

Ibrahim began, "In this world, there are no easy answers, no clear lines between right and wrong. Sometimes, the things we do, the choices we make, are necessary evils. They are the price we pay to maintain order, to protect what we value most."

He continued, "They say God is everywhere. But He can't be everywhere at the same time. That's where we come in, the ones who do the dirty work, who ensure that justice is served, even if it means staining our hands in the process. There's no guilt, no sleepless nights. Only the satisfaction of a job well done. Every action, every choice, is a calculated move in a grand game. Morality is a luxury we in the darkness cannot afford. Though there are no direct answer to your question. The guilt, the regret, it becomes a part of you, a constant companion. But you learn to live with it. You learn to compartmentalize, to push it down deep where it can't consume you entirely."

He paused, his gaze distant as if lost in memories. "As for peace, that's another luxury not often afforded to those who walk this path. You find solace in the moments of joy, in the loyalty of those who stand by you, even in the knowledge that your actions, however harsh, were necessary."

"I... I did something bad recently," Farah confessed, "To another girl. I can't sleep, the guilt is eating me alive."

"Killing is the simplest solution. You don't have to face the consequences, the burden of their existence. It's a clean slate, a peaceful sleep guaranteed - one time solution. Destroying someone without taking their life leaves them with the opportunity to retaliate, to cause you further pain." Ibrahim replied simply.

"I don't want to be a killer. I just... I just wanted her to understand what she did wrong, to feel the pain she inflicted." Farah whispered.

Ibrahim tapped his fingers rhythmically against the car window, "There are two options. Either you learn to live with what you've done, or you embrace the darkness and keep hurting people by torturing of by killing. The more pain you inflict, the easier it becomes to forget the first."

Farah stared at him, her eyes wide with horror, "Who should I hurt? Whom should I kill?"

Ibrahim's lips curled into a predatory smile. "Look around you, Think, Observe. The world is full of people who deserve what you gave Jessica. Perhaps, a little more 'justice' will ease your conscience. Choose wisely."

 Ibrahim's chilling words, "Look around you, Think, Observe," echoed in Farah's mind, each syllable dripping with a poisonous intent.

Farah could only manage a curt nod before pushing open the car door. Ibrahim's guard, who was waiting outside the car till now, slid behind the wheel and started the engine, the car pulling away without another word exchanged.

As Farah walked back towards her apartment building, the weight of the encounter settled upon her like a suffocating fog. His words had planted a seed of doubt, a seed that threatened to blossom into something sinister.

Had he truly brainwashed her? Was he planting a seed of violence in the fertile ground of her guilt? Or was he simply revealing a darkness that already existed within her?

Meanwhile, inside the car, Ibrahim watched the bustling streets of Kuala Lumpur unfold before him. A predator's glint flickered in his eyes, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. He knew his carefully crafted words wouldn't fall on deaf ears. He knew Farah would act on it. He was certain that Farah would succumb to the darkness he had nudged her towards.

And he knew exactly who her target would be.

Ibrahim adjusted his sunglasses, the reflection of the city lights glinting off the lenses. He was born to be a monster, and now, he had taken the first step in creating another. The world would soon witness the birth of a new darkness.


The Opulent Haven shimmered under the night. Atop its highest rooftop, bathed in the soft glow of the moon, stood Ibrahim. He leaned casually against the railing, his eyes scanning the approaching road, a glass of champagne held loosely in his hand. The golden liquid reflected the city lights like scattered diamonds.

Clad in a tailored tuxedo, its fabric the color of midnight, he exuded an air of effortless elegance. The moonlight reflected on the shiny black cufflinks decorating his clean white shirt, and a small diamond pin decorated his jacket, giving it an elegant and subtle touch of luxury.

The rooftop itself was a masterpiece of transformation. Gone was its usual daytime persona of bustling helipad and cocktail lounge. In its place, a haven of intimacy had been created. Lush greenery cascaded down the sides of the rooftop, creating a sense of seclusion. String lights, strung between strategically placed poles, cast a warm, inviting glow, their soft luminescence dancing in the gentle night breeze.

The centerpiece of the scene was a dining table for two, draped in a flowing white tablecloth. A single spotlight cast a soft beam onto the table, highlighting the exquisite details. White roses bloomed in a crystal vase at the center of the table, their fragrance mingling with the scent of the night-blooming jasmine vines that twined around the nearby trellis. Two crystal wine glasses stood empty beside the covered dishes and empty plates. A single bottle of wine rested beside them. 

As Ibrahim watched, a sleek black car pulled up to the hotel entrance. His eyes narrowed slightly in anticipation. A moment later, Ava emerged from the vehicle. 

Moments later, the elevator doors of the rooftop slid open, revealing Ava in all her glory. She wore a stunning maroon dress that hugged her curves perfectly, a slit running high up her thigh, showcasing her toned legs. The dress accentuated her fair complexion.

Ava's eyes widened in surprise as she took in the breathtaking scene before her. She saw Ibrahim standing amidst the magical setting, his gaze fixed on her with a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Ava approached Ibrahim, "This is all a bit much, isn't it?" she inquired.

Ibrahim, his gaze fixed on her, chuckled softly. "Why not? It's your birthday, after all. Happy birthday once again, Baby Girl. You're officially twenty-four now."

Ava's lips curved into a grateful smile. "Thank you." 

He reached out, his hand gently enveloping hers. With a slight tug, he guided her towards the beautifully decorated table. He pulled out a chair, gesturing for her to sit.

"Acting like a gentleman?" she teased, settling into the plush seat.

Ibrahim placed another chair beside hers, choosing to sit beside her instead of across the table, "Who said I'm not?"

"Hmm," Ava hummed, "But gentlemen don't kill people, like you do with Rafi's guards."

The playful banter vanished, replaced by a heavy silence. Ibrahim's jaw clenched for a brief moment, a flicker of annoyance crossing his features. He took a deep breath, forcing himself to relax. He didn't want to talk in this matter especially in her birthday. He wanted to have a peaceful dinner, a peaceful night. But Ava came with a topic so he couldn't just avoid. 

"That's my business," he replied, "Things I have to do."

Ava's gaze softened, a hint of sadness creeping into her eyes. "What about their families, Ibrahim?"

Ibrahim sighed, reaching for his champagne flute and swirling the golden liquid within. "Compensation was provided. One family received a substantial sum, and the other, a job for a woman in a clothing brand. Everything is settled."

He reached out, his fingers brushing against hers. "But why bring this up now, Ava? It's your birthday. Let's talk about us."

Ava remained unconvinced. She let out a heavy sigh, "There are some things I can't simply accept. It's like trying to believe that 2 + 2 equals 5. No matter how hard you try to convince me otherwise, the truth remains. You takes lives."

Ava squeezed his hand. Despite the darkness that clung to him, there was a warmth in his touch that she couldn't deny. It was a warmth that both comforted and terrified her at the same time. 

In that moment, Ava was a paradox. The love she felt for Ibrahim burned bright. It was a love that defied logic, a love that thrived in the forbidden, a love that danced on the precipice of danger.

She loved him with all her heart, a heart that ached with the knowledge of his crimes yet couldn't seem to let go. It was a love story as complex as it was heartbreaking, a love story where beauty intertwined with brutality, and devotion wrestled with disillusionment.

Sensing her tension, Ibrahim stroked her cheek with his other hand. "Baby girl," he murmured, "please don't let this ruin your day. I just want to see you happy."

He reached for his phone, his movements slow as he selected a song. The soft strains of a slow, romantic melody filled the air, filling the space with a melancholic sweetness. With a gentle tug on her hand, he stood up, his eyes pleading with hers.

"Come here," he whispered. 

Ava, caught in the web of his touch and the intoxicating melody, hesitantly rose to her feet. Her hand remained firmly clasped in his.

As the music continued to play, Ibrahim gently placed Ava's hand on his shoulder.

"I want to create memories with you, Baby Girl."