Chapter 133 : Dancing under the moonlight.

As the music continued to play, Ibrahim gently placed Ava's hand on his shoulder.

"I want to create memories with you, Baby Girl." 

Ava frowned, a flicker of confusion crossing her features. Was he suggesting a dance? For a moment, she stood frozen, unsure of how to respond. The idea of dancing with him had never even crossed her mind. Yet she found herself unable to resist the unspoken invitation.

"Just follow my lead," Ibrahim told, "Don't need to be so tense."

Ibrahim intertwined his fingers with hers slowly. His other hand rested lightly on the small of her back, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. The touch was familiar for Ava yet electrifying. He held her loosely, allowing her enough space to move yet keeping her close. 

🎵 Let the world see, let them know

There's no crime in letting love grow

Everyone makes mistakes, it's true

But loving you, I'd do it all anew

Why must love be a burden to bear?

Why must this fire be deemed unfair?

Life's a journey, meant to explore

Let me love you, and ask for nothing more🎵

As the music swelled, Ibrahim began to sway, his movements slow and deliberate. Ava followed his lead, her body naturally falling into rhythm with his.

 🎵 Talking to myself can't fill the void

Love's the air that makes my soul enjoy

A must-have melody, a rhythm so sweet

Love's the missing beat my heart needs to meet

Why must love be a burden to bear?

Why must this fire be deemed unfair?

Life's a journey, meant to explore

Let me love you, and ask for nothing more 🎵

Ibrahim twirled her gently, her maroon gown swirling around her like a fiery blossom, catching the moonlight in fleeting glimpses. Her long hair, unbound and free, started to dance too. As she twirled, her laughter mingled with the music, a sound as sweet and pure as the air.

🎵My heart beats for you, a rhythm untold

Even if it's wrong, it feels like gold

This love's a truth, a feeling so deep

Let me hold you close, while the world falls asleep 🎵 

A tender smile played on Ibrahim's lips, reflecting the love and adoration he felt for Ava. Then he surprised her with a dip, his strong arms holding her securely as he lowered her. As he slowly brought her back up, their gazes remained locked, the unspoken language passing between them more potent than any words.

🎵 Why must love be a burden to bear?

Why must this fire be deemed unfair?

Life's a journey, meant to explore

Let me love you, and ask for nothing more 🎵

The music reached its crescendo, a final flourish that mirrored the rising emotions within them. As the last note faded, Ibrahim held Ava close, their foreheads resting against each other. His arms wrapped around her were a safe haven. They stood there, enveloped in the silence, the echo of their shared dance resonating in the stillness of the night.

🎵 Like a bird yearning for the open skies

My love for you soars, with tears in my eyes

Open the doors, let our love take flight

Together we'll find, the truest light 🎵

Ibrahim leaned in further and kissed on Ava's forehead. Pulling back slightly, he gazed into her eyes, he whispered with his deep voice, "I'm lost in the depth of your eyes and I have no desire to be found." He paused, his thumb gently tracing the curve of her cheek. "In the midst of my life's chaos, you became my sunshine, my calm, and my reason to smile." His voice softened further. "You're the book I can't put down, the fragrance I can't forget. Even the rainbow can't be magical as your smile. Happy Birthday, Baby Girl. Happy Birthday once again."

Ava listened to him with closed eyes. They remained in a tender embrace, lost in their own little world, the city lights twinkling like distant stars.

"How many times will you wish me happy birthday?" Ava teased, a playful glint in her eyes when she finally opened them.

Ibrahim chuckled, "As many as my heart desires. "But perhaps, a single, heartfelt gift might speak louder than a thousand wishes. Tell me, if I offer you a present now, would you accept it?"

Ava knew why Ibrahim was asking before giving a present - the pendent he had gifted her when he proposed, a token that she had never worn due to her unreciprocated feelings at the time. Now, things were different. "Give me what you have," she said softly.

Relief softened the intensity in Ibrahim's eyes. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a small, velvet jewelry box. Ava's eyes widened in surprise as he opened the box, revealing a breathtaking bracelet nestled within. The luxurious platinum band shimmered under the soft light, adorned with delicate diamonds that danced like captured stars.

Ibrahim gently took her hand and carefully fastened the bracelet around her wrist. The cool metal felt smooth against her skin, the weight of the diamonds a luxurious reminder of his affection.

"It's beautiful," she breathed.

Ibrahim leaned in, his lips brushing her ear. "Not more beautiful than you, my love," he murmured. "And I would be honored if you wore it every day, every moment."

Hours had melted away as Ava and Ibrahim savored a romantic dinner on the rooftop. Ava had chattered about her day, her friends, her plans for the upcoming trip. While for most men, such mundane details might have elicited disinterest, for Ibrahim, they were precious treasures. He cherished every word, every inflection, storing them away like precious gems in the vault of his heart.

Now it was 2 AM.

Ava, nestled in the plush comfort of the hotel room, drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile, Ibrahim sat alone on the couch. He cradled Ava's phone in his hand. His brown eyes gleamed with a focused intensity.

He wasn't getting any sleep. Sleep was a luxury he couldn't afford tonight. Ava had to leave for trip soon. The timing of the bus was 4 at the dawn. 

And Before that, he had a multitude of tasks to complete, all meticulously planned to ensure Ava's safety during her upcoming university trip.

One of those tasks involved updating the software he had previously installed on Ava's phone. It had started as a simple location tracker, a way for him to keep a watchful eye on her movements. But tonight, he was taking things a step further.

He was installing a new, more sophisticated program. This one wasn't just a tracker; it was an insidious eavesdropper, capable of recording every conversation that took place within the phone's vicinity, even when not in use.

A satisfied smirk played on his lips as the installation bar finally reached 100%. With this new weapon in his arsenal, Ibrahim could listen in on her conversations, track her movements, and become an invisible presence in her life, all without her knowledge or consent.

The final piece of the puzzle lay in Langkawi Forest itself. He had established connections, cultivated informants within the very resort where all the students were to stay.


In the pre-dawn hours, as the sun had yet to grace the sky, Kuala Lumpur University lay shrouded in a blanket of darkness, the coolness of the air embracing the surroundings. In front of the grand entrance, an air-conditioned bus stood patiently, its engines purring softly, ready to whisk a group of excited architecture students away on a trip to the Langkawi Forest. It was 4 am - perfect time to embark on this journey and avoid heavy traffic. Students and professors started gathering, some already present while others were expected to join.

A taxi pulled up to the curb, its headlights momentarily piercing the darkness. Zeba and Farah emerged. Elara followed closely behind on his bike. He stopped beside them, offering a helping hand with their luggage as they stowed it away in the bus's storage compartment.

With Zeba settled inside the bus, Farah and Elara found themselves alone for a few precious moments before the departure. Farah leaned against Elara's bike, the cool air sending goosebumps erupting across her skin. Elara, noticing her subtle tremble, his heart twisted with concern. He crossed his arms, his gaze lingering on her for a moment before his eyes landed on her exposed arms.

"Miss beautiful, isn't it cold? You're only wearing a sleeveless blouse." Elara asked.

Farah rubbed her hands together, a sheepish smile gracing her lips. "I didn't think it would be this chilly. Winter seems to be creeping in earlier than usual."

Shaking his head gently, Elara removed his blazer and draped it over her shoulders. Farah smiled gratefully, clutching the blazer close to her body.

"Did you pack the dried fruits I bought for you?" Elara inquired.

Farah nodded, "Yes, they're safely tucked away in Zeba's hand carry."

Elara, satisfied, patted her head gently. "Don't forget to eat them on the journey, and stay hydrated. I hope you have an amazing time,"

Farah couldn't help but playfully tease, "Oh, what a caring boyfriend I have!"

The quiet moment between Elara and Farah was shattered by a sudden clearing of the throat. Samir materialized beside them, his presence unwelcome and unexpected. Elara's brow furrowed, his dislike for the man evident in his narrowed eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned, his voice laced with suspicion.

Samir offered a casual smile. "I just brought your sister-in-law's luggage," he explained. "Ibrahim and Ava were coming directly from the hotel, and Ava's things were still at our mansion. So, I thought I'd drop them off."

Elara's frown deepened. "Hotel? Why are they coming from a hotel?"

Samir shrugged nonchalantly. "Celebrating Ava's birthday, you know. They had a special dinner."

Elara's gaze flickered towards Farah, his blood starting to boil. He knew Ava disliked celebrating her birthday but she was celebrating with Ibrahim! The mention of a special dinner reeking of extravagance sent a surge of anger through Elara. He couldn't fathom why Ava would agree to such a celebration. 

Sensing Elara's rising temper, Farah reached out and grasped his hand, a silent plea for him to control his emotions. The subtle gesture did not escape Samir's watchful eyes. His own hands clenched into fists within his jacket pockets, a surge of jealousy and frustration coursing through him. He had tried everything to break this couple apart, but their bond seemed unbreakable.

The sight of Farah effortlessly calming Elara with a single touch was a constant reminder of his failure. He craved that kind of connection, that unwavering devotion.

"I'll kill your brother one day," Elara growled. 

Samir met his gaze, "No one has been born yet who can kill Ibrahim. If anyone can do it, it's Ibrahim himself."

Unwilling to engage in a pointless argument with Samir, Elara averted his gaze. His eyes then fell on a car parked a short distance away. It was Ibrahim's. They had been so engrossed in their conversation that they hadn't noticed the couple's arrival. 

But the sight that greeted Elara sent a fresh wave of fury coursing through him. Inside the car, Ibrahim was passionately kissing Ava...