Chapter 134 : "Why don't you just leave Ava?"

Unwilling to engage in a pointless argument with Samir, Elara averted his gaze. His eyes then fell on a car parked a short distance away. It was Ibrahim's. They had been so engrossed in their conversation that they hadn't noticed the couple's arrival. 

But the sight that greeted Elara sent a fresh wave of fury coursing through him. The windows were rolled up slightly, offering a glimpse into the intimate tableau playing out within. Ibrahim was passionately kissing Ava.. Their bodies were pressed close, their movements leaving no room for doubt that they were close. Farah's surprise painted itself across her face, her mouth slightly agape. On the other hand, Samir averted his gaze. Witnessing such an intimate moment between his brother and sister-in-law felt like an intrusion.

The sight struck Elara like a physical blow and his mouth slightly opened. It was a betrayal of the highest order. His mind reeled, struggling to reconcile the image before him with everything he thought he knew. "What the hell are they doing?" he roared. The question, though directed at no one in particular. 

Elara had always harbored suspicions about Ibrahim's true intentions towards Ava, but this scene confirmed his worst fears. The image of his sister, seemingly willingly submitting to the man he considered a monster, filled him with a primal urge to protect her, even if it meant unleashing the full fury of his anger.

He couldn't believe his own eyes. Ava the one who had confided in him, who had sworn there was nothing between her and Ibrahim, was now kissing Ibrahim. How could Ava lie to him? Was everything she had said a lie?

He lunged forward towards Ibrahim's car. But before he could take another step, Farah's hand clamped onto his arm, "Don't go, Elara. They'll come here soon. There are so many students and professors. It'll create a scene. Don't do anything." 

Elara's body still tense with barely contained rage. He forced himself to stop and turned towards Samir. Elara wanted to scream, to unleash a torrent of accusations and threats. But the words stuck in his throat, choked by the sheer magnitude of his anger.

He pivoted back to Farah, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and betrayal. "Farah. Do you know about this? Were you both making a fool out of me?"

Farah, her gaze filled with a deep sadness, swallowed hard. There was no point in denying it anymore. "I knew about them, Elara," she confessed. "And I knew this would be your reaction, so I didn't share anything."

Elara's world seemed to crumble around him, "I never thought I could be betrayed like this By you..... the woman I love so much. I never thought... you didn't leave anything left to do now."

Meanwhile, Ava emerged from the car, a bright smile gracing her lips. Her smile faltered, however, as her eyes landed on Elara, Farah and Samir standing a few feet away. The surprise on her face was evident and a silent signal from Samir confirmed her worst fears - Elara had witnessed the kiss.

Panic surged through her, but before she could react, Ibrahim's hand grasped hers, "Don't need to be afraid of anyone when I'm with you."

With Ibrahim by her side, Ava walked towards the bus, her steps faltering under Elara's burning gaze. As they approached, the tension in the air grew thick enough to cut with a knife. Elara's gaze burned into Ava. He looked at Ibrahim, his jaw clenched tight, and then back at Ava, his voice laced with disappointment, "It seems my little sister has grown up quite a bit. So much so that she's become adept at telling lies."

Ava stammered, "Elara, I'm..... I .. I'm sorry. I didn't want to hide it from you any longer....."

"When were you planning to tell me, huh?" Elara roared. He lunged towards Ava but Ibrahim stepped forward, his tall frame forming an imposing barrier between Elara and Ava. His movements were almost silent. Ava clenched Ibrahim's hand tightly while hiding behind Ibrahim.

"Careful, Elara," Ibrahim warned, "You're talking to my wife. I won't tolerate anyone, not even her brother, speaking to her harshly. If you have a problem, take it up with me."

Just as the tension threatened to erupt further, Professor Syed approached the group. "Come along, children," he addressed Ava and Farah. "The bus is about to leave."

However Prof. Syed's gaze lingered on Ibrahim for a moment. There was an unmistakable intensity in their eye contact. It was as if an old animosity that neither had forgotten nor forgiven. A deep-rooted enmity was there between them. It was evident that there was a mutual hatred.

Most of the students had already boarded the bus, leaving only Ava and Farah outside. Farah reached out and gently took her hand, guiding her towards the bus door. Ava turned back for one last glimpse of Ibrahim. She couldn't explain herself why, but it was as if her intuition whispered that something terrible was about to unfold sooner or later.

"Wait a minute, Farah." Ava broke free from Farah's grasp and rushed back towards Ibrahim. Without a word, Ava threw her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. Momentarily taken aback by the unexpected gesture, Ibrahim slowly wrapped his arms around her. 

Elara could just see the scene before him with open mouth.

"I'll miss you." Ava murmured.

Ibrahim, his gaze flickering towards Elara who watched the scene with narrowed eyes, rubbed Ava's back in a comforting gesture.

"I'll miss you too, baby girl," he replied. 

Their exchange was brief only for some seconds. As Ava pulled away, a bittersweet pang shot through her. She turned and boarded the bus. She didn't even had the courage to face Elara. Farah and Professor Syed following close behind. 

Ibrahim watched as they boarded, his eyes fixed on Ava's retreating figure until she disappeared inside the vehicle. Professor Syed, noticing his unwavering gaze, met his eyes with a steely glint of his own. Their gazes locked, a silent battle of wills unfolding in the space between them.

The bus engine roared to life, pulling away from the curb and leaving the three men behind. The last vestiges of its red taillights faded into the dawn...

Elara broke the silence, "Why don't you just leave Ava?"

"Leaving Ava?" Ibrahim turned towards Elara, "That thought has never crossed my mind, Police Officer."

Elara's already simmering anger exploded. He lunged at Ibrahim, his fingers digging into Ibrahim's collar, "Ava doesn't deserve a man like you!" he roared, "I'd rather choke you to death and spend time behind bars than see her trapped in your cage!"

Samir rushed to intervene. "Elara, we're in the middle of the road!" he exclaimed.

But Elara, consumed by rage, ignored him. He tightened his grip on Ibrahim's collar, his eyes blazing with hatred.

Ibrahim, however, remained surprisingly calm. He met Elara's gaze with a chilling indifference. "Don't hold him back, Samir. Let him loose all that anger he have been harboring. Show me just how much wrath you possess, Elara."

Samir was bewildered by Ibrahim's nonchalant demeanor, looked from Elara's contorted face to Ibrahim's unsettling smile, unsure what to do.

Before he could utter another word, Elara's fist met Ibrahim's jaw, a sickening crack echoed in the still morning air. Ibrahim's head snapped back momentarily; he didn't even attempt to dodge the blow.

Elara unleashed a barrage of blows on Ibrahim. He was a skilled police officer trained in hand-to-hand combat, unleashed the full force of his training. His fists rained down on Ibrahim's face and torso, each strike fueled by protectiveness towards Ava. Blood trickled down Ibrahim's temple, staining his cheek, but he remained unyielding. A right hook connected with Ibrahim's temple, sending a jolt of pain through his skull. A left jab landed squarely on his nose, drawing a sharp gasp and a blood stain that quickly spread across his face.

Despite the onslaught, Ibrahim remained rooted to the spot, his arms hanging limply by his sides. He absorbed each blow, his jaw clenched tight, his eyes burning with a cold, controlled fury. He was a storm brewing beneath a calm exterior, his silence speaking volumes of his simmering rage. Punches landed on Ibrahim's solar plexus, kidneys, and ribs, eliciting sharp gasps of pain despite his attempts to remain stoic. The stitches on his left hand reopened once more and it sent fresh waves of throbbing pain through his arm. 

Ibrahim remembered Ava's words, her plea for him not to lay a finger on Elara, no matter the provocation. 

**"Don't you dare lay a finger on Elara, Ibrahim. I tolerate everything – your… possessiveness, Elara's taunts. If you have a complaint, tell me. I'll drink it like poison. But don't you dare hurt Elara, not even for me...If I started to list what he's done for me as a brother, the list wouldn't end. He's my only family, Ibrahim. Remember that. And he has every right to scold me, to make me happy, to make me sad. I've given him that right, as a brother deserves."** - Ava's words echoed in his mind. 

Ibrahim fought the urge to retaliate, his hands tightly gripping and releasing at his sides, torn between seeking vengeance and maintaining his self-imposed restraint.

"Elara, stop it! You're going too far!" Samir exclaimed while trying to stop Elara.

But Elara landed a powerful kick on Samir's stomach, sending him sprawling to the ground with a groan. Samir wasn't prepared for the sudden attack.

"Don't hurt my brother!" Ibrahim finally roared, "This is between me and you, Elara!" He wasn't defending himself, but his concern for Samir flickered through his stoic facade.

Elara sneered at Ibrahim. "You're getting hurt just by seeing your brother get a kick. Then just imagine what I went through when you kidnapped Ava."

Samir, struggling to get up, looked at Ibrahim pleadingly. But Ibrahim simply shook his head, a silent signal for him to stay back.

With a guttural roar, Elara landed another blow, this time aimed at Ibrahim's stomach. The impact sent a jolt of pain through Ibrahim, forcing him to let out a low growl. Despite his strong physique, he was not immune to the onslaught. Elara's relentless punches, fueled by his pent-up emotions, started to wear him down. His muscles tightened, his breaths grew shallow, and the pain reverberated through his entire being. 

Witnessing the relentless assault on his brother, Samir's own rage simmered. Blinded by the urge to protect Ibrahim, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small, folded knife – a relic he always carried for unforeseen circumstances. His fingers tightened around the cold metal. The knife was bathed in the golden light of dawn....