MOONFLOWER Middle School.

That was the name of Neoma's current school. It was a private school known for its excellence all over the country. Not as prestigious as the Royal Moon Academy, but still had a good reputation for being a good school with smart students.

[Mona chose a good school for Neoma.]

"Nikolai-ssi, our Neoma isn't a violent kid."

That was what Mona said while they were walking in the hallway leading to the faculty room.

It looked like his wife was worried about what he might think about their daughter.

"I know that, yeobo," Nikolai said, smiling at his wife. "Neoma wouldn't beat up a classmate without a reason. I'm not condoning violence. But, sometimes, it's necessary to straighten up someone."

Mona sighed while shaking her head. "Nikolai-ssi, just please keep your mouth shut later. I'll do the talking."

"Do you not trust me, yeobo?"

"No, not when you can buy this entire school with just one word," his wife said sternly. "Don't abuse your power and authority as a chaebol."

He couldn't help but laugh softly at what Mona said. "Yeobo, do you know that our son watches your drama? Now he has this ridiculous idea of what a chaebol family does. He even asked me the other day if my father has an illegitimate child that he's hiding."

Mona blushed as she avoided his teasing gaze. "I know I exaggerated the qualities of the chaebol families in my drama. But most of you are obnoxious and seriously out of touch with reality."

Of course, his wife would know.

[After all, she had to deal with my parents for many years.]

"You're doing great, yeobo," Nikolai said genuinely. "I'm also a fan of your drama."

"Thank you," his wife said, obviously shy. Then she cleared her throat and changed the topic when they stopped in front of the faculty room. The doors were closed, but they could hear loud voices from the inside. "We're here–"

"Did you grow up like that because you don't have a father?!"

What the…?

The loud and angry voice came from a man probably around Mona and Nikolai's age.

"That voice sounds like Mr. Kang," Mona said, obviously upset. "He's the father of the child that Neoma allegedly beat up."

Nikolai knitted his eyebrows when the realization hit him. "Then is that bastard yelling those hurtful words at our daughter right now?"

His wife didn't say anything, but the hurt in her eyes was enough of an answer.

Something inside Nikolai snapped.

He opened the door without a warning.

The sight that greeted him immediately caused his blood pressure to rise.

[Why the hell are those teachers just watching a grown man yell at a child?!]

"Of course, a single mother can't possibly raise a decent child," Mr. Kang, the man who looked like just a little older than Nikolai and Mona, continued running his mouth while pointing a finger at Neoma. "This is why it's important for a child to have a father! If I were your father, you wouldn't end up like the delinquent that you are!"

Mona cursed under her breath. "That bastard…"

His wife rarely cursed, so that only meant that Mona was really angry.

Nikolai was just as mad as his wife.

After all, Neoma looked like a mess– her hair unruly, her uniform dirty, and her beautiful face full of scratches.

[Who dared to hurt my daughter?!]

Nikolai was about to confront the bastard who kept yelling at Neoma, but then Neoma suddenly opened her mouth.

"Then I'm glad you weren't my father, Mr. Kang," Neoma said politely. She was using formal speech, but her gaze and tone were very disrespectful. "First of all, I wouldn't have possibly been born this beautiful if you were my father."



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