NIKOLAI suddenly forgot why he was angry because of Neoma's sarcasm.

If the situation wasn't serious and intense, he would have laughed already. And he wasn't the only one who thought the same.

Mona also calmed down instantly, thanks to their daughter's witty remark.

Even some of the teachers were obviously holding back their laughter.

"And it's not like you did a great job raising Phoebe, Mr. Kang," Neoma continued with her polite yet impolite retort. "Your daughter's fatherless behavior is worse than mine."

Mr. Kang's face turned red from anger. "You cheeky brat–"

"My mother raised me well, sir," Neoma said, cutting off the old man sharply. "My mother taught me to stand up for myself, and so I did. It's your daughter who bullied me and not the other way around, Mr. Kang. She only whined and cried because she didn't expect me to fight back this time."

The young female student, who must be Mr. Kang's daughter, stepped in. "You broke my nose when you hit me with that ball in the face!"


Nikolai realized that the other student's condition was worse than Neoma's.

After all, the kid had a bloodstain on her school uniform and her nose looked crooked.

"You deserve it," Neoma said to her classmate indifferently. "We avoid poop not because we're afraid of it, but because it's disgusting. And that's exactly why I just ignored you before. But you crossed the line this time, Phoebe Kang. Did you really think I would just sit back and let you bully the other kids?"


Needless to say, Nikolai was impressed by how Neoma stood up for herself when the teachers around her acted like decorations.

Then he remembered the past.

[Right. When Neoma became an idol, she got embroiled in a bullying scandal because of what happened during her middle school days.]

This might be the incident that caused the future Neoma to be painted as a bully.

[I need to fix this so this incident won't harm Neoma in the future.]

Hence, Nikolai immediately rushed towards Neoma.

"How dare you run your mouth in front of an adult?!" Mr. Kang yelled, raising his hand. "An impudent child like you must be taught a lesson you'll never forget!"

Nikolai grabbed the bastard by the wrist. "How dare you?"

Mr. Kang turned to him– no, he actually had to look up at Nikolai since he towered over the short bastard.

"Who are you?" Mr. Kang asked, frowning. "Don't you know who I am?!"

"I don't know who you are, but I bet you know who I am," Nikolai said, pulling out his wallet and business card with one hand. He wanted to throw the card at Mr. Kang's face, but he held back because he didn't want people to gossip about Neoma having an arrogant father. "I'm Nikolai Moon, the President of the Moonasterion Electronics."

There was no one in Korea who didn't know the name of the company that produced the best phones, laptops, and home appliances such as TVs and home theaters in the market.

[Even the TV and the laptops I see in this room are made by my company.]

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the Moonasterion Group was the pillar of Korea's economy.

[Well, one of the pillars since the other chaebol families would complain if they heard me.]

Mr. Kang, who suddenly went pale upon recognizing Nikolai, gulped before speaking. "W-What is the president of the Moonasterion Electronics doing here…?"

"I'm here because my daughter is being accused of bullying," Nikolai said, letting go of Mr. Kang's arm before facing Neoma. His heart sank once again after seeing his daughter's awful state. "My daughter, are you alright?"


Nikolai ignored Mr. Kang's mumbling.

He focused on his daughter.

Neoma looked shocked, as if she couldn't believe that he was there.

"Baby, are you alright?" Mona, who rushed to Nikolai's side to check on their daughter, asked worriedly. "Should we bring you to the hospital?"

Neoma, who finally realized that she wasn't dreaming, looked at Nikolai and Mona back and forth. Then she grinned and gave them a double thumbs up. "I'm okay now that both Eomma and Appa are here."


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