"WE'RE very sorry, President Moon," the principal said nervously. Yes, the principal himself came out after hearing that the president of Moonasterion Electronics was there. "We will reinvestigate this unfortunate incident thoroughly. And we can also open a school violence committee if you want, President Moon."

"Opening a school violence committee is too much," Mr. Kang complained timidly. "My daughter will be graduating soon. It will leave a stain on her school record if you do that!"

"Then maybe your daughter shouldn't have bullied her schoolmates, Mr. Kang," Mona said firmly. "If it was up to me, then I'd like your daughter to be expelled so she wouldn't even think about hurting my daughter. Unfortunately, that isn't for me to decide."

Mona then turned to Neoma before Mr. Kang could even respond.

"Neoma, baby, what do you want to do?" Mona asked their daughter carefully. "You and your hoobae are the victims here, so you have the right to decide how you'd like to be compensated."

Nikolai nodded encouragingly. "If you want to open a school violence committee, just say so, Neoma. We'll make it happen. If you want to sue Mr. Kang for verbally assaulting you, just say so. I'll contact my lawyer right away."

"Oh," Neoma said, then she looked at her hoobae before turning to Nikolai and Mona. "Then what we want is…"



"NIKOLAI-ssi, can you take Neoma home? I need to go to the police station."

"I don't mind," Nikolai said, then he turned to Mona with a worried look on his face. "But we can accompany you to the police station, yeobo."

Right now, Nikolai and Mona were in the parking lot while waiting for Neoma who went to the school clinic to have her wounds cleaned.

They offered to go with their daughter, but Neoma said no.

According to their daughter, their presence would only put pressure on the school nurse.

Nikolai and Mona didn't want to make a fuss in their daughter's school more than what they had already done, so they backed down.

"Is Neoma not aware of what happened to your café?" Nikolai asked carefully. "Do you want to keep it a secret from our daughter?"

"It's not like I wanted to hide it from Neoma," Mona said. "I just don't want her to hate your parents more than she already does if she finds out that your parents are behind this mess."

"But it's alright for Neoma to hate my parents since they deserve it."

At this point, Nikolai's connection to his parents was already half-cut.

[If they can't respect Mona and my children, I have no reason to hold onto them.]

"I don't want Neoma's hatred for your parents to get extended to you, Nikolai-ssi," Mona said, looking at him with warm eyes. "You're doing a good job as a father– so I want you to use this opportunity to gain Neoma's full forgiveness."


He was touched to hear that from his wife.

"Do I deserve this opportunity, yeobo?" Nikolai asked carefully, a tinge of fear evident in his voice. "I know I haven't done enough to make it up for abandoning you for the past few years. But even if I'm already years late, I still want to fulfill my duty as Neoma's father. I'm not just sure if I'm doing it right."

"You're doing a good job, Nikolai-ssi," Mona assured him softly, giving him a warm and genuine smile. "Please continue taking care of our children."

Ah, that beautiful smile.

That was the smile that made Nikolai fall in love with Mona all over again.


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