Getting to know Ultron




As Wanda and her brother Pietro were walking through the devastated streets of Sokovia, something unexpected happened. Wanda felt a strange sensation, as if a wave of dark energy had invaded her body, causing her to stop abruptly. Her heart began to beat faster, and a shiver ran down her spine.

"Did something happen, Wanda?"

Pietro asked, concerned for his sister.

"I feel a bad energy coming from that church"

Wanda said, pointing her finger at the church in front of her.

"But that church has been abandoned for many years. No one has entered it since we were children"

Pietro said, looking at a completely destroyed building.

Wanda looked at her brother and spoke.

"I can't explain it, but it seems like there's someone inside."

She then suggested:

"Maybe we should go take a look."

Recognizing his sister's curiosity, Pietro chose to accompany her to confirm if there really was someone inside.

"Let's go"

Pietro said.

As they approached the entrance of the church, Pietro noticed that his sister was holding a photo. Intrigued, he asked.

"Why are you holding his photo?"

Pietro pointed at the picture.

"Well, considering that he's the only hero who didn't join the Avengers... I thought maybe he could help us"

Wanda said, trying to hide her curiosity about Spider-Man.

"Well, if you say so. But that's strange"

Pietro muttered, taking a pause before continuing.

"Why would anyone come here? This church has been abandoned for years."

As they entered the church, they noticed the presence of someone sitting in a chair in the dark. Wanda approached the individual next to her brother and spoke.

"So, it was you emitting that negative energy."

Wanda inquired with a serious tone.

"Did you know that this church is right in the center of the city..."

Said the unknown person, still sitting in a wooden chair, with only his arm visible, before continuing.

"Priests' requirement so that everyone would be equally close to God, I liked that geometry of belief..."

Observing that Wanda was trying, unsuccessfully, to read his mind, the stranger said.

"You must be wondering why you can't read my mind."

"Sometimes it's not so easy, sooner or later, all men reveal themselves as they truly are..."

Wanda retorted.

As soon as Wanda spoke, the stranger stood up, revealing himself as Ultron. The robot that Stark had created, but now he was in a new body.

Upon seeing who the stranger was, Wanda and Pietro backed away.

"Yes, most change..."

Ultron said as he approached the siblings, before continuing.

"But you needed more than just a simple man, so you allowed Stark to take the scepter."

"I didn't expect..."

Wanda said, pausing briefly before continuing.

"However, I saw fear in Stark's eyes, I realized that fear would consume him, leading him to self-destruct."

"Humans always create what they fear..."

Ultron said as he began to walk, before continuing.

"Men of peace create weapons of war, invaders form Avengers, humans create... Oh, smaller beings, children! I forgot the word for a moment. Yes, children, created to succeed them, to lead them to their ultimate destiny."

"So, is that what you were created for?"

Pietro asked while looking at Ultron, and his sister added.

"Did you come to destroy the Avengers?"

"I was created to save the world, but also... I'm here to destroy them"

Ultron said, turning in Wanda's direction.


30 minutes later...

10:30 PM

Peter was at the top of the room, sitting on a couch that had been occupied by Clint just a few minutes ago. He could hear the chatter of the other team members gathering downstairs. He held his phone in his hand while calling his aunt.

"Hello, Aunt May?"

Peter said, getting up from the couch and moving to a quieter place.

"Peter, where are you?"

his aunt asked from the other end of the line, with a tone of evident concern in her voice.

"I'm still here at Mr. Stark's tower, Aunt"

Peter replied, trying to reassure his aunt.

"But I heard the party is over"

Aunt May questioned her nephew.

"Well, I received an internship offer from Stark Industries, and my first day starts tomorrow"

Peter declared, trying to persuade his aunt.

"Peter, you're not lying, are you?"

May asked from the other end of the line.

"No way, Aunt May. When have I ever lied to you?"

Peter responded as he paced back and forth.

However, May was not willing to easily accept Peter's story. She knew how skilled her nephew was at creating excuses to hide things.

"Peter, you know very well how important it is for me to know the truth. I don't want you getting into trouble"

May insisted firmly.

Peter sighed and looked around the room, searching for Tony Stark, who was in the midst of a meeting with other Avengers members. He was caught in a dilemma: whether to tell his aunt the truth and risk revealing his secret identity as Spider-Man or try to find a way to calm her concerns without involving Tony Stark.

"I need to be sure this is true; pass the phone to Tony Stark"

May said, somewhat suspicious of everything her nephew had said.

"But, Aunt, he's in a very important meeting right now"

Peter said, trying to change the subject.

Natasha, in her Avengers uniform, appeared on the upper floor where Peter was talking to his aunt on the phone.

"Any issues with your aunt?"

Nattasha asked, with a serious but understanding expression.

Peter sighed, concerned about the situation.

"Yes, she's somewhat suspicious about me receiving the internship offer from Stark Industries. She wants to talk to Mr. Stark, but Tony is busy at the moment."

Nattasha nodded.

"I understand her concern, but I can talk to her and confirm that it's all true. She would trust one of the Avengers, right?"

Peter reluctantly agreed, feeling relieved.

"Yes, I'm sure she would trust you."