
Nattasha took the phone from Peter's hand and began to talk to May.

"Good evening, Mrs. Parker"

Said Nattasha, changing her tone of voice.

"Good evening, who am I speaking to?"

May asked, her voice somewhat concerned by the sudden switch.

"This is Nattasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow. I'm here with Peter at the Avengers Tower, and I can assure you that everything he said is true. He really received an internship invitation from Stark Industries, and his first day is tomorrow"

Nattasha tried to maintain a calm and reassuring tone while explaining the situation to May.

May hesitated for a moment, but Natasha's confident voice reassured her.

"I see, but what about his things?"

"Later, I'll ask Stark's driver to pick up his things from there. Don't worry"

Nattasha said calmly and serenely.

"Thank you for taking care of my nephew. Could you please pass the phone to him?"

Nattasha nodded, even though May couldn't see it, and then handed the phone back to Peter, maintaining the reassuring smile.

"Peter, your aunt wants to talk to you"

Nattasha said as she handed over the phone.

Peter took the phone and brought it back to his ear. His voice still trembled with nervousness as he said.

"Aunt May, see, I told you."

May sighed with relief on the other end of the line.

"Peter, as soon as your internship is over, I want you to come straight home. No hanging around in the streets, understood?"

Peter smiled, feeling a great weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Aunt May, I promise I'll be careful."

May, hearing those words from her nephew, felt her heart calm even more.

"That's all I ask, my dear. Take care, and remember that I'm here for you no matter what happens."

Peter hung up the phone and looked at Nattasha with gratitude in his eyes. He was still getting used to the idea of being at the Avengers Tower and having Black Widow as an intermediary in a conversation with his aunt. It was all so surreal.

"Thank you, Miss Natasha. You just saved my life"

Peter said, still smiling.

Nattasha nodded, placing her hand on Peter's shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"You're a good kid, Peter. Just so you know, our flight leaves in half an hour, and I count on your presence. If you're not there, you know what will happen"

Nattasha said with a serious look and a threatening tone.

Peter felt a shiver run down his spine at Natasha's subtle threat. He knew Black Widow wasn't joking, but at the same time, he was grateful that she had talked to Aunt May.

"Don't worry, Miss Natasha, I'll be on that flight on time"

Peter replied, still somewhat scared.

Nattasha nodded in satisfaction, removing her hand from his shoulder.

"I'm glad to hear that, Peter. Now, go get ready. And just a quick question, did you make this suit yourself?"

Peter looked down at his homemade Spider-Man costume, feeling a bit embarrassed. He never expected someone like Black Widow to be interested in his suit.

"Well, actually, I made this suit myself"

Peter confessed, scratching his head.

"It's kind of simple, I know, but it gets the job done."

Nattasha examined the suit with some curiosity, her trained eyes capturing every detail that most people wouldn't notice.

"Hmm, not bad for an amateur job. You've got talent, kid"

Nattasha commented as she assessed Peter's suit design.

"Do you have any plans to improve it or make it more functional?"

"If Mr. Stark helps me, who knows?"

Peter replied playfully, earning a laugh from Nattasha.

"Considering how stingy Tony can be, I have my doubts"

Nattasha replied, laughing.

"You can tell."

Peter and Nattasha continued their conversation, and then they headed outside the tower, where the sunlight reflected off the Quinjet's metallic surface. With its doors open, the aircraft appeared ready to take off at any moment. With a mutual nod, they boarded it, their footsteps echoing in the empty interior of the vehicle. Once inside, Tony turned to Steve, his eyes meeting those of Nattasha and Peter. He opened his mouth to speak, his voice filled with a seriousness rarely seen.

"Are you really planning to take this kid... into our fight against Ultron?"

Tony said, his tone somewhat agitated.

Steve Rogers, Captain America, who was standing next to Tony, intervened with his usual calmness. He knew that Peter had proven his worth and deserved to be there.

"Tony, you've seen what he can do. He's strong, his reflexes are excellent, and his combat skills are impressive. Plus, he's already faced tough situations before"

Steve argued.

Tony sighed, running his hand over his face and looking at Nattasha, who nodded in agreement with Steve. Peter remained silent, letting the two leaders discuss his role in the mission.

"All right, you guys know best."

"What do you think about an apology?"

Steve asked, looking at Tony.

"No, absolutely not, I didn't do anything wrong"

Tony said with a serious look, glancing at Steve who was beside him.

"If you say so."

Tony and Steve continued to exchange tense looks for a few more seconds before Steve finally broke the silence.

"Tony, I know our dynamics haven't always been perfect, but we're all here for the same reason: to stop Ultron from causing more destruction. And Peter is a valuable ally, and he deserves our trust"

Steve explained with empathy in his voice.

The Quinjet cut through the skies, leaving the Avengers Tower behind. The silence inside the aircraft was palpable, each of the occupants immersed in their own thoughts and concerns. Tony Stark was focused on adjusting the Quinjet's weapon systems, while Steve Rogers looked outside, lost in his thoughts about the upcoming battle against Ultron.