Infiltration Plan



Tony was completely focused on the task of locating Ultron. He was surrounded by computer screens, codes, and holograms projecting real-time maps and data. Tony knew that time was crucial, as Ultron was currently posing a threat to everyone.

At this moment, Steve Rogers and Maria Hill arrived in the control room of the tower, entering via the elevator. As they ascended the metal stairs leading to the third floor of the base, Steve maintained a serious expression, while Maria Hill carried a tablet containing some information about Ultron's recent activities.

"He's all over the world"

Agent Hill said, with a serious expression, before continuing her explanation.

"We've received reports from people who claimed to have witnessed robots entering and leaving robotics laboratories and weapon depots, emptying the locations and disappearing shortly after."

Steve looked at Agent Hill, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

"Any casualties?"

he asked, concerned about the safety of civilians.

Maria responded with a calm demeanor that reflected her experience in dealing with such situations.

"Only when they tried to stop them. Most were left in a trance, talking about old memories, nightmares from the past, and something so fast they could barely see it."

"The Maximoff twins?"

Steve inquired as he climbed the stairs.


Agent Hill replied, also ascending the stairs.

"It makes sense for Ultron to go after them; they have something in common."

Steve expressed his opinion as he reached the third-floor ground.

"They had."

Agent Hill, following closely behind, made a brief statement.

"They did."

She handed Steve a tablet containing a photo of Baron Strucker dead in a cell and a message written in his blood:


Steve nodded with seriousness, understanding the urgency of the situation.

"We need to find Ultron and stop him as soon as possible before he becomes an even greater threat."

Upon arriving on the third floor of the base, Steve turned to get Clint's attention. Clint was a bit further away, talking on the phone.

"Barton, we have updates"

Steve said, calling his friend's attention before continuing.

"I have to go."

Clint whispered as he hung up the phone.

"Who were you talking to?"

Steve asked, somewhat curious.


Clint replied as he approached Steve.

20 minutes later...

After everyone gathered in the control room, Steve, with a serious expression, walked toward Thor, who was in the center of the table. He held a tablet in his hands and handed it to the God of Thunder.

Thor looked at it confused and asked:

"What is this?"

Steve, standing next to Thor with crossed arms, spoke with a serious expression.

"Ultron killed Strucker and left a message at the crime scene for us."

Natasha, who was sitting in a chair, spoke without taking her eyes off the monitor in front of her.

"This is becoming a smokescreen."

"Why would he send us a message right after threatening us?"

Natasha turned and directed her gaze at Steve.

"Strucker possibly knew something that Ultron wanted to keep from us, so Ultron chose to silence him"

Steve said, looking at Natasha.

Steve then turned and walked toward Tony, who was busy analyzing some information on a screen.

"Tony..." Steve asked as he approached him.

"Have you found any leads on Ultron's whereabouts?"

Tony, immersed in his analysis, responded without taking his eyes off the screen.

"I think I found something. He's using his own communication network. I'm trying to hack into that network. Once I trace the signal's origin, we can go there to investigate."


2:30 PM - Tuesday

After a month of relentless searching, filled with trial and error, the Avengers finally had a breakthrough. They managed to trace a precise location that led them to a cargo ship anchored at the African coast dock. This ship was no ordinary vessel; it belonged to Ulysses Klaue, a criminal and arms dealer in the black market. During their investigations, they discovered a vital clue: Ultron would likely seek out Ulysses to negotiate the vibranium stock he had stolen from Wakanda.

As the team approached the estimated location, Tony, Nat, Bruce, Peter, and Steve gathered in the aircraft's control room to discuss the action plan.

As the Avengers' aircraft approached the cargo ship, they could see activity on the deck. Armed men guarded the perimeter, and it was evident that Ultron was inside the ship, negotiating with Ulysses Klaue.

"We've arrived"

Tony announced as he landed the aircraft at a somewhat discreet point on the ship.

"Wow, my first mission with the Avengers"

Peter said excitedly as he looked out the jet's window.

Peter continued to observe the scene with a mix of excitement and nervousness. After all, this was his first real mission with the Avengers, and the responsibility was enormous. As the infiltration group prepared to disembark from the aircraft, Tony gave Peter some final instructions:

"Kid, remember what I told you. Stay close to us and follow our orders. And no impulsive moves, got it?"

Peter nodded in agreement, understanding the intention behind Tony's words. He was aware of the mission's importance and the danger many people would face if something went wrong.

With the infiltration group ready, they quietly disembarked from the Quinjet and began to move through the ship, avoiding initial contact. Steve led the ground support team, preparing to intervene if anything went wrong. Thor watched closely; his hammer ready to be thrown at any moment.


Klaue stood inside a cabin, a serious expression on his face as he watched through binoculars his henchmen tirelessly carrying boxes of weapons and ammunition. Sweat trickled down their faces as they moved the heavy cargo, all destined for a lucrative future sale.

However, his attention was abruptly interrupted by the shrill sound of the phone on his desk. Klaue let out a brief sigh, setting aside his binoculars and walking toward the phone.

He picked up the phone and answered with a serious voice.


On the other end of the line, a person responded with a trembling voice.

"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Klaue."

The mercenary listened attentively, his gaze growing increasingly serious as the conversation continued.

"I don't care if your men fooled you"

Klaue retorted, his voice growing more intense.

"I sent you six heat trackers. And what do I get? A damn ship full of junk."

"How about this?"

Klaue asked, maintaining a serious tone in his voice.

"Either you present me with a good offer, or the next missile I send your way will be so fast you won't even notice when it hits you."

Klaue hung up the phone rudely on the desk.