The Confrontation

Right after hanging up the phone, Klaue, with an expression of fury, was overcome by a wave of anger and without thinking twice, he swept his arm across the table, sending everything crashing to the floor with force.

"Damn it, damn it... how did those idiots manage to steal my merchandise?"

Klaue muttered, his voice filled with anger and frustration. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to calm himself.

At that moment, an electrical malfunction occurred, and everything turned dark. Klaue realized it wasn't a simple power failure but rather someone attempting to infiltrate the ship. With extreme caution, he made his way to his weapon, which had fallen to the ground during his fit of rage. As he picked up the weapon, he saw a shadow dart quickly across his field of vision. He tried to shoot, but something incredibly fast not only dodged the bullet but also snatched the weapon from his hand.

"Well, look who we have here... the enhanced ones"

Klaue said calmly, looking at Pietro and Wanda.

"The mesmerizing-eyed girl and her speedster brother"

Klaue added ironically, taking a seat before continuing.

"Care for a sweet treat?"

Klaue remained seated in his chair, observing every move of the enhanced siblings. He knew he was at a disadvantage and was well aware of their abilities, but he tried to maintain his composure.

"You two really know how to make a dramatic entrance, don't you?"

Klaue taunted, shaking his head.

"But let's get straight to the point. What do you want here?"

Klaue inquired, looking at the Maximoff siblings.

"If you were trying to intimidate me, unfortunately, it didn't work"

he added mockingly.

"And from what I can see, you two aren't in charge."

Klaue continued to stare at the siblings.

"And I only speak... to the man in charge."

At the exact moment Klaue uttered those words, a robotic figure emerged from behind him. This was Ultron, who suddenly appeared, his imposing and dominating presence filling the entire space. With a swift and powerful motion, Ultron extended his hand and shattered the glass behind Klaue. The sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the room, and shards flew in all directions. Without giving Klaue time to react, Ultron grabbed him by the neck and threw him away with surprising strength.

Ultron began to walk in the direction Klaue had been thrown.

"There is no man in charge"

Ultron said seriously, crouching down before continuing.

"Shall we talk business?"


Meanwhile, inside the ship, Tony, Peter, and Natasha were approaching the area where the meeting was taking place. They could hear Ultron's voice but couldn't hear the conversation clearly as they were still a bit distant. As they got closer, they were able to hear the conversation more clearly.


While Ultron maintained his serious gaze in Klaue's direction, the mercenary began to compose himself slowly. He coughed and, with a discomforted expression, reached for his sore neck.


Klaue said, rising with some difficulty before continuing.

"But I only sell weapons and ammunition... you probably won't be interested in anything here."

Ultron remained impassive, revealing few emotions on his metal face.

"I don't need those outdated things"

Ultron replied, looking at Klaue.

"What I want is the stockpile of vibranium you stole from Wakanda."

Ultron said with a subtle smile, a smile that didn't reach his cold eyes.

"Vibranium, you say?"

Klaue murmured, choosing his words carefully.

"Well, my friend, you're in luck. I have exactly what you're looking for."

Ultron didn't react, just continued to watch Klaue closely.

"Follow me"

Klaue said, leading Ultron and the Maximoff siblings to a room hiding a secret door. At first glance, upon opening the door, all they saw were barrels containing toxic substances, nothing out of the ordinary. However, when Klaue pressed a button, an elevator revealed itself, descending to reveal a room where Ulysses kept his hidden stockpile of vibranium.

"Using this stone, I will build my church"

Ultron said, tossing the container containing the vibranium to Pietro.

"I obtained this at a high cost... a very high cost"

Klaue added, running his hand over his neck scar before continuing.

"This is worth billions."

"Great, now you're valuable too"

Ultron said, hacking into Klaue's account and transferring the funds to it.

"Now they're under your orange property"

Ultron continued, looking at Klaue and his henchman.

"Finances are complicated. But as I like to say, keep your friends and enemies rich, and you'll see who's who."

However, after Ultron uttered those words, Klaue and his subordinate couldn't help but look at Ultron with surprise.


Klaue said, looking at Ultron.


Ultron said, slowly turning his head in an intriguing manner, his eyes still fixed on Klaue, trying to understand what he had said.

"Tony Stark used to tell me those same words. You and him"

Klaue continued as he approached Ultron with a serious look on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Ultron said, with a serious expression on his face as he grabbed Klaue's arm.

"Do you think I'm one of Stark's puppets? Look at me. Am I Iron Man?"

Ultron expressed angrily, while, with a swift motion, he severed Klaue's arm.

"Don't compare me to Stark... Stark is a disease!"

Ultron said, kicking Klaue in the face, causing him to tumble down the stairs, completely dazed.

"Oh, Junior..."

Tony said, suddenly appearing behind Ultron, surprising him with his unexpected arrival.

Turning around, Ultron, who still had Klaue's arm in his hand, found himself facing Thor and Captain America.

"So, you're breaking Daddy's heart"

Tony Stark added, with a mix of disappointment and sarcasm in his voice as he observed Ultron.