
After a while of walking, Peter finds Thor standing, staring into nothing. He then approaches the God of Thunder and tries to wake him up, shaking him and calling his name, but it all ends up in vain.

"Thor, you need to wake up! This isn't real, it's an illusion"

Peter exclaimed, determined to bring Thor back to reality.

Realizing that everything he had done had no effect on Thor, Peter decided to seek help from the Avengers.

"Hello, anyone there?"

Peter says with a communicator in his ear.

After a few seconds of tense waiting, a familiar voice responds on the communicator:

"You can talk, this is Clint. What's going on?"

Said Clint from the other end of the line.

"Hey, Hawkeye, how's it going?"

Peter asked, almost forgetting the main focus.

"Everything's fine here, how about your side?"

Clint replied.

"It's a bit complicated here. The witch tried to invade my mind, but with my spider sense, she couldn't get anything. Unfortunately, she got Thor"

Peter said, turning his head to look at Thor.

"I think I might need something similar"

Clint said, laughing on the other end of the line.

Meanwhile, outside the ship, Tony Stark was still immersed in an epic battle against the villain Ultron. The confrontation unfolded in the midst of the sky. After hours of relentless combat, Tony was getting exhausted but didn't give up. The exchanges of blows were frenetic, with energy blasts, powerful punches, and deafening crashes echoing through the sky. The sound of metal colliding reverberated throughout the area, creating a symphony of destruction.

After much effort and an intense battle, Tony finally managed to bring Ultron down and disarm him.

"Give up, you can't escape"

Tony said, pointing his missile launchers at Ultron.

"First of all, I'm not even here anymore; this body is just another shell"

Ultron said, looking at Tony calmly.

"And second, how are you going to stop me when you'll be busy dealing with Dr. Banner?"

Ultron continued, with a mocking smile, as he pointed at the robots carrying the Vibranium stock.

Upon hearing this, Tony looked at Ultron with a face full of anger and without hesitation, fired a projectile that destroyed Ultron and headed in the direction where Banner or the Hulk might be. He had a new problem to solve.

Back with Peter, he went to where everyone was lying on the ground. Natasha dreamt of her training and tortures suffered to become a Black Widow, and Steve of the dance he never got to have with Agent Carter.

"Damn, what do I do now?"

Peter whispered with a somewhat worried expression.

"Go after them, kid"

Clint said as he put Natasha's arm over his shoulder.

"Are you sure?"

Peter asked, looking at Clint.

"I am, you can leave them to me; I'll handle it"

Clint replied, gently tapping Natasha's face in hopes of waking her up.

Peter looked at Clint and, with a subtle nod of approval, walked away.



Peter had just arrived outside the ship, where he found the Maximoff siblings. Wanda was sitting on a rock while her brother stood in front of her, trying to remove the webbing stuck to his hands.

Peter approached the Maximoff siblings cautiously and spoke.

"You can try as much as you want, but this webbing won't come off so easily."

Upon hearing that voice, Pietro turned, preparing to fight.

"It takes, at most, an hour to dissolve"

Peter said, raising his hands in a gesture of peace.

"I'm not here to fight"

Wanda, still suspicious, looked at the young hero and asked:

"Then what do you want?"

"I want to get you out of this path"

Peter said, looking at Pietro and Wanda.

"Why would you do that? You don't even know us"

Pietro said without lowering his guard.

"Because I'm just like you"

Peter said, removing his mask and showing the siblings that he was also young like them.

After revealing himself to the Maximoff siblings, Peter continued to hold his hands up slightly, showing that he didn't pose a threat. Wanda and Pietro exchanged looks of surprise and confusion upon seeing that he was young like them.

"So, you're the..."

Wanda started to ask with a curious look but was interrupted by Peter.

"Yes, I'm Spider-Man, strange, isn't it?"

Peter said, somewhat embarrassed, while letting out a brief laugh.

Pietro, still trying to remove the webbing from his sister's hands, asked with a tone of distrust.

"I thought you were older."

"No, I'm only 17 years old, and I haven't finished high school yet"

Peter said, looking at the Maximoff siblings before continuing:

"In fact, I wanted to tell you that there's still time for you to change sides."

"No, not until Tony Stark pays for everything, he did to us"

Pietro said, with a face full of hatred.

Peter took a deep breath before replying.

"I understand that you've suffered, but I want you to understand that seeking revenge isn't the solution to change the world. You can see the damage that Ultron is causing, and he's not the ally you imagine. If you continue on this path, the situation will only get worse. I also grew up without my parents and was raised by my aunt and uncle. Unfortunately, my Uncle Ben lost his life on the same day I gained these powers," Peter added, with a sad expression, remembering his uncle. "I know what I'm talking about. At some point, I stopped holding back my anger; I became bitter... It took a long time for me to overcome that darkness. But I did, and believe me, if I could do it, you can too."

"So why are you on their side?"

Wanda said, raising her voice a little.

Peter looked into Wanda's eyes, understanding the intensity of her emotions. He knew he needed to explain himself properly so that the Maximoff brothers would understand his position.

"I'd actually been kicked out, but they convinced me to come back and I ended up staying. I have a motto: sometimes it's good to think of others before you think of yourself."