The Hulk's lack of control

"Are you telling us to abandon our revenge and let Tony Stark escape unpunished?"

Pietro said, looking at Peter with a less hostile but still skeptical expression.

Peter shook his head, maintaining a calm tone in his voice.

"I'm not saying to forget what happened. I'm saying you can use your powers to make a difference in a way that helps people, without becoming villains. I know pain and anger can be powerful, but so can redemption."

Upon hearing those words, both Wanda and Pietro looked at each other.

"We all have choices, and that's what sets us apart from the villains we face. Revenge only perpetuates the cycle of destruction. But I can help you, if you want."

Peter said, crouching down and becoming the same size as Wanda.

"Let me take this off for you."

He said, dissolving the web fluid that was on Wanda's hands.


Peter continued, still crouched and looking at Wanda's face.

"Much better than waiting an hour for it to dissolve, right?"

He added with a slight chuckle.

Upon seeing that smile, Wanda couldn't help but give a faint smile as well, and she kept staring at Peter's face, somehow finding it very captivating.

Peter slowly stood up and looked Wanda in the eyes before continuing.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Wanda stared at him and replied with a gentle voice:

"Wanda, Wanda Maximoff, and yours?"

"Peter P..."

But before he could finish, Peter was interrupted by a powerful punch to the face from Pietro, sending him flying.

"Pietro, why did you do that?"

Wanda asked in concern, looking back to see Peter lying on the ground.

"It doesn't matter now. Let's go! Do you remember our mission?"

Pietro said, making a brief pause before continuing.

"The big guy."


Wanda replied, still looking shaken.

After getting confirmation from his sister, Pietro picked her up and carried her to the Quinjet, which was opening at that moment. When the aircraft opened fully, they saw Bruce inside, looking concerned.

Noticing his sister's hesitation, Pietro tried to encourage her with words.

"Come on, Wanda, just with this, they will understand what we've been through."


Wanda said, still hesitating, and she headed toward Bruce, who was too preoccupied to notice their presence.

Wanda cautiously approached Bruce and began manipulating his mind, causing him to turn into the Hulk. The transformation was almost instantaneous. Bruce's skin changed color to a shade of green, his muscles expanded, tearing his clothes, and his eyes gleamed with wild fury. He had become the Hulk.

Without wasting any time, the Hulk ran off at astonishing speed, leaving behind a cloud of dust. His destination? The nearest city. The successful transformation had been accomplished, but the consequences of this action were yet to be seen.

"We did it."

Pietro said, looking at his sister.


Wanda replied, still feeling somewhat down.

Wanda looked back to see Peter slowly getting up from the ground. Almost automatically, he crouched down and picked up his mask, which had been knocked aside by Pietro's punch. He put it back on, then looked at the two siblings and, immediately after, at the completely uncontrolled Hulk causing destruction on his way to the city.

"Do you realize what you've just done?"

Peter asked with a trembling voice, his concern evident as he gazed at the devastation caused by the uncontrollable Hulk approaching the city.

Pietro, still skeptical and seemingly indifferent to the consequences, responded coldly.

"We did what was right, and as Ultron said, it's easier to destroy you using yourselves."

"Can you just be quiet for a second, Speedster."

Peter said seriously, as he shot a web into Pietro's mouth. Pietro tried to remove it but couldn't.

"Now it's much better with your mouth shut; you're quite the poet."

Peter remarked.

Seeing this, Wanda became somewhat concerned for her brother.


"Seriously, it's nothing personal, but I don't want to hear your voice for the next few minutes, okay?"

Peter said, looking at Pietro and then starting to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

Wanda asked, curiously.

"Well, what do you mean? Can't you see there's a big green monster heading for a city full of people? Where do you think I'm going? I'm going there for a picnic."

Peter replied, with a touch of sarcasm and a slightly altered voice.

"But he's much stronger than you, you don't stand a chance against him."

Wanda said, looking at Peter with a worried expression before continuing:

"So why?"

"There's no why, it's what makes me a hero: putting my life on the line to save people."

Peter replied, now with a calmer voice.

"First, I always carry my motto: if I breathe, it means I haven't fallen yet, so it's still a fair fight."

Peter said, looking at Wanda with a determined gaze.

"And second, what's it to you? Why would you care?"

Peter continued, with a puzzled expression.

"Ah... well, and why I..."

Wanda tried to answer Peter but was interrupted by him.

"Never mind, forget it. I've already wasted too much of my time with you two... and don't forget, if you're willing to change, you can come to me, and you'll have my support."

Peter said, looking at Wanda and turning to Pietro, who was still trying to remove the web from his mouth.

"And you, Speedster, if you're calmer when I come back, maybe I'll take this web off your mouth."

Peter walks away and leaves the two of them alone, reflecting on their actions. Determined to avoid an even greater disaster, Peter propels himself forward with his web and launches himself towards a building, swinging himself over the city's skyscrapers. Wanda watches all this and ponders what he said to her about his choices causing even more destruction and death.

Peter caught sight of the Hulk in the street, destroying everything in his path. The sight was chaotic, even for someone like Peter, who had faced several villains in the past. But he knew he couldn't hesitate: innocent lives were at stake.