An Unexpected Request


After the conversation that took place among everyone and Nick Fury, the decision was made: they were going to invade the base where Ultron was hiding, with the goal of retrieving the body that the villain had created. While each one was preparing for the mission, Steve went to a corner of the room, picked up his shield from the floor, and strapped it to his back.

Steve began to walk slowly towards the exit of the house, his mind filled with thoughts about the mission they were about to undertake, when he finally encountered Tony, who was also heading out of the house.

"I intend to take Natasha and Clint with me"

Declared Steve, approaching Tony and accompanying him.

Suddenly, Peter unexpectedly appeared in the room and said:

"I'm going to join Captain on this mission."

Upon hearing that, Steve and Tony exchanged glances, expressing reluctance on their faces as they tried to find the right words to respond to the boy.

At that moment, Tony looked at Steve with a serious expression on his face. He began to consider the situation, aware that Peter's participation in the mission could entail additional risks. However, Peter was determined to prove his worth.

Steve looked at Peter and sighed, understanding the young man's motivation and determination to help. He knew that sometimes we're forced to mature faster than we'd like, especially in times of crisis.

"Kid, we've already discussed this, remember?"

Steve said, looking at Peter with a serious expression.

Peter maintained his steadfast gaze, staring at Steve with determination. He knew that this mission was his opportunity to show that he was more than just an inexperienced kid.

"I know, and that's why I decided to go with you"

Peter said with determination on his face before continuing.

"Captain, I know what I'm doing. I've already lost my uncle because of my mistake, and I couldn't forgive myself for it. That anger consumed me and made me want to deliver justice with my own hands. After I found myself again, I decided to become Spider-Man. I'm not what I am today because I think it's cool or fun, but because the only thing standing between safety and these people is me. As long as Spider-Man exists, I won't let anyone else die."

Upon hearing that, everyone present was deeply impressed by Peter's remarkable attitude, which showed courage and determination in the face of the situation.

"Are you sure about this, Pete? This mission will be dangerous"

Nattasha cautioned, expressing her concern for the boy.

Peter looked at Natasha with confidence and determination, responding to her concern with conviction.

"I'm sure, Natasha. I know it's dangerous, but I have to do it, and furthermore, I'm going to face Ultron alone this time."

"Okay, now you're exaggerating, kid. Do you remember what that guy did to all of us? Let me refresh your memory, he beat us up, and you're telling me you're going to face him alone?"

Tony asked, now with a more serious look.

"Yes, because I saw that you guys couldn't defeat him, so now it's my turn"

Peter replied, looking firmly at Tony.

Steve, curious, couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

Peter turned to Steve to explain why he was the right person to face Ultron.

"I have a little suspicion that Mr. Stark..."

Peter said, looking at Tony.

"Built Ultron using your fighting style, and that's where I come in; Ultron has no knowledge of my fighting style."

Steve and Tony exchanged looks, starting to understand Peter's perspective. The idea that Ultron might not be prepared to face someone with a completely different and adaptable fighting style intrigued them both.

"Uh, you have a point, but what's your fighting style?"

Steve asked, still evaluating Peter's proposal.

"I can kind of replicate what I see, how do you think I defeated all those robots and saved the civilians? It's because I copied your moves when I saw you on TV"

Peter explained with enthusiasm, demonstrating unwavering confidence in his abilities.

Peter believed that this ability was his advantage against Ultron since the villain had no knowledge of his unique and adaptable fighting style, making him an unpredictable opponent.

Steve and Tony exchanged looks again, impressed with the boy's cleverness.

Tony, still concerned about Peter's safety, retorted:

"Alright, kid, you're coming, but if something goes wrong, I want you to go home, no questions asked. Understand?"

Peter nodded seriously, understanding Tony's concern and accepting the condition.

"I understand, Mr. Stark. You won't regret it."

Steve, seeing Peter's determination and confidence, also offered his support.

"Well, if you're willing to face Ultron and believe you can make a difference, then we'll have you by our side. But remember, safety comes first."

Now, with the team composed of Steve, Tony, Nattasha, and Clint, they prepared for the mission. Peter was the only one missing, as he had returned to the Quinjet to retrieve his suit, so the team would be complete.

"Try to avoid any conflicts. This mission is just for reconnaissance. Once I gather some data in the Nexus, I'll meet up with you"

Tony said as he walked alongside Steve.

"If Ultron is really building a new body..."

Steve began, making a brief pause that Tony completed.

"He'll be much stronger than any of us. Who would have thought? An android being built by a robot."

Steve just looked at Tony and nodded before saying.

"I still miss the time when I was the only weird thing science created."

After Steve said those words, Nick Fury appeared.

"I'll leave Dr. Banner at the tower, and if anything happens, only you contact me"

Nick said, putting on his black coat and looking at Tony and Steve.

"Would you mind if I took Miss Hill with me?"

Nick continued, now looking at Tony.

"You can take her and all of yours. As always."

Said Tony, in a sarcastic way that didn't go unnoticed by Nick.