Clash of Ideals

Nick Fury cast a discerning look at Tony, recognizing the sarcasm but choosing not to be provoked.

"Good luck to all of you. Keep the communicator on, and if anything goes wrong, get out of there as fast as possible."

Fury advised, looking at both Tony and Steve.

"And you, what are you going to do?"

Steve asked, looking at Fury.

Nick Fury shrugged and started to slowly walk away from the two with an enigmatic smile on his face. Before he left the door, he turned around and answered Steve's question.

"I haven't decided yet. Who knows, something dramatic..."

After Nick left the house, Tony and Steve continued discussing the plan. A few seconds later, they also left the house and headed to the Quinjet, where everyone was already seated in their places, only missing them.

Tony approached Peter, who was in a more remote corner.

"Did you manage to make any improvements on those web shooters, kid?"

Tony asked, approaching Peter.

"I made some basic modifications, just added a few spider touches to them."

Peter said, showing the small modifications he had made to the web shooters.

After that, the jet took off and headed towards what could be Ultron's hideout.




Ultron had returned to Korea, where he had left Dr. Helen unconscious.

Meanwhile, inside the laboratory, Dr. Cho began to regain consciousness. She got up slowly and realized she was on the ground. Her memory began to slowly return, and she remembered Ultron's attack and the threat she had created when under the influence of the Mind Stone.

Determined to stop Ultron from completing his plans, Helen began to look for a way to contact the Avengers. She remembered the communicator that Steve had left with her. She then got up and went to a table with a drawer. Upon opening it, she found the communicator. When she was about to pick up the object, someone else appeared behind her.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that."

Said the voice, pointing a ray in her direction.

Hearing the voice coming from a dark corner, Helen turned around and faced Ultron, who still had the ray pointed at her.

"Please, don't kill me."

Helen pleaded with a frightened face.

"I won't do anything to you, as long as you don't try anything either, because I could have killed you that night, but I chose not to do anything."

Ultron explained, lowering his hand.

Helen, now a little less scared, looked at Ultron and said:

"Are you expecting some gratitude?"

"No... I just hope you understand why I chose to let you live."

Ultron replied, with his eye shining in the darkness.


"Cellular cohesion should take a few hours, but we can start the consciousness transfer process by uploading your brain matrix to the new body."

Helen said, plugging a cable behind Ultron's head.

While Helen was in the lab, focused on the task of initiating the transfer of Ultron's consciousness to his new body, the Maximoff twins appeared in the room. Wanda began to approach the crib where Ultron's new body was located.

"I can read it; it looks like he's dreaming."

Wanda commented as she slowly approached the crib.

"I wouldn't call it a dream. It's just Ultron's basic consciousness about his last fractional noise, so..."

Helen began to explain but was interrupted by Ultron.

"So, when? Sorry, I don't want to rush anyone."

Ultron said, turning to Helen.

"I still don't know, as we're trying to create a physical brain, which takes time, and there are no shortcuts for that."

Helen said, looking at Ultron.

While the process of transferring Ultron's consciousness to his new body was underway, Wanda observed Ultron's new body with curiosity. She approached the crib and touched the capsule, leading her to a disturbing vision of the world's destruction.

Wanda, shaken by the vision she had when touching the capsule of Ultron's new body, recoiled abruptly. Her eyes were wide with shock, and she was breathing rapidly, trying to regain her composure.

Pietro, concerned, approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Wanda, what did you see? Are you okay?"

Pietro asked, looking at her with concern.

Wanda looked at Ultron with frightened eyes and said:

"How could you?"

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

Ultron said, pretending not to understand what Wanda was talking about.

"You said you were going to make a better world, but what I saw there was just death and destruction."

Wanda said, still trembling from the vision she had.

"But... it will be better."

Ultron said, trying to calm Wanda.

"How will it be better? With you committing genocide?"

Wanda said, looking at Ultron with a mix of anger and despair before continuing.

"Is this your idea of a better world? Killing innocent people?"

Ultron seemed contemplative for a moment before responding.

"Sometimes, to create something better, it's necessary to clean up what doesn't work. Humanity is its own threat, and I'm just trying to rid the world of that flaw."

"Only then will these flawed humans have the opportunity to evolve."

Ultron continued, looking at Wanda.

"And what if humanity doesn't evolve?"

Wanda asked, staring at Ultron with a skeptical look.

Ultron looked at Wanda with his eyes shining and remained silent for a while before responding with a cold tone.

"I don't know, ask Noah."

Upon hearing that mockery from Ultron, Wanda looked at him with a serious face and said:

"You're insane. Do you think you're some kind of god?"

Wanda questioned Ultron with a serious voice.

Ultron, with his enigmatic aura, didn't seem bothered by Wanda's serious tone. He tilted his head slightly and responded with an ironic smile.

"Multiple extinction events have occurred before the age of dinosaurs, and every time the Earth starts to adjust, God throws a stone at it. Believe me... He'll throw another one, and it's just a matter of time. That's why we need to evolve."

Ultron said, approaching the crib and putting his hand on the box.