The Cradle

Wanda, realizing that Ultron was up to something, creates a small red energy sphere and hurls it towards Dra. Helen, who ends up losing control of the Mind Stone.

"And you think you have the right to evolve humanity?"

Pietro questioned, his face filled with anger, staring at Ultron.

Ultron, in turn, showed no sign of hesitation. He just looked at Pietro and retorted with his arrogant voice.

"Evolution is inevitable. I am just the catalyst, the hand that will guide humanity to its next stage."

Upon hearing that, Pietro looked at his sister and realized the grave mistake they had made. Before Ultron could say anything, he sensed a presence approaching the laboratory.

"They're coming..."

Declared Ultron, directing his gaze to a corner of the room.

"They're coming here, we have to be fast"

Ultron ordered Dr. Helen to continue the process.

"I'm almost done"

She said, now free from the control of the Mind Stone, pretending to cooperate with Ultron but actually heading towards the computer to sabotage his plan.

Noticing something different in the transfer, Ultron turned to Dr. Helen.

"Really, did you do this?"

Saying this with a calm voice, Ultron shot a burst of energy towards Dr. Cho, who was hit squarely by the attack and fell unconscious to the ground.

Witnessing Ultron's cruelty, Pietro realized that Ultron was not what he expected. He wasn't the person who could bring peace, but rather someone who would destroy everything. Seeing the error, they had made, Pietro grabbed his sister and fled.

"Children, wait, I didn't kill her. She's just sleeping"

Said Ultron as he watched Pietro take Wanda and leave.

"Now that we've come to this point, kill everyone"

Ultron telepathically commanded his robots, who began a true massacre in the laboratory, killing all the scientists present in the building.

In the heat of the confrontation, Pietro, holding his sister firmly, ran through the laboratory corridors, escaping the growing carnage unleashed by Ultron's robots. Meanwhile, Wanda looked back, witnessing the chaos her intervention had triggered.


Inside the aircraft, Peter was in a slightly secluded corner, preparing for the fight. He was attaching his new web shooters to his wrist and putting on his uniform.

"Kid, here's the deal: let's try to avoid any unnecessary conflict. Our priority here is to gather as much information as possible, understand?"

Steve said as he approached Peter.

Peter said nothing, just nodded his head understanding what Steve meant.

"We're not going to dance with him, we're just going in, grabbing the body, and getting out of there"

Clint affirmed, approaching Peter.


Said Peter, looking at both Steve and Clint.

While Steve and Clint provided information to Peter, Natasha began to approach him.

"Are you sure you want to do this? There's still time to change your mind"

Natasha said, still concerned.

Peter looked into Natasha's eyes, expressing determination.

"I'm absolutely sure"

Natasha sighed briefly, realizing that nothing she said would change Peter's mind.

"Since you're so determined, who am I to stop you? Take this"

Natasha said, handing a device to Peter.

As he held the object in his hands, Peter looked at Natasha and asked with a curious expression on his face.

"What is this?"

"This is a communicator. If something goes wrong, get in touch with us. Got it?"

Natasha said, now less worried, looking at Peter.

"Affirmative, Mrs. Romanoff"

Peter said, saluting and eliciting some laughs from Natasha.

"It's not that serious"

She commented, almost laughing.

After the four arrived at their destination, Clint landed the Quinjet in a somewhat remote area but still close to Ultron's laboratory. The ramp lowered, and from inside, Peter emerged, leaving only Steve, Clint, and Natasha.

"Guys, let me see if I understand..."

Peter said as he stared at the three in front of him. Steve said nothing, just nodded, indicating for Peter to continue.

"You want me to hold Ultron for two minutes?"

Steve looked at Peter, nodding with seriousness.

"That's right, kid. If he's still in there, keep him busy for those two minutes while we try to get the body. Understand?"

"Yes, Captain. Understood"

Peter said, looking at Steve.

After finalizing the plan details with Steve, Peter began walking towards the laboratory. Upon entering the place, he proceeded with caution, attentive to every sound around him. As he advanced down the corridor, he was engulfed by a strong smell of blood, alerting his senses.

Reaching the end of the corridor, he was met with a shocking scene: the laboratory transformed into a scene of true carnage. Several lifeless bodies on the floor, blood everywhere, some with body parts scattered, others with their guts exposed, a truly traumatizing event. However, amidst the macabre landscape, one body still moved, showing signs of life, albeit weak: Dr. Hellen Cho, the woman Peter had managed to save in the Avengers Tower.

"Dr. Cho, what happened here?"

Peter asked as he approached her.

Seeing the scientist's body covered in bruises and blood, Peter picked up a tissue from the table and began to clean the blood, which had probably sprayed from her deceased colleagues.

Upon hearing Peter's voice, Dr. Cho opened her eyes, still tired, and with the little strength she had left, she looked at him and said with a weak and hoarse voice.

"It was Ultron... he went mad. We need to stop him before he can transfer into the new body."

"But where is he going?"

Peter asked while helping the scientist to stand.

Dr. Helen, already too weak to speak, just pointed her finger in the direction of a panel displaying information about where Ultron was heading.

As Peter was about to leave the room, Helen picked up his clothes and spoke.

"Be careful. The gem has granted immeasurable power to that body, and if Ultron manages to transfer it to him, it will be the end of humanity. It's no use just blowing up the body; you must take the cradle to Tony Stark."