Peter VS Ultron

Peter, now hanging onto a moving car, responded to Ultron with seriousness:

"We don't fear change. But the chaos you'll bring with it."

Ultron let out a cynical laugh, belittling Spider-Man's words.

"You humans are so predictable. Always believing you can control the uncontrollable."

After Ultron uttered those words, he attempted to shoot a beam towards the car where Peter was. However, Peter was quicker and managed to dodge. Right after, he shot a web towards Ultron. This time, the web not only hit Ultron but also triggered a powerful sound wave.

Momentarily disoriented by the web and the sonic impact, Ultron looked sternly at Peter and declared,

"What have you done?"

"Like my little gift? I call it the 'impact web.' As the name suggests, it launches a powerful sound wave that can even flip a car."

Peter said mockingly while taunting Ultron.

Ultron, irritated by the unexpected turn of events, retorted with a cold expression:

"Interesting, but do you really believe this cheap trick will hold someone like me for long?"

While Ultron tried to free himself from the web, Peter seized the opportunity to get closer.

"You may be powerful, but you underestimate humanity too much. And that will be your downfall."

Ultron, showing irony, replied:

"Your optimism moves me. If I could cry, I might even shed a tear, but unfortunately, I can't."

Ultron, now more cautious, responded with disdain:

"Humanity is flawed and self-destructive. You yourselves are the real problem."

Before Peter could counter, Ultron managed to break free using an energy pulse that tore the webs apart.

Without second thoughts, Ultron tried to attack Peter again, this time launching several projectiles at him. Peter, as agile as ever, used his dexterity to dodge all the projectiles. While dodging, Peter saw a metal plate and had an idea; he grabbed the object and threw it at Ultron's chest. Then, he shot another web towards Ultron's eyes, obscuring his vision. After breaking free from the webs, Ultron unleashed another beam towards Peter, who, to avoid being hit, jumped onto the front of a truck.


"We have to do something."

Natasha said worriedly about Peter.

"Okay, but what can we do?"

Clint asked, looking at Nat.

"I still don't know."

Natasha said while looking around, focusing her gaze momentarily on Captain America's shield.

"I got it, Steve. What do you say?"

Natasha said while staring at Steve's shield, making him understand what she meant.

"I don't know, Nat. I find it too risky."

Steve said, concerned for his teammate.

Natasha ignored Steve's hesitations and grabbed his shield without waiting for his approval.

She looked at Steve with determination and said,

"We've risked countless times, and if we don't take action, Peter may end up in danger. We need to act now."

Encouraged by Natasha's determination, Steve was thoughtful for a moment but eventually gave in.

"Okay, you can go, but be very careful."

Natasha nodded with Steve's temporary approval and, holding the shield firmly, headed to the back of the Quinjet. Clint followed, worried but determined to help.

"Be careful, okay?"

Clint said looking at Nat.

"Don't worry, I always take care of myself."

Nat said as she headed towards a black motorcycle.

Approaching a black motorcycle, Natasha quickly mounted it and adjusted Captain's shield on her back. With a nod to Clint, she accelerated towards the confrontation between Peter and Ultron.

As Natasha sped through the city, skillfully weaving between cars and pedestrians, her gaze was focused on the clash between Peter and Ultron.

Meanwhile, Clint, still in the air inside the Quinjet, communicated with Natasha through the communicator.

"They're heading under the overpass; I won't be able to shoot."

Clint said, warning Natasha that he would lose sight of Peter and Ultron.

"What route should I take?"

Nat asked for guidance.

"Go straight, now turn left. When I say, turn right... wait... now."

Clint said, guiding Natasha.

Turning, Natasha came face to face with Peter applying a Rear Naked Choke on the villain; however, Ultron managed to free himself and grabbed Peter's neck, starting to choke him. But Natasha managed to arrive in time and drew the attention of both Peter and Ultron by throwing the shield for Peter to catch.

(Cool, I always wanted to do that.)

Peter thought as he caught the shield and took the opportunity to free himself from Ultron's grip by hitting him with a punch using the shield.

After receiving the blow and being pushed backward, Ultron saw Natasha coming right behind on a motorcycle. Looking at her with hatred, he lifted a piece of earth to block Natasha's path, but to no avail, and she continued following him.

Seeing that he couldn't shake off Black Widow, Ultron, telepathically, ordered his robots to shoot at her to keep her busy. Returning his attention to Peter, Ultron managed to hit him with an energy burst, trying to defend himself with the shield, but to no avail, and ended up being thrown towards a car. Seeing that Peter would take a while to recover, Ultron lifted another piece of earth to cause an accident.

"Oh no! Not on my watch, tin can."

Peter whispered as he took out a kind of web grenade.

(Hope this works.)

Peter thought with a worried look as he threw the grenade towards the falling cars, but before they fell, the grenade exploded, releasing a huge web that caught all the cars, preventing them from falling.

"That's it! Nailed it."

Peter said, getting a bit excited.

"Stay focused, kid."

Natasha said, coming right behind on the motorcycle.

"Sorry, got carried away."

Peter said with a somewhat embarrassed look.

Natasha continued following Peter and Ultron, skillfully dodging through the city's obstacles. Meanwhile, Clint, still in the Quinjet, kept a watchful eye and communicated with Natasha.

"They're heading towards the city center. Be prepared for possible traps."

Clint warned, keeping Natasha informed about the situation.


Natasha replied, adjusting her route according to Clint's information.