Unexpected Allies

Back to the showdown, Peter, who had stayed behind after saving the cars, manages to swing between the buildings and finally reach the truck once again. Upon arrival, the already enraged Ultron greets Peter with punches and energy blasts, which Peter easily either defends with the shield or uses the shield as a weapon.

After long sessions of genuine punch trading between Peter and Ultron, where at one moment one would strike, and in the next, the other would take a hit, they finally emerged from under the overpass.

As Peter and Ultron move away from the overpass, Clint, who was still airborne and a few meters away from the two, begins to shoot several point-blank projectiles in Ultron's direction to distract the villain, who becomes even more irritated and orders his guards to go after the Quinjet to bring it down.

Not far away, Wanda and Pietro were walking down the street when they saw on TV what was happening on the other side of the city.

"Isn't that the guy facing Ultron the so-called Spider-Man? This guy must be crazy. First, he tries to face Hulk and almost gets hurt, and now he's facing Ultron. Soon, he'll want to lift Thor's hammer too, right Wanda?"

Said Pietro, realizing that his sister was lost in her own thoughts.

Wanda, who was completely focused on Peter's fight against Ultron, didn't even hear what her brother had said. However, watching that fight, Wanda felt encouraged by the courage and strength of the boy their age.

"Pietro, we have to help him."

Said Wanda, now turning and looking at her brother.

"What? What do you mean, Wanda? We left there not to get involved in all this trouble, remember?"

Said Pietro, confused, not understanding what his sister meant.

"I know, but half of this is our fault. And we can't just ignore it."

Said Wanda, staring at her brother with determination before continuing:

"Do you remember the tragedy with the Hulk and what Ultron is doing? All of this is our fault."

Pietro rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

"You're letting your emotions control you again, Wanda. It never ends well."

"I know we messed up, but we joined the Avengers and accepted everything Tony did against us, against our family."

Pietro continued, letting out a long sigh, visibly uncomfortable with his sister's insistence.

"Do you remember what that boy, who is now trying to save the world, told us?"

Asked Wanda, looking at her brother.

"No, Wanda. I don't remember. What did he say?"

Said Pietro, not understanding where his sister was going.

"He said that sometimes it's better to stop thinking about ourselves and think more about others. In other words, we should put aside our revenge for now and help those people who might end up dying because of the mistake we made by aligning ourselves with Ultron."

Said Wanda, trying to convince her brother anyway.

Pietro sighed deeply, reflecting on Wanda's words. Still reluctant, he looked at the TV and saw images of the battle between Peter and Ultron.

"All right, Wanda. Let's go help, but after this, we're out of this for good."

Wanda nodded gratefully, and the two siblings headed towards the scene of the confrontation.


The fight between Peter and Ultron had intensified to a point where it was already causing significant damage to the city. Due to a slip by Ultron, Peter seized the opportunity to throw the villain towards a beam.

However, it was not enough as Ultron quickly recovered and landed a punch to Peter's face, causing him to recoil from the impact. Ultron, thinking Peter was disoriented, tried to attack again. But this time, Peter not only managed to dodge but also counterattacked, throwing Ultron in the direction of a passing train behind them.

While the fight continued inside the train, the passengers in the cars sought a safe place to take cover. Some hid under the seats, while others sought refuge in other cars. Natasha, on the other hand, saw the robots that were previously chasing Clint now coming towards her because of the cradle.

Every time Peter and Ultron's punches collided, the impact generated could be heard throughout the length of the cars.

"Natt, they're coming back in your direction. If you're going to do something, I suggest you do it now."

Clint warned his friend about the danger approaching her.

After several hours of punch trading, Peter finally found an opening and, once again, deployed the impact web. However, this time, instead of causing no harm to Ultron, the impact did some damage and knocked him down for a moment.

"I know, I'm getting into the truck. Pete, can you keep him busy for a few minutes while I steal the cradle?"

Natasha said, responding to Clint's question and then switching communication to Peter.

"And what do you think I'm trying to do, Ms. Romanoff?"

Peter said sarcastically while dodging a punch from Ultron.

After Natasha successfully infiltrated the truck, the robots that were once chasing Clint started heading towards the vehicle. In total, four robots approached Natasha; she managed to destroy two with great effort but did not notice the other two, which ended up clinging to the truck and lifting it off the ground with their thrusters, starting to fly with it.

Inside the moving train, Peter continued his confrontation with Ultron, seizing every opportunity to deliver blows and keep the villain occupied. Ultron, in turn, was determined to defeat Spider-Man and redirected his attention to Natasha, who was now inside the truck trying to steal the cradle.

Returning to Natasha, she realized the tricky situation she was in when the robots clung to the vehicle and lifted it off the ground. She grabbed onto a safety bar to stay stable while assessing her options.

Clint, who was still flying nearby, noticed the suspicious movement of the truck in the air and appeared behind it with the Quinjet ready to shoot.

"The package is in the air and it's in my sights. Do I have permission to shoot?"

Clint asked Natasha through the communicator.

Natasha, holding on tightly to the safety bar of the moving truck, quickly replied to Clint via the communicator:

"Negative, I'm still inside this flying thing."