Race Against Time

"Thor is right, if we don't try, we'll never know"

Declares Steve, with determination.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Natasha is still trying to calm down Hulk, who remains somewhat suspicious, as something inside him tells him that this person is trustworthy. So, he is afraid of accidentally hurting her.

After Natasha finally manages to gain Hulk's trust, Ultron appears piloting a Quinjet and ruins everything by shooting in their direction.

"I came here to put on a show. A puppet I may be, but this is who I am"

Mutters Ultron, already lost in madness, while flying towards civilians inside the aircraft.

Back to Clint, he had reached a location a bit farther from the aircraft's direction. There, he sees an approximately 8-year-old boy with his legs trapped under a rock. However, before he can rescue the boy, Ultron shows up and starts shooting at them, killing some police officers still in that direction. Realizing he has no other option; Clint decides to shield the boy with his own body.

Pietro, who has just destroyed the last robot, seeing this, decides to do something.

"It's time to be fast, much faster, quick like mercury"

Pietro declares, assuming a posture to gain more speed.

After taking the stance, Pietro shoots like a bullet and starts running at full speed. In the blink of an eye, he manages to arrive just in time, saving Clint and the child from the shots, leading them to safety. However, it proves too much for him, and before fainting, he looks at Clint and speaks.

"Hey, old man, didn't see that coming?"

Pietro faints due to excessive exhaustion.

Wanda, still inside the church, desperately trying to protect the core, feels her brother's heart racing. Indicating to her that he's probably fallen or even fainted somewhere. Due to their strong connection, she becomes very worried, thinking that something bad has happened to him.


Murmurs Wanda, undecided on what to do. If she leaves, everything they've done would be in vain. However, staying there means not knowing if her brother is in danger.

With these thoughts, Wanda is almost hit by a robot; she's saved because Peter arrives in time to destroy the robot.

"Wanda, did something happen? You almost got hit because you were distracted"

Peter asks, somewhat concerned, seeing the distress on the girl's face.

"I don't know, but I feel like something happened to my brother. I have to go after him"

Replies Wanda, preparing to return to the city, but she's interrupted by Peter, who holds her arm.

"Wanda, we have to leave now. They're going to blow up the city any moment"

Peter insists, looking at her.

"I'm not leaving until I'm sure my brother is okay"

Wanda asserts, trying to free herself from Peter.

"He's fine"

Peter assures her.

"How do you know?"

Wanda asks, studying Peter's expression to see if he's not lying to her.

"He's already inside the ship, the only problem is that he passed out. But he's okay"

Peter says, seeing Wanda's expression change again.

"What happened to him?"

Wanda asks, now more anxious.

"Nothing serious, he just pushed himself a bit too hard trying to save Hawkeye and a child from being killed by Ultron"

Peter reassures, holding Wanda's worried gaze. Faced with Peter's words, she takes a deep breath, trying to find the necessary serenity.

Despite the tense atmosphere, Wanda decides to trust Peter's words.

"He's inside the ship, just fainted from exhaustion, but he's okay"

Peter repeats, trying to calm Wanda's agitation. With a mixture of relief and anxiety, she considers for a moment before accepting the situation.

"Let's get out of here now before it's too late"

Peter insists again, somewhat concerned about the imminent situation they find themselves in.


After Ultron shoots at Hulk and Natasha, the shots are about to hit her. However, Hulk acts quickly, protecting her with his own body. After the incident, Hulk safely takes Natasha to the SHIELD aircraft carrier. Upon arriving there, he gently places her on the ground and, without hesitation, immediately jumps towards the Quinjet, where Ultron is.

"This is the last thing I need..."

Ultron can't finish the sentence because Hulk grabs him and throws him out of the Quinjet. Almost completely destroyed and unable to fly, he crashes onto a train, where Peter and Wanda are passing by. Wanda, realizing its Ultron, stops in front of the train.

Peter, not understanding the unusual action of the girl, also stops and asks, somewhat confused.

"Did something happen, Wanda?"

Wanda, with her gaze fixed on Ultron, responds to Peter's question with a serious expression.

"It's him... He caused all of this."

Without wasting time, she enters the wrecked train car and walks towards Ultron.

After falling into the car, Ultron tries to get up several times, but all in vain. Upon realizing Wanda's presence, he stares at her.

"Wanda... if you co... here... you'll end up... dying."

Ultron manages to say a few words with great difficulty, which are imperceptible to Wanda due to his severely damaged body.

"I already know how that feels, but today you'll experience it"

Says Wanda, with a sad face, almost crying as she remembers all the bad things she and her brother did when they were on Ultron's side.

But before Ultron can do or say anything else, Wanda starts using her magic and removes Ultron's heart, destroying him shortly afterward.

"This is the feeling we've been experiencing because of you."

After Wanda destroyed Ultron, she got out of the train carriage and started walking towards Peter, who was on his back.

"We have to get out of here now, while there's still time."

Peter says, picking Wanda up in pure bridal style and starting to run towards the aircraft carrier. But unfortunately, it was too late. As Wanda had left the core, one of Ultron's robots, which was already basically destroyed, managed to crawl into the core and activate the key. After doing so, the robot simply explodes, and in a matter of seconds, Sokovia begins to descend in an uncontrolled manner.