A New Beginning

"So, it's settled. Natt, you're coming with me"

Clint announced, catching Natasha's attention. She said nothing, only nodded and left the church with him.

As Steve was about to leave the church, Peter interrupted, getting his attention.

"Captain, I'm going with you."

Steve looked at Peter, still hesitant, but decided not to refuse the boy's help. "Since we can't turn down help this time, I won't argue about it. So, let's go," declared Steve, also leaving the church, followed by Peter shortly after.

Meanwhile, inside what remained of the church, Wanda continued destroying the robots that kept appearing, preventing them from getting close to the core. Then, like a gray blur, her brother appeared and started destroying all the robots inside.

"Take the remaining civilians to the ships"

Ordered Wanda, still focused on protecting the core.

"I won't leave you alone here, not after everything that happened to us. I won't abandon you"

Affirmed Pietro, refusing to leave.

Wanda glanced at her brother with gratitude, recognizing his concern for her.

"But Pietro, you're not abandoning me. I'm doing this because I think it's the right thing, and you don't need to worry about me; I can handle myself."

As Wanda was interrupted by a robot lunging at her, she quickly launched an energy blast, crushing it into a small ball of iron.

"As you can see, I'm already quite grown up and can protect myself just fine"

She stated, looking at her brother.

Pietro said nothing, only looking at his sister with a surprised expression.

"Now that we're done here, do you understand? Only come back when all civilians are inside the ships and safe, understood?"

Wanda ordered again, staring at her silent brother.

"Understood, Pietro?"

Wanda said, looking at her brother, who only made a sound but remained silent.


At that moment, Pietro, who had been silent, turned to his sister and spoke.

"I think you forgot, but I should be giving the orders here. After all, I'm 12 minutes older than you. Does that mean nothing to you?"

After saying that, Pietro continued staring at his sister with a pleading expression. Wanda continued staring at her brother and said:

"No, not at all. Now go."

After her brother left the church (or what was left of it), Wanda released a brief smile.

Meanwhile, with Tony, he was still trying to descend to the city without obliterating everyone. He began flying over the lower part of the city.

"Boss, energy levels are at their limit. I don't know how long we can sustain this"

Warned Friday as Tony redirected all available resources for the desperate attempt to land in the city without causing irreparable damage.

"Since we're running out of options, redirect everything; we only have this chance. If it fails, everyone dies"

Ordered Tony, starting the preparations.

Back where Hulk had thrown Ultron, the villain was crawling on the ground, almost completely destroyed after the battle against the three heroes. After crawling for long minutes, he reached a Quinjet, where he would try to escape.

On the other side of the city, with Natasha and Clint, Hawkeye had managed to fix a car and was heading to the ships on Fury's aircraft carrier.

While Clint drove, he began talking to Natasha.

"I was thinking of renovating that dining room. If I knocked down that east wall, we'd gain a great space. Laura would even have a place to work. And, to not interrupt her work, I'd put soundproofing so she wouldn't hear the kids running down the hall. What do you think?"

Clint asked while driving and dodging debris in the city.

"I think it's a great idea; you always eat in the kitchen anyway"

Natasha replied, looking at Clint.

"And you have a point. The room was for us to have dinner, but we almost never dined in it anyway"

Said Clint, parking the car next to the ships. However, before they could get out of the car, they heard Hulk's screams a little further away. Clint turned to Natasha.

"You know what to do."

"I know. Get in the ship quickly; I'll be right behind."

Natasha ordered, getting out of the car and heading towards where Hulk was.

"Hey, big guy..."

Natasha said, cautiously approaching the Green Giant.

After Natasha caught Hulk's attention, who was still destroying the remaining robots on that side of the city, he looked at her, recognizing her but trying to move away to protect her.

"Easy, big guy. I don't want to hurt you, and you don't want to hurt me"

Natasha said, trying to gain the green one's trust as she approached him slowly.

Meanwhile, with Clint, he had managed to get on the ship. But as he was about to sit in one of the seats, he began to hear a desperate woman asking for help to rescue her son who hadn't managed to escape the rubble. Reluctant but with no other option, Clint decided to go there to try to rescue the child.

Back to Iron Man, he was at the bottom of the city, where the core that kept the city unstable in the air was located. After a few minutes, he managed to enter the core. Inside, Tony could see how the key worked.

"Thor, I found a way to deactivate the core, but I'll need you at the church"

Announced Tony over the communicator.

"Affirmative, Stark. As soon as I finish here, I'll come there"

Said Thor on the other end of the line while walking towards Steve and Peter.

"Are these the last civilians in the city?"

Thor asked, approaching Steve.

"Yes, the others are already inside the ships"

Replied Steve, still looking at the almost completely destroyed city to confirm that all civilians had indeed been evacuated.

This time, Tony, who decided to join the conversation, said.

"I don't want to discourage you guys, but if this plan works, it's very likely that we won't survive."

"Maybe not, but we'll never know if we don't try"

Said Thor, who then looked at Steve.