Ultron's Last Stand

Steve looks at Peter with a smile on his face and says as he sits down beside him.

"Hmm, this really seems scarier to me than saving the world."

Peter laughs, nodding in agreement.

"You have no idea. If you saw how my aunt gets when she's angry, sir, you'd be scared too."

As the two talks, Tony starts to approach them slowly without them noticing his presence.

"Can I join you guys?"

Tony asked, getting closer to Peter and Steve.

"Of course, you can, Mr. Stark."

Exclaimed Peter, making way for Tony to sit next to Steve.

"Thanks! And by the way, before I forget, we got in touch with your aunt. From the tone of her voice, she's furious with you."

Tony reveals, settling into a chair.

"I was expecting that."

Comments Peter, letting out a small laugh.

"Now, what are you going to do?"

Steve asked, looking at Peter.

"I don't understand."

Says Peter, with a curious look directed at Steve.

Steve, maintaining a serious gaze, adds:

"I mean, what are you going to do about your superhero life? Are you going to keep facing criminals in Queens? Or do you want to join the Avengers?"

After Steve says those words, Peter starts reflecting for a moment on that special invitation but still weighing Steve's words. Peter directs his attention to Tony and Steve, as both were staring at him, waiting for his response.

"I still don't know, I really enjoy helping people here in Queens, but I also have my dream of joining you guys."

Replied Peter, thoughtfully.

Tony, realizing that Peter was a bit hesitant about his decision, decides to say something to try to change the boy's mind.

"Well, just so you know, we don't always go through near-death experiences like this (sometimes we do), but that's not the point now. What I mean is that most of the time, we just deal with small-time crooks."

"I haven't decided yet, but as soon as I have a definite answer, I'll let you know. But, changing the subject, what are you guys going to do with the Maximoff twins?"

Said Peter, looking at Wanda and her brother, who was still unconscious on a stretcher. After Peter says these words, Tony stares at him confused, not completely understanding what the boy meant.

"What are you talking about?"

Tony questioned, still confused, while Steve remained silent.

Facing Tony's confused look, Peter clarifies the situation with a calm expression.

"I mean, what are you going to do with them? They have nowhere else to go; they're alone and directionless."

Tony furrows his brow, processing Peter's words before finally understanding.

"Well, that's still a complicated issue. The tower is small and won't accommodate so many people."

"And since when did I say it had to be in that tower?"

Peter retorted, receiving a curious look from both Tony and Steve.

"Okay, kid, but still not getting where you're going with this."

Said Tony, staring at Peter.

"Think about it. You guys are the greatest heroes on Earth. Why don't you, I don't know, build a huge base for yourselves, like the base of another group, with a princess, a bat, and so on."

Explained Peter, presenting his point of view while receiving attention from both Tony and Steve.

"Hold on, I must have gotten lost in the middle of the explanation. Who are those guys?"

Tony asked, with a tone of curiosity in his voice.

"That's not important right now. What I mean is that you have the resources and funding to do something big; you can even help other mutants like them."

Concluded Peter, pointing in the direction of Wanda and Pietro, who were still quite far away.

Tony, now intrigued, looks at Steve, expecting some explanation.

"That's an interesting idea, kid. A huge base for the Avengers, huh?"

Tony comments, thoughtful.

Steve, considering the suggestion, nods his head.

"It might not be a bad idea. A larger headquarters would allow us to help more people and provide shelter for mutants like the Maximoff's."

Tony smiles, starting to visualize the possibilities.

"Imagine the facilities we could have, advanced laboratories, state-of-the-art training rooms. It would be amazing!"


After Wanda ripped out Ultron's heart and supposedly destroyed the villain, Ultron, as a last resort, before being destroyed and before Vision completely shut him down from the internet, had managed to make a final backup to another body hiding in the vicinity of Sokovia. After the Avengers managed to save everyone, Ultron starts to move away from Sokovia to try to create another plan, but unfortunately, Vision appears to spoil everything.

"I see that you are afraid."

Affirmed Vision with a calm tone in his voice, appearing gently in the sky while facing Ultron or what was left of his original body.

"Of you?"

Asked an Ultron with one arm missing and a part of his face severely damaged from the great battle he had with the Avengers.

Vision still maintaining his serene posture, looks at Ultron and speaks.

"Not of me, but of death. After all, you are the last, and that kind of scares you."

"No, I am not the last; you should be the last. After all, Stark wanted a savior when he created us, but look, he ended up creating a genocidal one."

Retorted Ultron, facing Vision seriously.

Vision, calmly, responds to Ultron:

"It was meant to be that way, but unfortunately, we both ended up disappointing."

Ultron, almost completely destroyed, counters Vision's arguments:

"Humans are their own weakness. And even though I am no longer here, they themselves will destroy each other."

Vision maintains his calm posture.

"I even have to agree with you, they somehow think that order and chaos are the opposite of each other and... (they stink) and their biggest flaw is that they always try to control what they can't, but there's a certain grace in their mistakes, but unfortunately you haven't noticed..."

Ultron, despite his deteriorating condition, still tries to reason with Vision.

"Do you think saving humans is a noble mission? They are fickle, chaotic. Your ideal of peace is an illusion."

Vision sighs, remaining calm.

"Maybe it's an illusion, but it's one worth pursuing. Their imperfection is what makes them unique, and that's why they deserve to be protected."