
Ultron lets out a sarcastic laugh.

"You're wasting your time. They are destined for their own destruction."

Vision, looking at the horizon, responds to Ultron's statement with a calm expression.

"Perhaps. But you can't determine whether something is beautiful just because it's durable."

After uttering those wise words, Vision receives a look of attention from Ultron, who gazes at him with a curious expression.

"You should have realized the privileges you have among humans."

Ultron, with a serious demeanor, retorts to Vision's assertion with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"You abuse your naivety."

"Well, excuse me, but maybe it's because I was born yesterday."

Declares Vision, staring at the ground and then looking at Ultron.

After Vision says those words, Ultron quickly lunges at our hero. Without wasting time, Vision, using the powers of the Mind Stone, shoots a beam towards Ultron, completely destroying the villain's last remaining body. After the standoff, silence begins to fall over the area, marking the imminent end of the Ultron threat.


Sometime later...

After the lengthy battle between Ultron and our heroes in Sokovia, everyone was getting ready to resume their normal lives, including Peter. After concluding the conversation with Tony and Steve, he headed to one of the helicarrier facilities to change and return to his quiet life in Queens. But before leaving, he decided to bid a proper farewell to the Maximoff siblings, as Wanda was in the infirmary taking care of her brother and couldn't come to say goodbye to Peter.

However, as he approached the infirmary, Peter hesitated upon seeing the emotional scene between Wanda and her brother, Pietro. He decided to take a step back, allowing them a moment of privacy.

But before he could leave, someone ended up opening the door and catching his attention.

After Wanda opened the door to get a glass of water for her brother, she found Peter about to leave. Instinctively, she decided to call him.


Wanda shouted, calling the boy, who turned to face her.

"Hi, Wanda."

Peter replied, with a slightly awkward smile on his face.

Wanda, happy to see the boy again, released a small smile. However, she noticed Peter's hesitation and decided to ask.

"Any problem?"

He glanced briefly at the infirmary, where Pietro was recovering.

"I didn't want to interrupt your moment. I saw you were having an... important moment."

Wanda smiled understandingly.

"You can come in. Pietro would love to see you."

Peter agreed and entered the infirmary. Upon entering, he saw Pietro still on the bed, receiving proper treatment.

"Hey, man. How are you feeling?"

Pietro, who had already resolved his issues with Peter, decided to respond without rudeness.

"I've been worse."

Peter, realizing that Pietro had not answered with malice or rudeness, decided to do the same.

"I hope you get better soon."

"Well, putting that aside, I have good news for you guys. In fact, I came here for that."

Peter said, changing his tone of voice.

Wanda and her brother exchanged curious glances, until Wanda decided to ask.

"What do you have to tell us?"

Wanda inquired, while Peter maintained a somewhat calm expression.

"Well, I talked to Mr. Stark and Mr. Steve about you not having a place to go, and they told me they're going to build a massive complex to house you and people with powers like us, who don't have a place to stay and maybe even become Avengers members."

Peter said, receiving surprised looks from both Wanda and Pietro.


Pietro shouted, excited, receiving a curious look from his sister.

"Basically that."

Peter said, somewhat surprised, as he had never seen the boy so cheerful.

"Wow, that's incredible, isn't it, Wanda?"

Pietro exclaimed, visibly excited while looking at his sister.

Wanda, also smiling, responded to her brother's question.

"Yes, now we can finally use our powers to help people."

After answering her brother's question, Wanda began to gaze at Peter with a shy face.

"It seems like you want to ask me something. You can go ahead and ask."

Peter said, noticing Wanda's surprised look.

"And I wanted to know, now that all these problems have been resolved, where are you going from now on?"

Wanda asked, still with a slightly rosy face from the question she had asked.

Peter, not understanding all that embarrassment, calmly answered Wanda's question while looking at her.

"Well, I'm going back to my vigilant life again, but you guys can come visit me whenever you want. After all, the complex is going to be in New York, to be more specific, it's going to be in Queens. So, you can drop by my aunt's place to see me whenever you want."

"Man, seriously, are you really inviting me?"

Pietro asked, with a surprised look, staring at Peter.

Peter, realizing the surprise on Pietro's face, nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, I know we didn't start off on the right foot, but I see that you're a cool guy, and I don't see any reason for us to keep fighting like two crazy people, so if you want, we can get along from now on. What do you think?"

After saying those words, Peter extended his hand, intending to make amends with Pietro. Maximoff looked at Peter still somewhat suspicious, but kind of ended up being forced when his sister called him with a penetrating look.


Wanda said, with an intimidating look while maintaining a cute smile on her face.

"And man, you're right, all that stuff is in the past."

Pietro said, shaking hands with Peter, already fearing what his sister could do if she were angry.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Now, I have to go. Take care."

Says Peter, saying goodbye to both Pietro and Wanda.


Says Pietro, saying goodbye to Peter who was walking towards the door he had entered.

After Wanda also manages to say goodbye to Peter, he opens the door and, before leaving, turns around, waves to his brothers and finally closes the door.