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Listening to Tony listing all his accomplishments in the fight against Ultron, Peter fell silent for a few seconds, reflecting.

"Okay, Mr. Stark, but what I did there wasn't anything so amazing; anyone could have done what I did. I just happened to stumble into the battle. It doesn't make sense for me, a weak, nerdy, and scared kid who accidentally gained powers and only became Spider-Man by pure chance of fate, to do something great."

"Kid, you know what doesn't make sense? You're here wasting your time and your great potential catching these bank robbers when you could be in the biggest superhero organization in the world. That's what doesn't make sense to me"

Argued Tony, trying to change Peter's mind.

"I don't know, Mr. Stark"

Expressed Peter, as a thousand thoughts hovered in his head. To calm himself, he slid his hands gently through his hair.

"But I don't see myself doing anything right, what significance would I have there?"

Tony, with his eyes fixed on Peter, noticed the hesitation and lack of confidence in the boy's eyes. He decided to try and boost Peter's self-esteem.

"Kid, you would have a crucial role on the team. Besides helping us physically with your strength, you would also be very useful in the theoretical part, using your brain. After all, in addition to being strong, I could see that you're also quite intelligent. And besides that, you would also be a kind of COACH for us."

Peter looked down for a moment, thoughtful. Tony's words echoed in his mind, triggering a deep reflection on his real role as Spider-Man.

"And also, don't think I didn't hear about your great feat in Sokovia, encouraging the witch to fight on our side."

Tony said, receiving a look of strangeness from Peter, who already knew where that conversation was going.

"But couldn't you have chosen a better place to do that? Did it really have to be inside an abandoned house, in the middle of the dark, and just the two of you?"

Tony added, receiving a look of shame from Peter, who quickly averted his gaze.

"And besides, Wanda keeps bothering us, always asking questions about you."

Tony said, managing to grab Peter's attention again, but this time, the boy had a confused look on his face.

"Well, whether it's true or not, I don't know, because the one who told me was Nat. So, the only way for you to find out is to go there and see."

"Well, leaving that aside, what about you? What are you going to do?"

Peter asked, trying to change the course of the conversation.

Tony, with a slight smile, answered Peter's question while crossing his arms, keeping his gaze focused on the young man.

"Before coming here, I was still undecided, but I think it's time to leave this superhero business and pass the torch, you know? I want to take a break and try to live a normal life with Pepper, just like Barton did."

"Understood, and what about the others? What are they going to do?"

Peter asked, understanding Tony's choice.

"Well, Barton went back to his family, and Thor will have to leave again. He said he's going after some infinity stones, and I think it's very unlikely for him to come back regularly. However, look on the bright side, Steve and Natasha will be at the complex to train you."

"You guys."

Peter asked, surprised.

"Yes, kid. You guys, you, the witch, the speedster, Sam, Rhode, and Vision."

Tony replied, almost laughing at Peter's expression.

"The agent decided to split you into teams, actually into two teams: Team Rogers with Rhode and Sam. Unfortunately, Vision refused both the role of being part of a team and training you, as he thought it would be better to stay at the base as a watchman. And the Romanoff team will be you."

Tony said, pointing to Peter before continuing.

"The witch, who probably loves it, and her brother."

"Great, that's all I needed. Now, the Black Widow is going to skin us twice."

Peter said, letting out a small laugh with a discouraged look.

Tony laughed lightly at Peter's disconcerted reaction and continued.

"Well, believe me, Parker, you're going to learn a lot from her, and I have no doubt that you'll stand out."

Peter sighed, resigned to the idea of ​​training under the tutelage of Black Widow.

"Maybe you're right, but what do I do with May? How will she be when I'm not here anymore? Will she miss me, and I can't forget what happened when I was away for a week; she almost had a fit and grounded me for several days. Also, there are my classes that will start later this month."

"Kid, for all that, you can find a solution. For school, it's simple: divide it in two. In the morning, you study, and in the afternoon, you do the internship, already with your aunt. Then, you would have to try to convince her to give you permission. Come on, kid, I know that has always been your dream. Think with me: you working alongside your greatest idols and the greatest heroes in the world."

Tony said, trying to convince Peter in any way.

"Mr. Stark, I don't know, maybe I need more time to think about this and a lot to absorb."

Peter replied, still hesitating in his action.

"I understand you; if that's what you want, I can't do anything but wait."

Tony said, slowly getting up from the chair and pulling a card from his pocket.


In a simple gesture, Tony hands the card to Peter, who takes it with an expression of confusion on his face and says nothing but stares at the small piece of paper in his hands.

"This is in case you decide to change your mind. This is Happy's number, my private security guard. If you want to talk, just contact him and he'll let me know."

Tony said, staring at the boy.

Peter put the card in his pocket, still undecided, but grateful for Tony's understanding.