Difficult decisions

"Thank you very much for understanding, Mr. Stark. I appreciate it, I'll think about it"

Said Peter finally, breaking the silence.

"But I have concerns about my aunt, classes, and everything else."

Tony then gives Peter a pat on the shoulder, understanding the boy's dilemma.

"I get it, kid. But don't worry, if you need advice or just want to talk, you know where to find me."

Peter nodded, carefully storing the card.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. I'll take that into consideration."

Tony stood up completely, extending his hand to Peter.

"Good luck, kid. Feel free to reach out."

"Thank you, Mr. Stark"

Said Peter, shaking Tony's hand with gratitude and a smile on his face. Tony smiled back and nodded.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. And remember, I'm here to help you with whatever you need."

After that, Tony left Peter's room, leaving him alone to ponder the conversation he had just had.

(Man, what do I do now? Do I continue in Queens being the friendly neighborhood guy and defeating these bank robbers, or do I accept this offer to join the Avengers and become a real hero? Damn it, Parker, why do you always get into these messes?)

Peter thought, getting up from bed and pacing in circles in the corner while his mind raced.

"Can I juggle everything? Aunt May, classes, and the Avengers... It's a lot for a young guy like me to handle."

Peter murmured to himself. The Avengers' proposal was tempting but also represented a drastic change in his routine. He questioned what it would really mean to give up the life he knew to become part of something bigger.

"Being a real hero... would it mean more responsibilities, more dangers? But at the same time, it could make a global difference."

Peter reflected, scratching his head.

"I'll think about it later."

Peter whispered, lying back on the bed and closing his eyes to rest, but ended up falling asleep in the process.


18:00 PM

Peter had slept so much that the afternoon had gone by, giving way to a dark and starry sky. After getting up from bed, he headed to the bathroom to take a shower, intending to relieve the tension in his shoulders. After half an hour in the bathroom, he left the room and went downstairs, where he could see his aunt in the kitchen preparing some things.

"Aunt May"

Said Peter, approaching her and giving her a hug.

"Hi Pete, did you sleep well?"

May asks, still focused on what she was doing in the kitchen.

"Yes, and what are you making for dinner?"

Peter said, trying to change the subject, which May didn't notice.

"I'm making my famous meatballs that you love so much"

May says, with a big smile of joy on her face.

After hearing those words from his aunt, Peter forces a smile on his face that May didn't realize was fake.

"Aunt, I have something serious to talk to you about. It's about Mr. Stark's visit"

Peter said, separating from the hug and receiving a curious look from May.

"Is it that serious?"

May asked, a little worried.

Peter, noticing the concern on his aunt's face, tries to reassure her by changing his expression.

"It's serious, but it's not a big deal. You can relax"

Peter replied, calming down as he noticed his aunt's expression also calming down.

"Pete, don't tell me you did something..."

May said, but couldn't finish the sentence because Peter interrupted her to try to fix the misunderstanding his aunt had created.

"No, May, I swear I didn't do anything, but I think it's better if you sit down first."

"Okay, Pete"

May said, turning off the stove and taking the pot out of the oven and placing it on the sink. And then walking towards the table.

"Now tell me, what's so serious that you're making such a suspense?"

May asked, still suspicious but giving her grandson the benefit of the doubt.

"Well, where do I start?"

Peter said, making a thoughtful face before continuing his speech.

"Do you remember when Mr. Stark was here, and he said he wanted to talk to me alone?"

Peter asked, looking at his aunt, who just nodded in understanding.

"Well, he was only here to offer me an internship at the new foundation he created, called the September Foundation. Since all the selected students were those who had the best grades in school, I ended up being one of those chosen."

May, upon hearing Peter's revelation, widened her eyes and stopped halfway to the table.

"An internship? That's amazing, Peter! Congratulations!"

"Thank you very much, Aunt May, this means a lot to me."

Before Peter could say anything else, his aunt hugged him with a warm smile on her face.

"I'm very proud of you, and I'm sure your uncle would be too"

May said, letting go of the hug and looking at Peter.

"I know he would be proud too"

Peter said, reflecting the image of his uncle in his mind before continuing.

"But are you really happy, Aunt?"

May looked at Peter with a mix of surprise and joy.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? I always said you would be the smartest, and look, I wasn't wrong."

May said, still praising Peter but becoming worried shortly afterward.

"Pete, but it's your school, you can't abandon it."

"Don't worry, Aunt May. I won't abandon school. Mr. Stark said I can split my duties between school and the internship, so in the morning, I attend classes, and in the afternoon, I do the internship."

Peter said, trying again to reassure his aunt.

"Ah, good."

May says, more relieved.

"There's just one little problem that's getting in the way of all this."

Peter says a little awkwardly, receiving his aunt's attention.

"And what would that be?"

May asked a little curiously.

"Well, since it's an internship, I'd have to spend six months at the Stark Industries building until they finished building the foundation."

Said Peter, already cringing as he waited for his aunt to at least freak out a little (and he was right).