Taking a different path

"Man, I didn't even want to say anything, but what a view, what a view, my friends."

Peter thought as he stared at the forest view with a serene expression.

"I hope you like what's coming, because it's about to get better."

Said a mysterious voice, catching Peter's attention.

After Peter turned around with a curious look, he ended up finding someone standing in front of the door, staring at him.


Exclaimed Peter, staring at the redhead with a mix of emotions.

"It's me."

Confirmed Wanda, unable to contain her joy.

Before Peter could say anything else, Wanda interrupted him, giving him a long and warm hug.

After Wanda and Peter separated from the hug, Peter looked into Wanda's eyes with a surprised and happy expression.

"What are you doing here?"

Peter asked, still a bit disoriented by the redhead's unexpected presence.

"I missed you so much that I couldn't wait."

Said Wanda, giving a small embarrassed smile.

"I missed you too, Wanda."

Peter said calmly.

"I heard you became an Avenger, is that true?"

Wanda asked, looking at Peter with an apprehensive look.

"Yes, it's true. Thanks to you, I'm officially an Avenger."

Peter replied, noticing the girl's expression changing to joy.

"And living? Are you going to stay here with us too?"

Wanda asked, not caring if that question might sound strange.


Peter said.


Wanda said, hugging Peter again, this time with a sparkle in her eyes.

"It'll be great to have your company here again."

"Thank you!"

Peter said, a bit embarrassed.

"I hope so."

After Wanda let go of Peter, instead of completely separating, she began to touch Peter's face.


Peter said, calling the girl's name, but she didn't respond at that moment.

After a few minutes of Wanda stroking Peter's face with a calm expression, she decided to break the silence by looking at Peter again.

"And as I expected... it's the same feeling."

Wanda whispered, not paying attention to what she was doing at that moment, as she was totally immersed in her thoughts while gazing at Peter.

"Wanda, sorry to interrupt, I don't know what you were doing, but what do you mean, feeling?"

Peter asked, unable to contain his curiosity, which had reached the point of driving him crazy.

"The feeling I had when we first talked."

Wanda replied as she took her hands off Peter's face.

"Okay, I got that far, but what does that mean?"

Peter asked, still somewhat confused and not understanding what Wanda was talking about.

"It means that, since the first time I saw you, you haven't changed a bit. You're still the same naive, funny, cute... and especially, beautiful person."

Wanda said, somewhat embarrassed but happy inside for being able to speak her mind without worrying about anything.

After Wanda said those words, both she and Peter began to look at each other with an embarrassed expression.

"That's not what I meant."

Wanda said, trying to hide all her embarrassment while doing everything not to look directly into Peter's eyes.

Peter, still intrigued by Wanda's words, tried to understand what she meant by those words. However, before he could say anything, the redhead interrupted him, trying to explain herself.

"I... meant that you still make me feel the same way. Since the first day, you evoke these sensations in me, this special connection."

Wanda said, stumbling over her words.

"I understand what you meant, Wanda."

Peter said, letting out a small embarrassed laugh.


Wanda asked, with a mixed expression on her face.

While Wanda remained silent and embarrassed, not knowing what to say to Peter, he decided to break the silence by continuing the original flow of the conversation.

"What have you been up to these last few days?"

Peter asked, trying to change the course of the conversation.

"Well... the same boring things as always."

Wanda said with an indifferent face before approaching Peter's bed.

"Can I sit?"

She asked, pointing to the bed.

After Wanda asked that question, Peter didn't answer but nodded his head as a confirmation.

"Thank you."

Wanda said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"But how come your days were boring?"

Peter asked, looking at Wanda with a somewhat curious look on his face.

"And it's been a short time since we moved here, to be precise, two weeks."

Said Wanda, with a relaxed face while glancing briefly around Peter's room.

After Wanda said those words, Peter felt somewhat uncomfortable when the redhead said 'we,' indicating that she was probably living with someone else in the complex.

"Two weeks, huh?"

Commented Peter, trying to disguise the discomfort.

"Yeah, two long and boring weeks. But now that you're here, maybe things will get more interesting."

Wanda said, with a little smile.

"With whom are you living here?"

Peter asked, trying to seem as casual as possible as he sat next to her.

Wanda stared at Peter a bit confused, not understanding the question, but decided to answer.

"Pietro and I, but I still don't know how he managed to get along so well with the Avengers."

After Wanda confided in whom she was living within the complex, Peter's expression changed to one of relief, which went unnoticed by Wanda, who still kept distracting herself by observing the boy's room.

"And you?"

Peter asked with a relieved tone as he looked at the redhead.

"I still haven't gotten used to all of this. The only people I'm closer to our Vision and Natasha."

Wanda replied, playing with a strand of her hair.

"I know how that is, trust me. It's just an adaptation phase; sooner or later, you'll fit in, just give it time."

Peter said, trying to convey confidence to the girl.

"I hope you're right, because sometimes I feel so strange, like this isn't where I belong."

Wanda said, lying down on Peter's bed.

"I can't deny that the complex is nice. It has everything: a big kitchen, several bedrooms, a comfortable living room, a swimming pool and I can't forget that huge movie theater. But even with all this, I still can't fit in. At the same time as everything is so big, it also seems so small to me."