
"And like I said, this is also part of the readjustment process. All of this is still new to you. Trust me, I went through this high adaptation phase when I gained these powers too. Everything was so new and scary, but over time, you get used to it"

Said Peter, staring at Wanda with a serene look, while trying to convey reassurance to the redhead.

"I hope..."

Wanda expressed calmly, who had been lying on Peter's bed, stood up, and returned to sit next to him.

"But putting that aside, besides wanting to ask how you spent this last month, I'm also curious about this watch. If I remember correctly, in our battle in Sokovia, you didn't have it. So, did someone give it to you? Was it Tony?"

"Well, first, about the watch, it wasn't Mr. Stark; it was Dr. Helen Cho who gave it to me as a thank-you after I saved her twice. And there's more, this is not just a simple watch; it's also my suit now"

Peter said, placing his hand on the watch and then receiving a confused look from Wanda.

"Suit? What do you mean?"

Wanda asked, not understanding how that simple watch could be a suit.

"I can't explain it properly, but what I know is that inside this watch is an advanced nanotechnology suit with cell regeneration. Besides being very practical, since I don't need to keep changing clothes all the time, it also regenerates depending on the damage and, on top of that, heals me too"

Peter said, looking at Wanda.

"Wow, that's cool! Can you show me?"

Wanda asked with a curious look mixed with a hint of excitement, staring at Peter.

"Of course, I don't see any problem"

Peter said as he got up from the bed. After Peter got up from the bed, he tapped the watch's display twice, and out of nowhere, something that looked more like red and blue slime started coming out of the watch and began to cover Peter's entire body at an incredible speed.

"This suit is a bit different from the one I saw in Sokovia"

Wanda said, amazed by Peter's new suit.

"And this one, besides being more technological, more stylish, and more practical in a fight"

Peter argued, highlighting some positive points of the new suit to Wanda.

"It's even better. The whole suit fits into this device that looks more like a watch, but it's not, even though it also wakes up and has the function of telling the time, as if it were one"

Peter continued, pointing to the watch and, with a gentle touch to the side, it switched to the clock mode, where you could see the time.

"Besides this... weird clock function (even though it looks like one), it's quite versatile in a fight; it has saved me countless times in battles"

Peter said, remembering some moments against some villains that he had to use the new suit.

"Could you tell me about one?"

Wanda asked, with a curious face, staring at Peter.

"Well, there was one time I faced a guy dressed as Scorpion, and I don't even like to remember that day"

Peter said, somewhat embarrassed and with a hint of anger.


Wanda asked, even more curious, staring at Peter now with more intensity.

"Well, as I can say, I didn't do very well on our first encounter, meaning I took a beating of those"

Peter replied, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"From your expression, this fight was very difficult"

Wanda said, looking at Peter.

"You have no idea, the guy was so crazy and obsessed with destroying everything that he even used a nuclear reactor, but after a lot of effort, I managed to defeat him."


Wanda said, with a surprised expression on her face.

"And I won't even tell you about his scorpion sting, man, that thing was tough. When he hit me with that sting in our first fight, I was in bed almost a week from the pain I was feeling."

"If it weren't for the suit that can absorb impact, I would have definitely been much worse off than I was in that fight."

"How does it absorb impact? You mean any type of attack?"

Wanda asked, curious.

"Almost that, it depends a lot on the type of damage I receive. If it's physical attack, like hand-to-hand, the suit sort of absorbs that type of damage and stores the impact and then returns the attack much stronger"

Peter explained, demonstrating what he meant by the suit absorbing impact.

"So basically, the suit is like an advanced shield that absorbs and enhances the attacks I receive. It helps a lot, especially against more powerful enemies"

Peter said, while Wanda processed the information, fascinated by the versatility of the new suit.

"But leaving that aside, let me show you it working in practice, because explaining it is kind of hard to understand."

"Sure, I see no problem"

Peter said, who then pointed towards his abdomen, which was protected by a thin but resistant layer of Kevlar that covered almost the entire suit.

"Now give me a punch here."

After Peter said that, Wanda was somewhat unsure of what to do.

"Trust me, I won't get hurt (I think)"

Peter said, trying to convey confidence to Wanda, but after his last comment, the situation only got worse.

"You're not giving me any confidence, and what if I hurt you?"

Wanda asked, with a serious expression.

"You won't, the suit will protect me from getting to that point"

Peter replied, staring at Wanda.

"All right"

Wanda said, getting up from the bed.

"What do I have to do?"

Wanda asked, looking at Peter.

"The punch has to be a bit strong so that the suit can at least absorb the impact. A punch would be essential, but since I don't want you to hurt your hand, try a kick."

Peter said while putting his hand on his head as if thinking about something.

Wanda, still somewhat hesitant but trusting Peter, stepped back a bit and kicked him in the abdomen, which ended up moving him only a millimeter off the ground.

"I told you"

Peter said, taking off only the helmet part of the suit.