The new outfit

"This suit holds up, depending on the impact. The only times it almost let me down were against the scorpion and against another guy who called himself Rhino. But I also didn't know how to use the suit properly, so it doesn't count."

Said Peter, with his hand on his chin reflecting on that day.


Wanda asked curiously.

"Long story, I'll tell you later."

Said Peter, approaching Wanda.

"Alright, but putting that aside, what is this?"

Wanda asked, pointing to Peter's abdomen where a faint light of blue and red hues was blinking.

"That's what I meant when I said this suit absorbs the impact. Actually, it's this fabric that absorbs the impact and then transforms it into kinetic energy, keeping it stored in the suit so I can use it or release it later."

Peter explained, further piquing Wanda's curiosity.

"What do you mean release? Like a discharge?"

Wanda asked, staring at Peter.

"Almost like that, the only problem is I won't be able to show you that."

Peter replied, looking back at Wanda.


Wanda, still unsatisfied with the answer, decides to continue asking.

"Well, how could I explain?"

Peter said in a low voice that almost came out as a whisper.

"Basically, this is the kinetic energy that the suit stored from the impact of your kick. So, for me to release it, you would have to kick me again. But this time, instead of you touching me, the energy will be released against you, like a discharge."

Peter explained, now receiving a nod from Wanda.

"Ah, now I get it."

Said Wanda, understanding that somewhat sneaky feature of Peter's new suit.

With a subtle smile, Peter took the opportunity to add more information about his intriguing suit.

"And there's more, this fabric also has a self-adaptation capacity. It's like intelligent material that adjusts to challenging situations. So, if I'm somewhere too hot, it automatically cools for my comfort; and the same thing if I'm in a very cold place, it warms up."

Wanda, now even more fascinated, observed Peter with curious eyes, eager for more revelations about the new suit.


Peter continued, moving his fingers towards the small device in his hand.

"I can also create small energy fields. They are quite useful for blocking attacks and generating distractions through holograms, providing incredible versatility in delicate situations."

Wanda raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Holograms? What do you mean?"

With a small smile, Peter activated the device, and immediately a three-dimensional hologram materialized between them, projecting a realistic image of Spider-Man.

"That's it."

Peter explained.

"I can use this to confuse my enemies, creating holographic copies of myself or simply to distract while I move. It's quite a feature, thanks to Dr. Chan with the help of Stark Industries. I would never have such a cool suit otherwise."

After saying those words, Peter tapped the watch's visor twice. And that same goo, which had previously come out of the watch, now began to retract, but this time into the spider symbol located on the chest of the suit.

"Well, now, answering your second question, aside from all these crazy things that happened, my days were mostly, how can I say it? normal. Mostly because I spent most of my time being grounded."

Peter said, scratching his head, somewhat embarrassed.

"Grounded? Why?"

Wanda asked, looking at Peter with a curious expression.

"Well, after our mission in Sokovia, I kind of didn't communicate with my aunt for several days. Not liking that much, she ended up grounding me and forbidding me from leaving the house for several days. I could only go from home to school, from school to work, or from work to home, but I always managed to sneak out to be the 'friendly neighborhood guy.'"

"Friendly neighborhood guy?"

Wanda asked, curious about the name Peter had mentioned, which seemed a bit different to her.

"Yeah. It's a nickname I got after helping people in the neighborhood, you know? Rescuing cats from trees, stopping small criminals, everyday stuff that makes a difference."

Peter explained, with a nostalgic smile.

Staring at Peter without quite understanding the context of that name, Wanda asked him:

"But isn't your superhero name Spider-Man?"

"Yes, that's the most famous one, but some people also call me other names like web head, masked vigilante, Spider, as my ex-boss used to call me, criminal or public menace, human spider, and so on. And the weirdest thing in all of this is the curiosities people have about me. Like, some people think I have spider legs. Can you believe that?"

Peter said, letting out a small laugh.

After Peter recounted those stories, Wanda looked at him with a shocked expression on her face.

"Wow, that's bizarre."

"But, besides all these things, I actually think it's all cool, even though in the end I always end up being unjustly accused and called a criminal every time. I just can't understand how they think a person who keeps protecting the city from criminals and even a giant lizard that wants to turn everyone into lizards is a bad person."

Peter asked, unable to understand the reasoning of people who insult Spider-Man.

"You always manage to see the good side in everything, huh? And that's what I like about you."

Wanda said, whispering the last part that Peter couldn't quite hear. After saying those words, Wanda gently rested her head on Peter's shoulder.

"They always tell me that, I think it's a gift I have."

Peter said, almost stuttering with a red face and all nervous due to Wanda's sudden closeness.

"Are you all right, Peter?"

Wanda asked, curious about Peter's stutter, even though she already knew why.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. I was just a bit surprised; you know?"

Peter replied, trying to disguise his nervousness.

Wanda smiled, finding Peter's reaction adorable.

"I see, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Said the redhead, taking her head off the boy's shoulder and continuing.

"What do you think of your new room?"