Black Widow Team


"Hmm... interesting. I could really use a pair of glasses."

Pietro murmured, as he picked up the glasses that were practically lying on his desk and then stared at him. Then, out of nowhere, he turned around and started saying something out of the blue. 

"You have no idea how bad it is to run at an unimaginable speed with the fucking wind hitting your face all the time. Finally, now I can run even faster without having to worry about it damaging my eyesight in the future."

He added as he turned around again and then opened the door to his room and left.

Pietro walked calmly through the corridors of the complex, while adjusting the glasses on his face. When he reached his sister's room, he stood in front of the door for almost ten minutes, waiting for her. Already impatient with the delay, he decided to knock on the door to see what was taking so long.

Once in Wanda's room, she had opened her closet and was looking for something she could use for training, but was abruptly interrupted when someone impatiently knocked on her door.


Wanda exclaimed in a somewhat discreet tone as she approached the door.

As she opened the door, Wanda found her brother staring at her with an unfriendly face.

"What's taking you so long, Wanda? Do you want to put on the whole closet by any chance? Natasha's already starting to lose patience with us outside."

Wanda sighed as she ran her hands through her hair, clearly showing her discontent before replying:

"I'm sorry. I was looking for something to wear as a uniform, but I couldn't decide."

Pietro frowned, worried about the situation. They couldn't afford to delay any further. After a brief pause, he suggested:

"Really, Wanda? Do as I did and improvise some clothes. We'll sort it out later, after all, we don't even have a fixed outfit yet."

Wanda agreed, still a little wary, but eventually decided to follow her brother's suggestion. Without wasting any time, she went back to her room and grabbed the first set of clothes she saw in front of her: from the closet she took a red leather jacket. To wear under the jacket, a black dress with a V-neck. To complete the temporary outfit, a pair of tights that stretched down to her thighs and a pair of thick leather boots, also black, to finish off the improvised outfit. But before leaving the room, she grabbed a pair of black gloves and a necklace with a picture of her parents on it.

"I think that as a temporary outfit, it's good enough."

Wanda said, as she stared at herself in the mirror.

"Let's go, Wanda. We still have to call Peter."

Pietro exclaimed urgently, calling out to his sister in a raised voice while still standing outside his room.

"I'm coming, what a drag."

Wanda replied, also almost shouting, but whispering the last part so quietly that her brother didn't hear it.

After leaving their rooms, Pietro and Wanda hurried to Peter's room.

Once in Peter's room, he was still in doubt as to whether to wear his old costume or his new watch costume; after almost half an hour of thinking, he decided to wear his old costume, i.e. the Night Spider costume.

"I think it's going to be you, buddy."

Peter said as he picked up his old black suit. For this training session, he had opted for a more discreet and tactical approach, and this uniform gave him everything he needed, namely a stealthier aesthetic, which was what he needed. After getting dressed, Peter left his room and ran into Pietro and Wanda, who were waiting for him outside.

"What the fuck are you wearing, man?"

Pietro asked, staring at Peter's outfit without understanding why he had chosen it.

"Don't start, man. I know it's ugly, but since it's easier to get to the bathroom, I decided to wear it anyway. And besides, I wasn't too keen on wearing my new outfit to a training session. What's more, this costume isn't that useless. Since we're going to be fighting the Black Widow, this suit is very practical for tactical and stealth confrontations."

Peter explained, as he ran alongside his brothers to the elevator.

Pietro shook his head, a little skeptical, but eventually accepted Peter's explanation.

"All right, man. As long as it actually works in training, I don't have to complain about anything."

As soon as the trio reached the basement, where the training floor was, they found Sam, or as he was called, "Hawk", who was leaning against a wall. Next to him was Rhode, or "Fighting Machine" to the more intimate, and Vision, who approached the youngsters as usual, floating. However, something that didn't go unnoticed by the three was that the person who had said he would skin them alive wasn't there yet, namely Natasha.

"Hello Peter, long time no see, and I see you're looking a bit different."

Said Vision greeting Peter, but not letting his interest in that new outfit slip.

Peter gave Vision a nod as the three brothers joined the group.

"Where's Natasha?"

Pietro asked, looking around for the agent.

"I'm not sure, she hasn't arrived yet"

Sam replied, frowning.

"Normally, she's always the first to show up."

While Pietro was talking to Sam and Rhodes, Vision turned to Wanda, who was standing next to Peter, and asked a question with his usual inexpressible face.

"Is everything all right, Wanda?"

Wanda looked at Vision, a little surprised and confused by the question.

"Why do you ask?"

"I heard you were sad this morning, did something happen?"

Vision said, still staring at the redhead.

"Nothing much happened, but I'm much better now."

Wanda said gently, glancing at Peter without him noticing.

"That's great, Wanda. Oh, and before I forget, Peter, I have to introduce you to the new members of the team. Pietro and Wanda already know them, you're the only one they haven't met yet."

Said Vision, leading Peter to where Pietro and the other new members of his new team were standing.




  1. From now on, I ask that you completely disregard all the personality and character that you know of the heroes, whether from films or comics. Because for the story to flow better, I'm going to have to make some changes, so don't complain later that such a character would never say such a thing.