Learning and performing


Peter followed Vision to the group, where Pietro and the other two new members of the team were gathered.

After they approached the group, Vision began to introduce them to Peter and vice versa.

"Peter, this is former pilot James Rhodes, or as he's known, Iron Patriot, and this next to him is former soldier Samuel Wilson, or Falcon."

Vision said, still in a friendly manner, introducing the members to Peter.

Peter greeted the new members with a friendly smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm looking forward to working together."

Said Peter, as he extended his hand in greeting.

"The pleasure's all ours, kid."

Rhode said, accepting Peter's greeting.

Before Peter could say anything else, he was interrupted by Sam.

"So, you're the Spider-Man everyone's been talking about?"

Sam asked, also greeting Peter.

"Yes, it's me. Why? No, wait a minute, what do you mean 'everyone's talking about'?"

Peter asked, with a surprised face, as he stared at Sam.

"Haven't you heard? You became well known after that incident in Sokovia."

(Shit, my aunt's going to kill me. It was hard enough to hide the bruises and bruises that the so-called Spider-Man suffered; imagine now that I could literally end up breaking a bone).

Peter thought, with a worried look on his face, but then it changed to a more subtle one.

(It's no big deal if I break a bone; I just have to wait for my regeneration to do everything else. At least that's what I hope, and what do you think? I don't even know what to say, but I'll give you my vote of confidence).

Peter thought as he let out a small laugh that went unnoticed by everyone.

"But leaving that aside, I just want to see if you're really as strong as everyone says you are."

Said Sam, staring at Peter with the countenance of an excited person to whom she looked, even like a child.

"If I were you, I wouldn't underestimate him so much. I say that from experience; after all, I did it and, lo and behold, I ended up learning the hard way."

Wanda, who had remained completely silent next to Peter since the beginning of the conversation, watching everything with a calm and serene expression, decided to break the silence after becoming interested in the subject her brother had been talking about.

"What did you do?"

Wanda asked, staring at her brother.

"Oh, nothing much."

Pietro replied with a slight smile, while exchanging meaningful glances with his sister.

"I just underestimated him too much and ended up getting hurt because of it."

Wanda raised an eyebrow, not quite believing what her brother was saying.

"Oh, so that's it?"

Wanda commented, a tone of distrust evident in her voice as she stared at Pietro with a penetrating gaze.

"I think there's more to this story than you're telling."

Pietro let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of his head as he searched for a suitable response.

"Trust me. Little sister. Nothing much happened, did it Peter?"

Pietro asked, as he put his arm around Peter's neck in a relaxed way. Anyone who saw that scene would have thought the two were best friends or brothers. But in fact, they were like cats and dogs when they were fighting.

Peter gave a forced smile as he felt Pietro's arm around his neck.

"Sure, it was no big deal."

Peter said, looking at Wanda and trying his best to look confident.

"You see, little sister, if the man said it, it's said."

Pietro said, removing his arm from Peter's neck and then continuing his speech.

"Well, getting back to where we were, you might even think he's weak because of his skinny body or because of his haggard face, but trust me, looks can be deceiving."

Said Pietro, taking that opportunity to take a swipe at Peter.

After hearing that, Peter got a little angry, but before he could say anything, Rhode interrupted him.

"Let me get this straight: you wear this weird black outfit, which looks more like a floor cloth, and you go around shooting webs and saving people?"

Rhode asked, staring at the young man in front of him.

Peter looked at him with a disbelieving face.

"If I may clarify, this isn't exactly my uniform. My uniform is stored in this device."

Peter explained as he tried to clear up the whole misunderstanding, while at the same time giving his reasons for why he chose to wear that costume, rather than his new one made by Dr. Hellen or his traditional blue and red uniform with a hood, which he wore before joining the Avengers.

"I only chose to wear this old costume that I should have thrown in the trash because of its stealth qualities. What's more, this costume, unlike my blue and red one, doesn't attract too much attention, of course if I'm in the dark."

Peter added, demonstrating the specialty of his costume.

"Like, I can camouflage myself very well in the dark, like that."

Said Peter as he walked to a corner where everything was dark, and then everyone was surprised. In fact, to anyone watching from afar, it looked like there was no one there. Peter's camouflage skills impressed everyone, including Vision, who was watching the scene with interest.


Vision commented, admiring the great advantage of Peter's costume.

Rhodes nodded, impressed.

"That's incredible. It's certainly quite an advantage."



Nattasha was in another part of the complex, to tell the truth, on a completely empty floor. She stared at nothing while thinking about Bruce or whether he would ever come back to her. While she was lost in her thoughts, she didn't even notice the presence of Fury, who approached her cautiously.

"Our experts were able to identify this signal that fell somewhere in the band sea."

Said Nick Fury as he handed Natasha a tablet with a green dot flashing on it.




  1. From now on, I ask that you completely disregard all the personality and character that you know of the heroes, whether from films or comics. Because for the story to flow better, I'm going to have to make some changes, so don't complain later that such a character would never say such a thing.