Molding Heroes


After Steve said those words, Tony stared at him for a few seconds before starting the car's engine and preparing to leave the place. However, before doing so, he turned around again and spoke.

"See you next time, popsicle."

After Tony left, Steve stood in front of the complex, watching the car slowly drive away. When it had completely disappeared, he let out a long sigh as he thought about the possibility of having a family.


Steve whispered, looking serious and at the same time thoughtful about the question hanging over his head.

Steve was so lost in his thoughts that he barely noticed someone approaching. The sound of this person's footsteps ended up mixing with the gentle breeze of the wind.

As the mysterious person approached, Steve looked up, awakening from his thoughts. It was one of the many soldiers working for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Mr. Rogers, Miss Romanoff is requesting your presence on the second floor."

Said some soldier with a scar over his right eye as he saluted Steve.

Steve nodded in agreement and then walked back into the complex following the soldier.

As Steve walked alongside the agent through the familiar corridors of the S.H.I.E.L.D. compound, he couldn't shake the thought of what Tony had said moments before. The idea of having a family was always on his mind, it was a subject that had intrigued and haunted him for a long time.

As he walked, he passed several rooms occupied by other agents busy with their tasks. The atmosphere in there was tense, but there was also something there that Steve couldn't explain that made him feel calm; it was a comforting environment for him. It was the kind of place he had become used to living in, a world where there were duties and responsibilities to fulfill: like a real soldier.

After almost half an hour in the elevator, Steve had finally reached the second floor, where Natasha was waiting for him. She was in a large, dark room, standing staring at a wall; she hadn't even noticed Steve's sudden approach, as she was lost in thought.

"Are you going to keep standing there staring at the wall or are we going to work?"

Steve asked as he approached Natasha, who turned when she heard his voice.

"But I have to admit, it's a great wall."

After Steve said those words, Natasha let out a brief smile and looked away from the wall to Steve.

"I was here waiting for you and Tony to finish that meltdown."

Natasha replied as she started walking towards Steve.

"How are we doing?"

Natasha asked with a serious expression on her face as she walked alongside Steve to the basement, where their teams were.

Steve ended up saying nothing, but handed Natasha a tablet that contained all the necessary information about all the members of each team.

"What do you think of them? Will we be able to turn them into a real team?"

Natasha asked, staring at Steve.

"One thing's for sure, maybe we won't be the Yankees of twenty-seven, but I think we can fix them, or at least get them in shape."

Steve answered sincerely, as he passed a narrow but steep path that led to another room where the elevator to the basement was located.

Natasha looked at the data on the tablet for a moment, pondering the information it contained. She looked up at Steve, her serious gaze denoting the seriousness of the matter.

"I think we have what it takes to mold them. With the right training and a little time, we can turn them into a cohesive and efficient team."

Natasha replied, handing the tablet back to Steve.

Steve nodded, agreeing with Natasha's assessment. He knew it wouldn't be an easy task, but he also trusted in their ability to lead and inspire those under their tutelage.

"Let's get to work then..."

Said Steve, with determination in his voice as he paused briefly.

"They need to learn to trust each other, and to act like a real team. It will take time, but I'm sure we can make it happen."

Natasha nodded in agreement with Steve's words, recognizing that they weren't yet a team, but that there was nothing that good training couldn't solve.

"Let's get them in shape, just like the boy said. Now they'll know what hell training is really like."

Said Natasha, looking rather serious as she remembered what Pietro had said about his training methods. However, Steve was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the malice in what she had said.

Steve and Natasha continued walking down the long, long corridor that led to the elevator. After approaching the elevator, Steve pressed the button to open the doors. Once the doors were open, the two entered and then Steve called out to the complex's artificial intelligence.


Steve called out.

"What can I do for you, Captain?"

Friday asked, his soft voice echoing through the confined space of the elevator.

"Take us to the floor where the basement is, please."

Informed Steve, speaking to the artificial intelligence.

"Understood, Mr. Rogers."

Confirmed the robotic voice filling the entire elevator space.

After Friday said those words, the elevator doors closed automatically and it began to descend.

After almost ten minutes in the elevator, the doors opened. Natasha and Steve had finally reached the basement where the training room (which was nothing like a training room) was located.

After Steve and Natt get out of the elevator, they see the rest of the members of their teams ready to receive instructions. Rhode, who was still wearing the Iron Patriot armor, opens his helmet. Vision, who was standing next to Rhode, just turns around. Sam, for his part, lands next to the others and closes his wing. Wanda, who was training her powers of flight, notices the presence of the two mentors and lands next to Peter and his brother Pietro, who wasn't there a second ago, but with his super speed, appears in a split second.




  1. From now on, I ask that you completely disregard all the personality and character that you know of the heroes, whether from films or comics. Because for the story to flow better, I'm going to have to make some changes, so don't complain later that such a character would never say such a thing.