Testing the Teams


After Steve and Natasha arrived in the training room, the members of their teams began to gather next to each other, forming a line. They knew that the group was very diverse, with each one containing their own talents, but it was this that, as well as making them unique, also made them predictable in battle.

"I see you're all gathered here."

Steve said, his serious countenance drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

"We all have a common goal: which is to become a strong, cohesive team. And that means trusting each other, i.e. teamwork and commitment to missions. I know it won't be that easy a task, but I'm sure we'll succeed, and most importantly, together."

The members of the two teams, listening to Steve's motivational speech, nodded in agreement and indicated that they were ready for the training ahead.

Natasha, realizing that Steve wasn't going to stop talking, decided to interrupt him, as she was getting fed up with all the small talk.

"Leaving all this small talk aside, let's focus on what really matters. Which is your first training session."

After Natasha said those words, Steve looked at her with a serious expression on his face, disapproving of what his friend had done, but Natasha didn't care about Steve's disapproving look and simply carried on, after all it was time to get down to work or torture them like Peter and Pietro had been saying.

When she thought of the latter option, Natasha almost let out an evil little smile.

"Let's start with a simple tactical formation exercise. I want to see how you coordinate in simulated combat situations."

"Can you give us more details about how this training will work?"

Pietro asked casually as he stared at Natasha.

Before Natasha could answer the question, Steve was quicker.

"This training will involve a team combat simulation, which means you'll be fighting each other. And based on the information we have, each of you has your own experiences in heroism."

Steve explained, as he tried to regain control of the situation.

After Steve paused what he was saying, Natasha, noticing this small gap, didn't give her friend time to continue and interrupted him harshly.

"As our captain was saying, you have your own experiences in combat, Sam has a lot of experience being a war veteran, Rhode has helped Tony a lot in the past and the boy..."

Natasha said as she put her hand on Steve's shoulder and then pointed her finger at Peter.

"And the most active hero we have information on in New York. As for you..."

Natasha said, continuing what she was saying while staring at Wanda, Pietro and Vision.

"You're the only ones who don't have any experience of how to be a hero, but don't worry, there's nothing a good training session can't solve."

Steve, although opposed to Natasha's decision, took a deep breath and decided to take control of the situation.

"And that's why we decided to help you with this."

Said Steve, only this time adopting a slightly more serious posture.

After Steve finished his words, he gave Natasha a meaningful look, indicating that she could continue from where he had left off. When Natasha saw the signal, she decided to take control of the conversation.

"And to make that happen, we've decided to do a little training together with you. That is, you..."

Natasha said while pointing her finger at Peter, Pietro and Wanda.

"My team is going up against Rogers' team."


Pietro and Wanda exclaimed in unison, surprised by the proposal and unable to hide their astonished faces.

"Come on, people..."

Peter said, trying to encourage Wanda and Pietro with a playful smile on his face.

"A little action every now and then doesn't hurt anyone."

"Only if it's for you..."

Pietro replied, leaving a hook for his sister to complete.

"That sounds a bit risky, don't you think? As you said, they have experience and we don't, they're going to kick our asses."

Wanda questioned, addressing Natasha cautiously.

Natasha just smiled, casting a confident glance at her team.

"Just try to see this as an opportunity to strengthen yourselves. Besides, how do you know you'll lose if you don't even try?"

Natasha explained, trying to reassure the two members of her team.

"What's more, it's not like you're going into a real battle. Just think of it as training."

Natasha added, her voice firm and encouraging as she looked at the three of them.

Peter nodded enthusiastically.

"Hey, guys. Let's not get ahead of ourselves! We're in this together. So, let's show them what we're capable of."

Pietro and Wanda looked at each other, while sharing the same feeling they were feeling at that moment: nervousness. Finally, Pietro let out a little sigh of acceptance.

"All right, you've won. Then let's do it."

Natasha nodded with satisfaction at her students' response and then turned her gaze to Steve.

"They're ready."

Steve smiled, expressing his satisfaction at the response.

"Good. Since you've made up your minds, allow me to explain how the fights will work from now on."

Steve said, pausing briefly before continuing.

"Oh, of course, and before I forget, the fights will take place simultaneously. That way, you won't be able to help each other, let alone ask for help, because you'll be too busy trying to manage on your own."

After Steve's brief pause, Natasha took advantage of the hook left by her friend and continued from where he had left off.

"Based on the information we have and the quick analysis we did..."

Natasha said, pausing again and then picking up a tablet that was resting on a table.

"The fights are going to be..."

Natasha said deliberately, trying to create an atmosphere of suspense in the air, while sliding her finger smoothly across the tablet screen.

"Peter VS Falcon."

After Natasha announced Peter's and Sam's names, Sam faced Peter and, in a serious but still friendly tone, said.

"I really wanted to face you, Web Head."




  1. From now on, I ask that you completely disregard all the personality and character that you know of the heroes, whether from films or comics. Because for the story to flow better, I'm going to have to make some changes, so don't complain later that such a character would never say such a thing.