Peter VS Falcon


As soon as the dust from the attack had settled, Vision gave Wanda no time to react and once again advanced towards her. Wanda, realizing Vision's quick attack, raises her hand again, only this time creating a sphere of energy which, without thinking twice, is launched at Vision, who, sensing the energy approaching, decides to fly to dodge the attack. However, the sphere begins to chase him relentlessly until it hits him and then explodes.

By pure coincidence, at the moment when Wanda's attack had hit Vision and raised a dustbowl, Peter and Sam had passed overhead, with Sam flying and Peter right behind, launching his webs in order to hit him.

"Why don't you go and help your girlfriend?"

teased Sam, trying to put Peter off while dodging his webs.

Peter, undeterred by Sam's taunts, answered him with a serious tone as he chased after him.

"First of all, she's not my girlfriend... yet."

Peter said, whispering the last part in a way that Sam couldn't hear.

"And secondly, she doesn't need my help, on the contrary, she can manage very well on her own. But if I were you, I'd pay more attention to our fight."

After saying those words, Peter began to throw several webs towards Sam's wings, who quickly began to perform several evasive maneuvers in a clear attempt to dodge the attacks. However, his efforts were in vain, and one of the webs ended up sticking to his wings, knocking him to the ground.

After he fell to the ground, Sam tried to get up quickly, but Peter, being much faster and more agile, launched his webs again. Only this time, into his hands, thus immobilizing him on the ground again.

"Man, I'm curious. But are those things coming out of your body?"

Sam asked, with a curious look on his face as he stared at Peter.

"It's a bit complicated to answer that question, but in a way, no. I know it's a bit difficult to understand, but neither in the literal sense nor in the figurative sense, basically what I mean is that these fluids are synthetic web fluids that I created myself, hopefully..."

Peter answered, a little too confidently, but before he could finish his sentence, Natasha interrupted him to lecture him.

"Concentrate, Parker."

When his name is called by Natasha, Peter turns and looks in her direction with an embarrassed smile under his mask.


Peter said, almost shouting.

After saying those words, Peter turned back to Sam, who was staring at him with an unfriendly face.

"But back to our conversation, where were we again?"

"Is that all you had? Honestly, I expected more."

Peter said provocatively, looking directly at Sam in a clear attempt to annoy him.

Sam, noticing Peter's bad habit of liking to talk a lot while he was fighting, tried to use this to his advantage.

"Kid, did anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?"

Sam asked, trying to distract Peter to buy time.

"Man, you offend me like that."

Peter replied while pretending to be offended, only to revert back to the same old Peter.

"But it's okay, I'm used to it."

"I think you should try putting it into practice then."

Sam suggested, while fiddling with a device that looked more like a watch on his wrist without Peter noticing.

After the comment, a speeding object comes flying towards Peter, who with his spider-sense narrowly manages to dodge it in time.

"Did you really think that would work on me?"

Peter replied, with a wry smile as he looked at Sam who was still on the ground.

"But I have to admit you were creative."

"Thanks, but I'm not finished yet."

Said Sam, taking advantage of the gap Peter was giving him to take him by surprise again.


It was the only thing Peter managed to say before he was almost hit by an object coming towards him at high speed.

Sam, realizing that Peter would have to dodge his attack, decided to take that opportunity to try and escape. Without wasting any time, he starts trying to dissolve the webs in his hands and, with a lot of struggles, manages to get rid of them. After completely removing the webs, he gets up and runs towards a concrete column to hide.

"Buddy, did you lose that from here?"

Peter shouted, trying to get Sam's attention, who was still hiding behind the column.

Sam, after having his name called by Peter, glanced over to see where he was hiding. However, Peter surprises him by shouting his name again.

"Hawk, don't forget that everything that goes, comes back."

Peter doesn't give Sam time to react and out of nowhere throws the object, which looks more like a mini hawk, towards him.

Sam sees the object coming towards him at high speed and has no choice but to try and dodge it. However, the precision of Peter's throw makes it too difficult for him to dodge, and the object grazes him, causing a small cut on his arm.

After Sam saw what the object was that Peter had thrown at him, he began to stare at the young man with a serious face, appearing to be a little angry.

"Come on, man. Do you know how expensive this thing is?"

Sam asked with an angry tone in his voice.

"Actually, I have no idea. Sorry about that."

Peter tried to justify himself.

As he stared at Peter with a little anger showing on his face, Hawk, seeing that this time the boy wouldn't leave him any room, decided to go at him with everything he had and at the same time come up with a counter-attack in case it went wrong.

(It's betting time now and all or nothing.)

thought Sam as he flew at high speed towards Peter.

Sam was flying towards Peter at high speed while making defensive and evasive maneuvers and at the same time firing something in his direction that looked more like grenades. One of these grenades ended up hitting Peter, who didn't feel a thing at the time, but as soon as it hit the ground, it exploded into a beam of white light, which blinded the spider for a moment.




  1. From now on, I ask that you completely disregard all the personality and character that you know of the heroes, whether from films or comics. Because for the story to flow better, I'm going to have to make some changes, so don't complain later that such a character would never say such a thing.