Difficulty in Battle


After being blinded by the strong light that had exploded right in front of him, Peter tried to open his eyes. But unfortunately, all he could see was a white blur, and he couldn't make out any shapes or details in his surroundings. His only option would be to use his senses to try and retreat. However, Sam manages to take advantage of this and charges at him, who, unable to do anything, ends up being knocked to the ground. While Peter was on the ground trying to recover from the fall and the blindness, Sam didn't give him a chance to recover and came at him again.

While on the ground, Peter relied on his super-sharp senses to try and predict Sam's attacks. He knew that the hawk wouldn't attack him without some elaborate plan, after all, this wasn't something that a person as experienced in warfare as him would do, quite the opposite, he must be studying my movements at the moment.

At least that's what Peter thought, but in fact it was quite the opposite, Sam just wanted to end this fight, which was getting too long, as soon as possible. So, without wasting any time, Sam lunged at Peter while firing several projectiles in the form of mini missiles in Peter's direction.

Peter, who was still on the ground, with his super-sharp senses, managed, with a little difficulty, to dodge all the missiles. After almost five minutes of several pirouettes and in complete darkness, Peter's vision began to return.

(It's about time.)

Peter thought, as his vision returned. However, as soon as his vision returned completely, Peter was caught by surprise by another missile coming towards him.

With an agile movement, Peter dodged the missile, rolling to the side and then getting up.

But before he could say or do anything, Sam fired his missiles again.

(You've got to be kidding me, this guy doesn't give me a second's rest).

Peter reflected on Sam's persistence as he dodged another missile.

"Crazy, I'm starting to get fed up with this game."

Whispered Peter, as he threw a web at an iron beam in the ceiling.

From up there, Peter had a wider view of the whole situation.

"How about we get this over with? This fight has gone on long enough, don't you think?"

Peter shouted, as he stared down at Sam from above.

"I think so too, but why don't you come down here so we can sort this out more quickly?"

Sam asked, as he stared back at Peter with the same tone of voice and a serious face.

"You know that's not going to happen, right?"

Peter asked.

"I know, but it wouldn't hurt to ask."

After saying those words, Sam didn't give Peter a chance to reply, let alone think, and once again set about attacking the young man, who ended up being taken by surprise by his quick onslaught.

"That suit sucks, it's really bad for moving around. If I'd known the fight wasn't going to be against the Black Widow, I wouldn't even have worn this fucking uniform, I'd have worn my old costume or the new one."

Whispered Peter, while dodging with great difficulty because of the mobility of his costume.

(This fucking suit is only good for camouflaging me or for stealth, but it's no use against him).

As Peter dodged Sam's attacks, he quickly began to assess his real situation. Since his current outfit didn't offer enough mobility to cope with Sam's versatile and agile fighting style, his only option was to look for some loophole he could use to level the fight in his favor.

(I need to adapt to his fighting style, otherwise I'll lose).

Peter thought as he devised a strategy to try and turn the tide.

After carefully observing and studying Sam's attack patterns, Peter finally managed to find a gap in his defense. He waited for the right moment, and with a quick and agile movement, he used his web to temporarily trap one of Sam's arms, thus preventing him from launching his missiles again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Peter lunged at Sam, who this time, because he was trapped, could only try to defend himself against the attacks that were being unleashed in a precise and well-calculated manner in his direction.

(I have to admit, this kid may talk a lot, but you can't help but recognize that, as well as being strong, he has above-average intelligence).

Sam thought as he defended himself against Peter's punches with one hand and at the same time tried to free the other that was still attached.

"Is that all you've got?"

Peter asked in a debauched manner, as he threw several quick and precise punches in Sam's direction, who defended himself with great difficulty.

"No, I still have a card up my sleeve, and it's already being activated on the field."

Sam replied, with some difficulty, while dodging and at the same time trying to counter Peter's attack.

After Sam says those words, out of nowhere, a speeding object comes towards Peter, who can't even react in time. He ends up being hit full in the face and then thrown away by the impact of the collision of the object, which he could swear was the drone he had destroyed a few minutes ago, except for the slight difference from the previous one. After all, this one was completely red with white wings, as if it were a real machete.

After the drone hits him hard and throws him away, Peter throws his webs up to the ceiling and holds onto a beam to try and balance himself.

"Man, what the fuc..."

Peter said as he smoothed his cheek, which had taken the brunt of the impact. But Steve, realizing what the young man was about to say, interrupted him with a serious face.

"Watch your mouth."

"Sorry, force of habit, 

Peter replied a little awkwardly as he paused for a moment before continuing.

"But seriously, what the fuck?"

"I hope you liked my little gift"

Said Sam, mimicking Peter's mocking tone before continuing.

"This is my partner, Red Wing. I usually use it for espionage purposes, but it also serves for attacking, as you can see"

Sam added with a small chuckle.



  1. From now on, I ask that you completely disregard all the personality and character that you know of the heroes, whether from films or comics. Because for the story to flow better, I'm going to have to make some changes, so don't complain later that such a character would never say such a thing.