Adaptation and Anticipation


Peter, still recovering from the impact of the drone, began to look at Sam seriously. His thoughts were mainly focused on how he would get out of the situation.

"So, you want to play dirty? Fine, just don't come complaining afterwards."

Peter said, while giving Sam a challenging look.

After Peter said those words, Sam simply stared back at him and in response just shrugged, expressing his disinterest.

"What can I do? And as the saying goes, kid, if it's in the game, it's in the game."

After Sam said that, his drone took off at high speed towards Peter, who was more alert this time. And with great ease, he managed to dodge and counterattack at the same time.

"That trick won't work twice against me, your old tin can."

Peter declared, as he watched the drone pass by his face in slow motion as if it were a bullet. Once the drone had passed and was about to turn around, Peter didn't give it a chance to react and without wasting any time launched his webs in its direction, and with overwhelming force, mixed with a hint of anger at what the drone had done. He threw it hard against a concrete wall, which shuddered and then exploded on impact.

After the explosion, a cloud of dust and debris began to rise. Peter, who was standing on top of a pillar staring at Sam, remained there motionless while the falcon stared back at him sternly.

"I have to find a way to end this fight as quickly as possible. This has gone on long enough. The longer I delay, the harder it gets for me. Come on, Parker, think..."

Peter whispered in a discreet way that Sam couldn't hear, while he worked out a strategy to escape the situation.

While Peter was thinking about what he was going to do to resolve the complicated situation he found himself in, in the other fight, to be more specific, with Pietro and Rhode, the Iron Patriot couldn't stand Pietro's annoying speed any longer.

"Stop running around in circles, shit! This is getting boring, don't you think?"

Rhode exclaimed, while trying to keep up with Pietro's speed.

After Rhode said those words, Pietro just let out a small laugh and answered the question.

"If you don't like it, why don't you come over here and try to stop me?"

Pietro teased, while easily dodging several mini missile-shaped projectiles that Rhode had launched in his direction.

After managing to dodge the projectiles very easily using his super speed, Pietro once again provoked Rhode, who wanted to end the fight as soon as possible.

"You need to improve your aim, Colonel. You'll never hit me that way."

(This kid is so confident in his speed, it's annoying.)

Rhode thought, as he worked out a strategy, he could use to immobilize Pietro and his super speed.

(He was annoying enough before, imagine now that he's literally using it to annoy me. Now he's unbearable).

Pietro took a deep breath and turned to face Rhode seriously.

(I've got to get this guy down from up there, otherwise I'll never win. But how?)

Pietro thought to himself as he wondered how he would manage to knock Rhode out of the sky, given that he wouldn't sit still and was already aware of his strategies.

"I could give him SpeedBlits, but there's that overload shit that always fries my brain. You know what, fuck it."

After Pietro said that, he started running at Rhode at high speed, all or nothing.

Rhode, sensing his approach, starts firing several projectiles at Pietro, who dodges them very easily. However, when these projectiles hit the ground, they immediately exploded, making it a little difficult for Pietro to move around.

(This guy has got to be kidding me. This thing could have really hurt me. I'm starting to get the slightest feeling that he's angry with me for some reason).

Pietro thought, as he dodged the various projectiles that Rhode was firing in his direction, with some difficulty.

While Pietro was dodging the explosive projectiles, Rhode decided to take a slightly different approach to try and take him by surprise, and that's what happened. He waited for the right moment to act and, when Pietro opened a gap, Rhode fired several disks in his direction.

Noticing Rhode's quick change of tactics, Pietro adjusted his reflexes and, at the last moment, just dodged the discs thrown in his direction with great ease. However, after Pietro thought he had successfully dodged Rhode's attack, something unexpected happened: the disks had followed him.

"What the fuck?"

Pietro asked, staring at Rhode in bewilderment as he realized that, even though he was running at high speed, the discs, in some way he couldn't explain, were following him.

"You'll find out soon enough."

After answering the young man's question, Rhode activates some function of the disks. Suddenly, they start spinning at high speed and then form a blue line that traps Pietro inside the circle the disks have made.

"Do you really think you can trap me with this thing?"

Pietro asked, staring at Rhode, who didn't answer and just let the boy confirm his suspicion.

After not having his question answered, Pietro became very angry and tried to run out of the circle. However, when he touches the circle's laser, he ends up receiving a strong electric shock and is almost thrown backwards by the impact.

After immobilizing the young man, Rhode fired a stun grenade at him, which might hurt him a little, but wouldn't kill him, because that wasn't the point of the training.

After the stun grenade exploded, Pietro was slightly injured by the debris that rose from the ground in the explosion, but for him, something good had also happened. When the grenade exploded, one of the pieces of debris hit one of the disks holding him inside the circle, knocking the disks off balance and deactivating them in the process.

"I told you so."

Rhode said as he approached where Pietro was, but cautiously.




  1. From now on, I ask that you completely disregard all the personality and character that you know of the heroes, whether from films or comics. Because for the story to flow better, I'm going to have to make some changes, so don't complain later that such a character would never say such a thing.