Losing Control


Wanda, who was still fighting Vision, momentarily turned her attention away from the fight when she heard a loud explosion coming from the direction where her brother was fighting. However, this brief detour almost cost her a blow from Vision, which only failed to hit her because of Natasha, who alerted her in time to the mistake she was making.

"Concentrate, Wanda! It's not because this is training that you can keep diverting your attention. On the contrary, think of this training as a real fight."

Natasha exclaimed sternly, while scolding Wanda for the mistake she had made.

After Natasha said those words, Wanda was about to turn around and say something. However, she was surprised by Vision's sudden attack, which caught her off guard.

When she turned around, all Wanda could see was a yellow light coming towards her. Without thinking twice, she just dodged to the side to avoid the attack in time.

"That was close."

Wanda muttered, relieved that she had managed to dodge the attack that Vision had sent in her direction with some difficulty.

Her breathing still rapid from the fright, Wanda took a deep breath to try and recover the breath she had used to dodge the bolt of lightning.

Determined not to make any more mistakes, Wanda turned her attention to Vision. However, he was no longer there.

Vision, for his part, now intangible, took the opportunity he had created to cross the floor and take Wanda by surprise, since she had to dodge the attack and wouldn't know where he had gone, let alone where he would appear.

Vision, now intangible, seized this opportunity and sneaked up behind her, who was still looking for him. After turning around, Wanda was startled by Vision's rapid appearance and fell to the ground from the fright she had received.

"What a fright, Vision!"

Wanda said, almost shouting, as she tried to keep her composure in the situation despite the fright she had received.

Vision, taking advantage of Wanda's surprise, maintained his usual calm and indifferent expression while she tried to recover from her fright. With a subtle movement, he approached her and then bent down in front of her.

"You need to concentrate more, Wanda." 

Vision said, his voice calm and distinct.

"In battle, the slightest carelessness can have fatal consequences."

Wanda, still on the ground, nodded seriously, recognizing the importance of the lesson she was learning. She knew he was right. If that training had been a real fight, she would have lost a long time ago.

"I'm sorry, I promise not to make that mistake again."

Murmured Wanda, half-heartedly responding to the displeasure Vision was having with her for the mistake she had made.

Vision held out his hand to help the redhead up from the floor, showing his concern for her learning.

"As long as you've understood, that's good enough."

Vision said in his usual indifferent tone of voice, as he took Wanda's hand and helped her up off the floor. One person in particular, however, wasn't enjoying the meltdown between the two of them. That person was a certain spider who was watching the whole thing from afar with an angry expression.

Peter was watching the scene with an expression of disgust, even though he was wearing a mask. It was clear from his aura that he didn't like the closeness between Wanda and Vision one bit. In some way that he couldn't explain, it was bothering him deeply. It was as if a flame was burning inside his chest. He knew what it was, but he didn't want to accept that he was feeling the famous jealousy. He couldn't explain why, but seeing those two interacting in such an intimate way somehow made him very angry.

Anger that ended up being directed at Sam, who, realizing that Peter was distracted by something, managed to sneak up on him and pin him to the wall.

"If I were you, I wouldn't keep getting distracted all the time. After all, if you do that in a real fight, you could end up losing."

Said Sam while pinning Peter to the wall and at the same time trying to get something out of the young man. However, he got nothing.

Peter, who was still very angry about what he had seen, tried not to show it and answered Sam calmly.

"Let me go."

Peter said, with a higher tone in his voice that had been muffled by the mask as he squirmed to get free of the pressure Sam was putting on him. But in response, his muscles twitched in preparation for possible action.

But before he could say anything else, Sam realized that he was looking in the direction where Wanda and Vision were, and decided to tease him.

"Something wrong with your girlfriend?"

Sam said provocatively, trying to see how far Peter could go without exploding.

In response, Peter began to struggle again.

After Peter insisted several times, Sam took a step back, but didn't let go of the young man. His eyes were serious, but there was a hint of amusement in them.

"Kid, you need to control yourself more."

Said Sam, keeping his voice firm while trying to convey the air of a mentor.

"If you get jealous every time you see her with someone, or when she's not with you, you can be sure that this thing you're trying to have with her isn't going to work."

Sam added, as he lectured Peter in order to calm him down.

"What's more, this silly jealousy could not only put an end to your feelings for her, it could also put you in danger, or perhaps, in the worst situations, they could use it against you and put the people you care about in danger."

But Peter was so angry at that moment that he didn't give a damn what Sam was saying to him.

"What a nice, moving speech, but I don't give a damn about any of this, why don't you just take that load of shit you just said to me and not put it into practice?"

Peter asked, ignorantly, letting himself be carried away by the anger he was feeling, which even he couldn't explain.

"Okay, sorry."

Sam replied, realizing that he had gone too far with his provocation.

But before he could say anything else, Peter didn't let him and continued.

"And what's more, I'm starting to get fed up with you."

After saying those words, Peter easily manages to get rid of Sam by pushing him backwards, which knocks him off balance. Peter, taking advantage of this opportunity, throws his web at the ceiling and then returns towards Sam, only this time at high speed. Sam tried to dodge the attack, but unfortunately, he couldn't do it in time. The impact was so brutal that it ended up throwing him hard against a concrete wall. After crashing into the wall, Sam ended up spitting out some blood.



  1. From now on, I ask that you completely disregard all the personality and character that you know of the heroes, whether from films or comics. Because for the story to flow better, I'm going to have to make some changes, so don't complain later that such a character would never say such a thing.