Improvised tactics


After realizing what he had done and the direction his foolish jealousy had taken him, Peter ran towards where Sam lay. As he approached him, his face was full of concern and guilt for what he had done.

"I'm sorry..."

Peter murmured; his voice almost inaudible.

"I... I didn't mean to do that."

Sam, noticing the anxiety in the boy's voice, tried to calm him down. He knew that he was also to blame for this. If he hadn't provoked Peter to the point of bursting, it wouldn't have happened.

"It's okay, man. It wasn't entirely your fault, and I also have a share of the blame."

Said Sam in a hoarse voice, still struggling a little.

Peter, still feeling guilty, lowers his head. Sam, realizing this, decided to try and cheer the boy up.

"Come on, man, you don't have to be so depressed. If it's any consolation, hear this: it wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have provoked him like that. I did it, aware of the risks and the consequences."

Peter looked up, surprised by Sam's comforting words. A feeling of relief began to flood his chest, mixed with gratitude for the hero's gesture of understanding.

"Thank you. I'm sorry for losing control and for almost hurting you."

Peter said, trying to express his gratitude.

Sam smiled weakly as he tried to get up, but still with great difficulty. Peter, realizing this, held out his hand to help him.

Sam accepted Peter's help to get up, while leaning on the wall.

"Don't worry about it, kid. If it's any consolation, I've been through a lot worse than this."

Sam patted Peter comfortingly on the shoulder, who was still a little resentful of what he had done.

Meanwhile, not far away, Steve and Natasha were watching everything that was happening intently, ready to intervene if necessary.

Steve turned to Natasha with a proud face, quite impressed with Peter's attitude.

"I have to be honest, but that boy's attitude really surprised me. And what did you think of him, Natt?"

Steve asked, not looking away, still observing the interaction between Peter and Sam from afar.

Natasha, who was still watching Peter, answered Steve's question, still keeping her serious tone.

"I was as surprised as you were. I could have sworn he was going to finish Sam off, but on the contrary, he went to help him. However, if I could list one negative point that I saw in this fight, it would be the boy's lack of control at times. But apart from that, he's a good kid."

"I totally agree with you, he's a good kid."

Said Steve seriously, while crossing his arms, before pausing briefly and continuing.

"Where is he from again?"

This time, Steve turned to face Natasha.

After the question, Natasha also turned to her friend and, with all the naturalness in the world, replied.

"From the information we have and what he's told us, he's from Queens."


Steve muttered, almost inaudibly to Natasha, who turned to him curiously, thinking he had said something.

Natasha raised an eyebrow, realizing that Steve had said something she hadn't been able to hear.

"Did you say something?"

Natasha asked, leaning forward slightly to try and catch Steve's words better.

Steve shook his head quickly.

"No, it was nothing. I was just thinking about something."

Steve replied, his face serious. He then let out a small smile as he remembered the scientist who had created the serum that turned him into the super soldier.


After the whole event had unfolded, Peter and Sam started walking towards Steve and Natasha, so that they could see the other fights and, who knows, learn something new from what they saw.

Returning to Pietro and Rhode, Pietro was still having a hard time facing Rhode, who wouldn't stop flying for a second.

(I have to admit... this guy is starting to get on my nerves).

Pietro thought as he ran around Rhode at high speed, trying to find a gap in his armor.

After running for almost half an hour at high speed and, at the same time, having to dodge the projectiles that Rhode was firing in his direction in order to get in his way, Pietro had finally managed to find the most vulnerable point in the armor that Rhode was wearing, which was where the reactor that powered the armor was located.

(I want to see you fly without power.)

Pietro thought as he devised a plan, only this time, instead of trying to defeat Rhode, since that wasn't working very well, he would try to knock him out so that he could try to turn off the armor completely.

With his plan already in mind, Pietro concentrated on how he would attack Rhode, since Rhode had more experience in combat than he did. Determined to wait for the right moment to attack, Pietro carefully watched every move and action Rhode made. While paying attention to Rhode's movements, Pietro noticed that sometimes, for some reason, Rhode would start to go down and then come back up.

As soon as the opportunity arose, Pietro, using his maximum speed and without worrying about being overloaded, launched himself towards Rhode, who, in order to stop his advance, started throwing grenades at him again. Pietro just deftly dodged everything.

After skillfully dodging all the attacks, something that surprised the others watching, Pietro prepared to attack. After dodging Rhode's last attack, Pietro did something Rhode wasn't expecting and took him by surprise. He pretended to run to one side; when Rhode thought he would, he went to the other side and, at high speed followed by a Dash, Pietro managed to land a powerful blow on the reactor, which ended up causing a power failure, disconnecting the armor and causing him to fall immediately afterwards.

"I have to be honest with you, crown. You gave me quite a hard time."

Pietro said, still provocatively, but in a friendlier tone as he held out his hand to help Rhode.

"Tell me about it, kid."

Rhode replied, accepting Pietro's help and then standing up and removing his helmet.




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