Lessons Learned


"I think we've seen enough to make a diagnosis, don't you, Captain Rogers?"

Natasha asked without diverting her attention from the youngsters.


Steve said sternly, answering Natasha's question without giving her time to prolong the conversation.

After that brief conversation, Steve and Natasha began to walk slowly to a far corner of the room. From there, they could see Peter, Pietro and Wanda, as well as Vision, Rhode and Sam talking quietly, while they waited for them to approach them to tell them what they thought of the fights, if they were any good or if they had any tips for them to improve.

When the two approached the small group, they all lined up next to each other. Natasha, who was also standing next to her teammate, chose to remain silent and let him start the conversation. And so it was: Steve stepped forward and started the discussion.

"While you were training, we were able to observe each of you in detail, and ended up identifying both your abilities and your weaknesses."

Steve began after finishing, pausing briefly as he assessed the young men's expressions before continuing.

"I realized that there is great potential in each of you."

Steve continued, with a tone of encouragement.

"Starting with you two."

Steve said, pointing at both Peter and Sam.

After Steve pointed at Peter and Sam, they both nodded in understanding. After that, Peter removed his mask.

"In your fight, I was able to see some positive and some negative points. For example, Peter, you're quite strong, agile and have good reflexes. However, you have to learn to control your impulses a little, regardless of where they come from. Because a person with their head on straight thinks better and makes wiser decisions, very different from someone who only acts on pure impulse. You, Sam, underestimated Peter too much, just because you thought he was a teenager and assumed he'd be easy to beat. And that's what led to your defeat."

Steve went on to offer some specific advice to each of the youngsters, showing them where they were going wrong so that they could improve their skills and combat strategies.

Natasha, who until then had remained silent next to Steve, decided to continue the subject, adding a few observations to the evaluation.

"Now, you two."

Natasha said, facing Pietro and Rhode.

"Starting with you, Pietro."

Nattasha began, pointing her finger at him.

"Your speed is incredible, but there's still room for improvement. However, you're not very confident. Sometimes you get too carried away with it, and this can lead you to make mistakes in the future. So I recommend that you first focus on correcting this mistake."

Pietro nodded as he took off his glasses, acknowledging the mistakes he had made.

"And as for you, Rhode."

Natasha continued, only now starting to stare at the man standing next to Pietro.

"The same thing: you ended up prolonging the fight too long, which resulted in the energy in your armor wearing out excessively, until it got to that point."


Natasha said, wanting to add to her speech. However, before she could say anything, Steve interrupted her.

"You have great potential, but it's very important that you correct these mistakes so that you can evolve even further."

"Now, let's talk about the problem group..."

Steve said, pausing briefly before continuing.

"Literally, the elephant in the room."

Natasha nodded in agreement with Steve and decided to move on, picking up the conversation where she had left off.

"Back to where I was."

Natasha continued, only this time facing Wanda and Vision.

"While we were watching you two, we were able to identify some strengths and some areas that you need to improve if you want to become stronger."

Said Natasha, only this time, her voice serious and firm, as she assessed them both.


Natasha said, pointing at Wanda.

"You got off to a good start, using your skills to fend off Vision's attacks. And when you found a gap, you decided to attack. However, after you saw that your brother had been injured, you not only lost focus on the battle, but you also lost control of the situation, which consequently led to your defeat."

After listening attentively to everything Natasha was saying, Wanda decided to speak after a few minutes in silence.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I couldn't help myself."

Natasha understood Wanda's frustration and softened her tone, trying to offer support.

"I can understand you worrying about them, but you also have to get it through your head that, on a one-on-one mission like this training, there's no such thing as a team and every man for himself. If you keep worrying about your team members, not only could they end up dying, but so could you. Do you understand?"

Natasha asked, looking at Wanda with a serious expression on her face.

Wanda nodded, absorbing Natasha's words as she reflected on her own actions during training. She knew she had to balance her concern for others and her own safety during missions.

"I understand." 

Wanda replied, now looking determined and resolute.

"As long as you've learned and can put it into practice, that's good enough."

Natasha added.

"And as for you, Vision."

This time Natasha turned to Vision and faced him.

"I have almost nothing to complain about. You did very well, you were able to use your skills to dominate the course of the battle and consequently managed to overcome your opponent. However, there are times when you hesitate too much, and this can end up bringing you defeat against more skilled opponents."

After Natasha had finished speaking, Steve commented again, only this time to end the training.

"Well, since you've all been assessed and know where you need to improve, you're all dismissed for now."

Steve said, pausing briefly before continuing.

After the short break Steve began to look at everyone, satisfied with the progress and dedication shown during the training.

"Oh, and before I forget, after you've showered, I want everyone to gather in the kitchen."




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