Denying my Feelings

[This story from today will be posted weekly.]

Natasha put her hand on Wanda's shoulder reassuringly and said:

"Darling, I think you know very well why he's acting like that, but you just don't want to admit it."

Natasha suggested, trying to help Wanda find the answer she was looking for in that moment of anguish.

After Natasha said that to Wanda, she stopped staring at the floor and looked at her mentor again, only this time with a confused expression on her face. She didn't fully understand what that answer meant.

"I don't understand what you mean, Miss Natt."

Wanda replied sincerely, seeking clarity in Natasha's words.

"What don't I want to admit?"

Natasha sighed softly before answering, keeping her compassionate gaze on Wanda.

"Do you remember your fight against Vision?"

Natasha asked, observing Wanda's reaction, who didn't answer her question, but decided to nod, indicating that she understood.

Natasha, after receiving confirmation from the young woman, decided to continue.

"Well, after you ended up getting distracted during your fight because of your concern for your older brother, Vision took advantage of that opportunity and ended up using it against you and scaring you, which ultimately led to your defeat. Do you remember that?"

The young witch nodded again, but the perplexity was still reflected on her face.

"Yes, I remember... but I don't understand how that relates to..."

Wanda began, before being interrupted by Natasha.

"Oh, come on! After you fell to the ground and Vision came to help you, Peter saw how close the two of you were and got a bit jealous."

Natasha explained, connecting the dots for Wanda.

After hearing what Natasha had said, Wanda began to stutter, not wanting to believe that possibility.

"But why would Peter be jealous of me and Vision?"

Wanda asked, stuttering, but soon managing to pull herself together.

"And as I said, dear, you know, you just don't want to admit it."

Natasha replied, looking at Wanda hoping she would realize Peter's true feelings for her.

"Do you think he likes me?"

Wanda asked, a little embarrassed, unable to look Natasha straight in the eye because of the shame she was feeling at the moment.

"I don't think so, darling. I'm sure of it. And believe me, even the blindest person could see that the boy likes you. It's just that you can't see it."

Natasha said, conveying confidence in her words.

Wanda looked away for a moment, trying to process Natasha's words.

"But why would he like me? That doesn't make sense. I'm nothing special, on the contrary, I'm full of flaws. I'm strange, I like to stay in my corner like a recluse. My hands are shaky because of my traumas. I dress strangely, my hair isn't the best and, to make matters worse, I still look tired. So, what could he possibly have seen in me?"

Wanda asked, her voice still shaking with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty, as she listed her imperfections to Natasha.

Natasha took Wanda's hand and held it firmly, trying to convey confidence to the young woman.

"Darling, this is Peter we're talking about. He's already a nerd, a recluse? And let's not forget that he's a chatterbox, a hardhead. He loves everything that involves this nerdy world and these things about science, and everything that goes with it."

Natasha explained, trying to show Wanda that Peter might be seeing qualities in her that she herself wasn't even aware of.

On hearing this, Wanda decided not to say anything, but remained pensive on the subject.

Natasha continued her explanation with a serene expression, trying to calm Wanda's doubts.

"Besides, dear, Peter is a person who values the essence of people, not just their appearance or what society considers 'perfect'. He may have seen in your characteristics such as courage, empathy, and even inner beauty that are much more important than any physical aspect."

Wanda listened attentively to everything Natasha had said, but still seemed skeptical about it all.

"But what if he's only being nice to me because we're friends?"

Wanda pondered, trying to find a simpler explanation for Peter's behavior and for the whole situation they were in.

Natasha smiled gently at Wanda before answering, noticing the confusion in the young woman's thoughts.

"I understand, you're having doubts, but even you know that the way he looks at you or the way he takes care of you isn't like someone who sees the other as just friends. You're just not seeing it."

Wanda sighed deeply, looking down at the floor as she absorbed Natasha's words. Her heart was torn between the hope that Natasha was right and the fear of deluding herself.

"Does he really like me?"

Wanda asked, raising her face from the one that had been staring at the floor and looking at Natt again.

Natasha observed Wanda's inquisitive gaze and answered gently and confidently.

"And, as I said, dear, I don't think so, I'm sure. The only problem is that neither you nor he want to admit it."

Natasha placed a comforting hand on Wanda's shoulder, conveying confidence in her words.

"And it looks like you're feeling the same way about him. So why don't you try giving him a chance? If it works out, the two of you could end up becoming the most beautiful couple we'll ever see around here, and what's more, it could end up being good for both you and him, since you both suffer a lot, one could complete the other."

Wanda decided not to say anything and remained silent. Natasha, realizing that the young woman wasn't going to say anything, decided not to press the issue.

"If I were you, I'd think about it."

Natasha said, giving a little wink to Wanda, who eventually got the message. After that, she got up from the girl's bed and headed for the door to leave.

However, just as Natasha was about to leave the room, she turned to Wanda again.

"Oh, I almost forgot! When you go to sleep, don't forget to cover your mirrors; that attracts lightning."

After saying this, Natasha ended up receiving a confused look from Wanda.

"At least, that's what the superstitions say."

Natasha said, kind of shrugging, implying that even she didn't know if it was true or not.