Let's take a break


[Read the message above is very important]

Wanda sighed, still worried about the change in Peter's behavior. She didn't know him that well to know if something was really wrong, but something told her that yes, something was bothering Peter and he didn't want to say it, even if he was doing everything, he could to cover it up. Wanda chose not to insist any further at that moment, because forcing someone to say something they don't want to, not only would they end up getting angry with you, but it could cause even more discomfort between the two of you.

"Okay, but if you need anything or anyone to talk to, just come to me and I'll be waiting for you."

Wanda said in a softer tone, resigning herself for the time being.

Peter nodded with a small fake smile of thanks on his face, which didn't go unnoticed by Wanda, who knew at that moment that the best decision would be to say nothing. After that, he went into his room, leaving a confused and worried Wanda outside, who soon after also went into her room.

After they had both gone to their rooms, Peter was still feeling a bit sorry about everything he had said that day, but decided to forget about it for the time being. After entering the room, he took off his suit and started walking towards the bathroom. As he entered, he turned on the shower and took a bath in the coldest water.

After almost twenty minutes in the shower, Peter leaves the bathroom and goes back to his room. He goes to his closet and looks for something to wear. Not wanting to waste so much time choosing clothes, he grabs a blue floral shirt and navy-blue shorts. After getting dressed, he doesn't think twice and collapses on the bed in exhaustion. After lying down, he picks up and puts on his headphones, which were on top of the headboard, and puts on some calming music to help him fall asleep. But it wasn't working; every time he closed his eyes to go to sleep, he remembered that scene.

(Shit, what were they talking about?)

thought Peter, as he closed his eyes again in a new attempt to fall asleep.


Wanda had already showered and changed her clothes. At that moment, she was lying on her bed, still wondering why Peter was acting like that to her, when he had always been kind, loving and attentive to her. To her, that wasn't the Peter she knew, and there was something going on with him.

Wanda was still lying there, thinking about many things, all related to Peter.

"Why is he treating me like that? Did I do something and I don't remember? What's gotten into you, Peter?"

Wanda thought as she stared at the ceiling.

After almost five minutes of staring at the ceiling, she decided to get up and started walking to the bedroom window, where she couldn't see anything because it was already night and raining heavily, something she found quite strange.

"That's strange... since the day I arrived here, I've hardly ever seen rain in these parts."

Wanda said, looking at it all with a strange look on her face.

As Wanda stared at the falling rain, still with a strange look on her face, someone knocked on the door, which brought Wanda out of her thoughts, but she still looked outside the window.

"Come in."

Wanda said, without turning around to see who it was.

After the person knocking on the door came in, Wanda looked back and saw that it was Natasha.

"Hi, Natasha."

Wanda replied, respectfully looking at Natasha but still trying to hide the fact that something was going on.

"Hi, I just came by to let you know that dinner is almost ready and also to warn you to be very careful with this rain, after all, it's not very common around here at this time of year."

Natasha said, entering the room and approaching Wanda, explaining some important things to her, both about dinner and about the strange unseasonal rain that was happening.

After listening to everything Natasha said, Wanda ended up answering her half-heartedly, while letting out a small sigh.

"I thought it was strange too..."

Natasha, curious about the redhead's attitude, decided to ask.

"Wanda, is everything all right?"

Natasha asked, staring at the only female member of her team.

After Natasha's sudden question, Wanda realized what she had done and immediately tried to make amends.

"Everything's fine, why wouldn't it be?"

Wanda asked, while trying to fake a calm, fake smile on her face so that Natasha wouldn't keep questioning her. However, it didn't work out the way she wanted.

"Before, I didn't know, but now, I'm sure..."

Natasha said, looking at Wanda before continuing.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but because you're looking so sad and almost crying, something happened. Now, talk."

Natasha kept staring at Wanda, who eventually let out a small sigh of defeat and looked at Romanoff again.

"Apparently, it's impossible to lie or hide anything from you, isn't it?"

Wanda asked, looking at Natasha.

"It's very difficult for you to do that, after all, I've been trained for this kind of thing, so it doesn't work for me. From my experience, let me guess, your sadness has to do with Parker, doesn't it?"

Natasha asked with a calm gaze, looking at Wanda so that she could open up to her.

"How do you know? Is it that obvious?"

Wanda asked, her face reddening slightly with embarrassment.

"It's so obvious that almost everyone already knows."

Natasha replied, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, while looking at Wanda with a smile on her face. Wanda, her face still completely red with embarrassment, made the same gesture as her wife and also sat down next to her.

"Now, tell Auntie what happened. Why are you so sad?"

Natasha asked in a calm tone, trying to understand what was going on.

"I'd like to know what's going on too, but not only does he not want to tell me, he keeps avoiding me whenever I try to talk to him. He's not talking to me much and he ignores me all the time."

Wanda replied sadly, still staring at the floor, not knowing what to do.



  1. Quick note: As you can see, the frequency of chapters in this story has been reduced, and no, you're not going crazy. Yes, as of today, this fucking story will only have one chapter a week, and the days will be very random... In other words, one day I might post on Monday and the next on Sunday, depending on my mood. And of course, this is also so that I can focus more on my other story, since I've had enough of this one. So that's it, my lovelies.