Uncomfortable Silence


As the elevator slowly ascended, the atmosphere inside remained tense. Wanda also noticed that the other members of the group were also starting to get a little uncomfortable with the whole situation.

Peter was still in his corner, quiet and silent, his mind clearly elsewhere. Wanda, on the other hand, was staring at him, wondering what could have happened to make him like this. She mentally went over everything that had happened that day, trying to find some clue to explain his change in behavior.

After almost half an hour in that tense environment, which seemed like an eternity, the elevator had finally arrived at its destination, with its doors opening shortly afterwards. After the doors opened, everyone left in complete silence, avoiding unnecessary glances and exchanges of words. Peter was the last to leave the elevator. Wanda even wanted to ask him why he was behaving the way he was, but she decided to wait for the right moment to approach him.

As they walked down the corridor to their rooms, Peter remained silent and distant the whole way, as if he were physically absent. His serious, closed countenance didn't go unnoticed, which made the atmosphere even more uncomfortable.

Sam, sensing the tension in the air, decided to break the silence, trying to alleviate the uncomfortable atmosphere hanging over the group.

"Today's training was a bit tough, don't you think?"

Sam asked, tossing the question into the air, still a little miffed, hoping that someone would pick up the reference and help him.

Rhode, sensing his friend's discomfort, decided to help him by answering the question.

"Absolutely! Those two were almost skinning our asses."

After Rhode answered the question, Sam immediately looked at him and, with a wave of his hand, thanked him.

Sam, sensing the right moment to get out of the situation, didn't even think twice and said goodbye.

"Well, I'll see you in the kitchen in a bit."

Sam said, glancing at the group before going into his room.

After Sam went into his room, it was Rhode's turn to do the same as his friend and say goodbye.

"I'm going to have a shower and maybe take a nap until lunchtime. Then I'll see you later."

Said Rhode, looking at the three of them who were left outside in the corridor, and then entering his room.

After Rhode entered the room, all that was left outside were Pietro, Wanda and Peter, who was still silent, staring at the floor. However, Pietro was no fool; he knew that something was going on between his sister and Peter. So, not wanting to get involved, he made the wisest decision he could make in his life: to follow Rhode and Sam's example and stay out of the argument between his sister and Peter and let them sort it out themselves.

"Well, I'm going to follow their example, take a shower and go to sleep, I'm dead. So, I'll see you later."

Pietro says, glancing at his sister and Peter, and then hurries off to his room.

After everyone had gone to their specific rooms, it was just the two of them outside, alone. Wanda, realizing that the right time to talk to Peter was now, turned to him.

Wanda, in a soft tone, tried to talk to Peter. However, the young man said nothing.

"Well, it looks like we're the only ones left here."

Wanda murmured, trying to start a conversation while carefully observing Peter's reaction. However, Peter said nothing and remained silent.

Wanda, not satisfied with that silence as an answer, decided to insist once more.

"What did you think of the training?"

Wanda asked, insisting once again. Only this time, Peter had finally broken the silence, but his answer was brief and cold, indicating that he didn't want to prolong the conversation too much.

"It was okay."

Peter replied, not paying much attention to Wanda's question.

Peter's cold attitude made Wanda almost lose her temper, but she held back to avoid any unnecessary confrontation at that moment.

"Peter, if anything has happened, you can tell me. Aren't that what friends being for?"

Wanda asked as she took the boy's hand.

"Nothing happened to me. I'm fine."

Peter replied, with a fake smile on his face, as he gently pulled his hand out of Wanda's, trying to get out of the situation.

Peter's forced smile didn't go unnoticed by Wanda, who felt a squeeze in her heart as she realized that something was really bothering him.

"That's not true. I've noticed that, not only have you not been yourself since training, but you've been avoiding me ever since we left downstairs."

Wanda added, trying to better understand what was happening to her friend.

"I told you, nothing happened, Wanda. I just have a bit of a headache, that's all. There's no need to worry."

Peter insisted, still with a fake smile on his face, trying to deflect Wanda's advances.

Giving the redhead no time to reply, Peter turned his gaze away from the redhead and towards his bedroom door. However, Wanda was persistent and wouldn't give up so easily until she found out what was really getting the young man down.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, I don't want to do this, but you're not giving me any choice. So don't make me have to read your mind."

Wanda warned, immediately afterwards, showing a victorious expression on her face. However, her initial victorious expression soon disappeared when Peter stared back at her with a subtle but meaningful smile. He replied calmly:

"You don't have to do that. I just... I need some time to process a few things. I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready."

"I don't believe it, you're too strange for nothing to have happened."

Said Wanda, tapping her foot on the floor a little angrily.

"I told you, Wanda. Nothing happened."

Said Peter, as he put his hand on Wanda's shoulder, trying to calm the redhead down.

"I'm just a bit tired from training and that's all. I just want to take my shower and lie down. And if I were you, I'd do the same thing."

Peter finished, trying to end the conversation amicably.




  1. Attention: I apologize for any inconvenience, everyone. But I can't stand this story any longer, so I want to make it clear that it can be canceled at any time. I'm feeling overwhelmed by it all. I sincerely apologize.