One step at a time

[Quick note: This story will go on hiatus for an indefinite period of time... or until I write the remaining chapters to post here on Patreon.]

Pietro smiled and settled comfortably into the space Rhode had made for him on the sofa and then engaged Sam and Rhode in conversation.

"So, what are you guys watching?"

Pietro asked, curious to know what the other two were watching.

Sam picked up the remote control and pointed at the TV screen.

"It's a new series that's just come out. It's about crime investigation in a small town and it's been pretty interesting so far."

Rhode agreed, adding:

"Yes, the characters are well developed, and the plot has a lot of mysteries to solve. I think you'll like it."

Pietro nodded, intrigued by the description.

"Sounds great! I'll watch it with you and see what it's about."

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Wanda was approaching Natasha and Steve, who again had his face in the cookbook.


Wanda greeted, a little awkwardly, as she approached her two mentors. Her shyness was evident, even more so after the short conversation she'd had with Natasha.

After Wanda said that, Natasha, who was leaning on the counter facing Steve, turned around and saw the young woman approaching them.

"Hi, sweetheart."

He greeted Natasha calmly and softly, while staring at the young woman.

Looking at Natasha's shy expression, he assumed that she was like that because of the conversation they'd had earlier. Realizing this, Natt decided to play with her a little.

"Hi, sweetheart. Have you decided if you're going to give him a chance?"

Natasha asked, with a playful smile on her face, giving a slight wink to Wanda, who, after hearing the question, ended up blushing even more and becoming even more embarrassed.

Wanda, faced with this uncomfortable situation, decided to do the obvious thing at that moment: change the subject.

"What are you doing?"

Wanda asked with an embarrassed expression on her face, now a little closer to Natasha, who was at the kitchen counter, but still far away from Steve, who was near the stove, still leafing through the cookbook.

Natt, realizing the young woman's strategy, decided not to insist any longer.

"To be honest, as you can see, I'm not doing anything. I'm just waiting for Steve to choose what we're going to do. And we've been going on about this for almost an hour now, and he still hasn't made up his mind."

Natasha explained with a slight tone of irony in her voice, emphasizing the time they had wasted because of Steve's indecision.

After almost an hour of choosing what to do, this time it was Steve's turn to turn around and say something.

"Sorry for the delay, guys. It's just that I wanted to prepare something special for Peter, since it's his first time here. So I wanted to do something to welcome him. However, I'm terrible at kitchen stuff."

Said Steve, turning to the group, still holding the recipe book, indicating that he hadn't yet chosen what he was going to make.

Wanda, sensing this opportunity, decided to volunteer to help Steve.

"Ah, could I help you?"

Wanda asked, still half back, staring at Steve.

"Sure, it would be great to have an extra hand, helping me out."

Steve replied, relieved to receive a helping hand.

After Steve made that comment, Wanda, with an enthusiasm that seemed to have come from beyond, started walking towards the stove with a silly smile on her face. A smile that did not go unnoticed by Natasha, and even less so by Steve. However, that momentary joy had a small explanation; for her, this could be a great opportunity to prepare a dish that Peter might like. After all, if she could win him over with her stomach, making up would be the least of her problems.

Steve, being slower than a door, ended up not understanding the reason for that smile and, with a curious face, asked Wanda.

"What's with the smile?"

"So, what..."

Wanda replied, unable to form a word because she was so embarrassed.

Natasha, noticing the young woman's discomfort, decided to help her by changing the subject.

"What do you think about preparing a dish that Peter likes?"

Natasha suggested, looking at Steve, and without him realizing it, she winked at him, who understood.

"Great idea!"

Wanda agreed, half thanking Natt for the look.

"But what dish would that be?"

Wanda asked, now a little curious, since even she didn't know what Peter liked.

"We could do something simple, I don't know, typical American food. I think Peter might like it, what do you think?"

Steve suggested, contributing to the idea.

Wanda nodded, looking more excited at the prospect of preparing something for Peter.

"Yes, I think he'll like it. Let's do it then!"

Wanda replied, unable to hide her joy.

"How about we make some macaroni and cheese?"

Steve suggested, putting the finishing touch on the choice of dish.

Wanda and Natt said nothing, but nodded, confirming that they agreed with the decision.

"Then it's settled."

Said Steve as he turned around.

In the short space of time that he had been turning around to start preparing the pasta, Natasha approached Wanda.

"Wanda, can you tell me if that disagreement between your brother and Peter has been resolved?"

Natasha asked, looking at the young woman who, after hearing Peter's name, ended up entering the world of the moon.

(Peter, what's happening to you? Did I do something to you?)

Wanda was so focused and lost in her thoughts, thinking about Peter, that she didn't even hear Natasha calling her.

"Wanda! Earth calling, Wanda."

Natasha insisted, trying to bring the young woman back to reality.

After Natasha gently put her hand on the young woman's shoulder to bring her back, Wanda, because of her mentor's sudden action, was almost startled, but on the one hand it was good, after all, it made her come to her senses.

After recovering from the fright caused by Natasha's touch, Wanda shook her head slightly, trying to concentrate on the conversation again.

"I'm sorry, Natt. I was traveling in my thoughts."

Wanda said, with a slightly embarrassed smile.