Unexpected Questions

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"What were we talking about again?"

Wanda asked, trying to resume the conversation, but now with her eyes searching Natasha's, who eventually noticed a slight embarrassment in the young woman's expression.

"We were talking about the disagreement between your brother and Peter."

Natasha replied, noticing Wanda's effort to pull herself together, but without pausing for a moment before continuing.

"Can you tell me if they've worked it out? Because the last time I saw them, they narrowly missed each other."

Natasha took up the subject again, worried about the situation.

After Natt's question, Wanda let out a small sigh of relief at the way the conversation was going.

"Yes, they've even become best friends, just so you know."

Wanda replied, with a shy, half-hearted smile on her face. However, before she could continue, someone interrupted the conversation, and that person was Steve.

"I think it's good that they've really sorted themselves out, not least because I don't want to see any quarrels between the members of this complex."

After Steve's serious and direct comment, which ended up being directed literally at everyone in the kitchen, except Peter, who was still in his room. After Steve said that, everyone fell silent, waiting for him to say something else. However, he didn't say anything else and then turned back to the stove.

While the group had a look of shock on their faces because of Steve's random comment, Natasha noticed the look of discomfort on the young woman's face.

"Is everything all right, Wanda? Something seems to be bothering you."

Natasha asked, in a soft tone, half knowing what was bothering the young woman. And that worry had a name, a face, and it was called Peter Parker.

"Oh, yes, everything's fine. Why wouldn't it be?"

Wanda asked, forcing a small smile as she tried to dispel her discomfort.

"And that there's something different about you. The problem is that I can't tell what it is."

Natasha replied with a piercing gaze, as she carefully examined Wanda from head to toe.

After spending almost half an hour staring, young Natasha opted for a slightly quicker and more direct approach. After that, she approached Wanda in order to have a clearer and more in-depth analysis of the young woman's real situation.

It was after coming face-to-face with the young woman that Natasha was finally able to notice something different about her.

"I couldn't tell because I was too far away, but now I'm looking closer. Isn't that Peter's sweatshirt?"

Natasha asked, a little curious, pointing her finger at the sweatshirt the young woman was wearing.

"Of course not, you've got to be mistaken. That's my sweatshirt."

Wanda replied, embarrassed, slurring her words and unable to look directly at Natasha.

After hearing Wanda's words, Natasha raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the young woman's response. She noticed that the young woman seemed uncomfortable and nervous, which only increased her curiosity.


Natasha whispered, not quite believing what Wanda was saying.

"But if it really is yours, then why does it have a nerdy joke printed on it?"

That was the last thing Natt managed to say before Wanda literally froze.

(Did I get the wrong sweatshirt?)

Wanda thought, not wanting to think about the possibility.

After coming out of her shock, Wanda looked down and saw what was written on the sweatshirt. It was a Star Wars joke about Darth Vader pointing his finger at Kylo Ren, with the following message above it: 'If you want to copy, copy; just don't make it the same'.

Wanda stared at the sweatshirt for a few more seconds, processing the situation and trying to find a plausible explanation for what was happening. She took a deep breath and then looked back at Natasha, trying to regain her composure. However, she couldn't come up with a good answer.

"É... Actually, I... I don't know how it got here."

Wanda answered awkwardly, giving an even more awkward smile. At that moment, she wanted to stick her head in the first hole she could find to get out of her embarrassment.

Natasha, realizing the difficulty the young woman was having in finding a coherent explanation for the situation, decided to talk to her alone.

"Steve, could you take over the kitchen for a moment?"

Natasha asked, glancing at her friend, who didn't turn around, but answered her question in the affirmative.

"Sure, leave it to me. After all, everything is almost ready."

Steve replied, without taking his eyes off the pot and the stove, as he finished the macaroni and cheese.

After her friend's confirmation, Natasha wiped her hand on the sink tap and then took Wanda's hand and began to lead the girl to a part of the kitchen that was a little further away from everyone else.

"Let's go somewhere quieter."

Natasha said, as she led a confused Wanda away, not understanding anything that was happening.

Once they'd reached a more secluded corner of the kitchen, where no one would be able to hear what they were talking about, Natt didn't even give Wanda a chance to ask anything and immediately started questioning the girl.

"Don't tell me you two ended up sleeping together?"

Natasha asked bluntly, not bothering to disguise her curiosity, but in a whisper that only Wanda would be able to hear, thus ensuring the privacy of the conversation.

After hearing that question, Wanda swallowed, feeling even more uncomfortable with Natasha's direct question. She stared at the floor for a moment, her face even redder and more embarrassed, before gathering the courage to answer.

"But of course not, where did you get that idea? Have you gone mad? Why would I do that? And why such a sudden question?"

Wanda asked, totally embarrassed, trying to hide her discomfort but unable to because of her stutter.

"Well, if you didn't sleep with him, as you're saying..."

Natasha said, still whispering, pausing briefly before continuing.

"So how did the sweatshirt, which only he would wear, end up on your body?"