Intimate conversation

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"I don't know either. All I did was grab the first sweatshirt I saw inside and put it on."

Wanda replied, still embarrassed and now with a touch of bewilderment mixed in her voice.

After Wanda's brief comment, Natasha remained silent for a moment, analyzing the whole situation.

After a while, Natasha broke the silence with an expression of understanding:

"Ah, now it all makes sense to me..."

Wanda, who hadn't understood anything up to that point, was even more confused.

"What do you mean?"

Wanda asked, with a clear question mark in her mind, her gaze fixed on Natasha, desperately searching for answers.

"Nothing. It was just something I was thinking... But back to our main subject..."

Natasha replied softly, trying to deflect what she had said and saying something else on top of it.

"How about this: you go and call Peter, who hasn't come down yet, and tell him that dinner is already on the table. What do you think?"

Natasha suggested softly, looking at the young woman who stared back at her, not understanding anything.

Wanda, still apprehensive and not fully understanding why it had to be her, asked:

"But why does it have to be me? Why not Pietro, or the other boys?"

"There's no special reason, it's just that you're the only person he talks to most in the complex. So, stop complaining and get over there."

Natasha ordered, in a slightly louder tone, in an authoritarian manner, trying to end the discussion.

Wanda sighed, resigned to Natasha's order. She knew that there was no point in arguing any further and that it was better to simply do as she was told.

"All right, I'll go and get Peter."

Wanda replied, getting up from her chair with a mixture of frustration and half-acceptance.

After her answer, the young Natasha looked at her with a serene gaze and replied seriously.

"I think it's good, and also... you didn't have a choice. Either you went, or you went. It was as simple as that."

After Natasha said that, the two went back to the kitchen. However, before she gets there, Wanda changes her path and heads for the elevator. Inside, she presses the button for the bedroom floor. As for Natasha, she had returned to the kitchen to finish helping Steve prepare dinner and the table.

"I've got to tell you; Tony really is no good."

Said Natasha, approaching Steve with an indifferent expression on her face. After Steve noticed her expression, he let out a small sigh and decided to ask.

"What did he get up to this time?"

Steve asked, already expecting an answer that wasn't very pleasant.

Natasha raised her eyebrows and sighed before answering:

"You won't believe what he did this time. Imagine, he had the nerve to put a sweatshirt that only Peter would wear in Wanda's closet. And for what? Just to make it look like she was trying to impress him."

Steve frowned, surprised by Tony's malice.

"That's low, even for him. But, whatever, that's typical of him."

Steve replied with a small laugh.

Natasha agreed, shaking her head.

"That's exactly what I thought. And the worst thing is that it looks like his plan is working. After all, Wanda is already starting to like the boy. The only problem is that neither she nor he want to admit it."

After Natasha made that brief comment, her eyes sort of became confused, searching for Steve, who was no longer there in the kitchen. Then she turned around to find him arranging the cutlery and plates on the table. And, because of that, he had most likely been able to hear the last thing she had said.


After reaching the corridor where the bedrooms were, Wanda starts walking towards Peter's room. As soon as she was in front of it, she thought about knocking, but was reluctant. After that, Wanda keeps pacing back and forth in front of Peter's room, waiting for the right moment to call him.

After almost half an hour of her going back and forth like a crazy person, she finally decided to knock on the door. However, just as she was about to do so, she began to feel a calm, gentle energy emanating from inside the room, indicating that the person inside, namely Peter, was asleep. After realizing this, she lets out a small sigh and finally calms down a bit, and then decides to knock on the door, only now with more confidence.


After knocking on the door, Wanda waited for a few more seconds, but all she could hear from inside the room were a few soft murmurs coming from inside. She stood in front of the door, waiting, wondering whether to insist or let him rest. Deciding, she knocked once more, only this time a little harder, hoping that the noise would somehow attract Peter's attention.

Inside the room, Peter woke up slowly, still a little drowsy. He eventually heard the knocks on the door, but it took him a few seconds to process who it could be at that time of night. He got up carefully while rubbing his eyes and went to the door.

After Peter opened the bedroom door, Wanda caught a glimpse of the sleepy boy in an outfit that she thought was kind of cute. It was a pair of baggy pink plaid pants that looked quite comfortable, a slipper, and what caught her eye the most, the shirt with a 'finds the X' joke printed right in the center.

Wanda smiled when she saw Peter, noticing how cute he looked in that shirt. But before she could say anything, Peter was already interrupting her, but without any malice behind it.

"Wanda, did something happen?"

Peter asked, still a little drowsy, as he rubbed his eyes again to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"I'm sorry to wake you, but Natt sent me here to tell you that dinner is ready. So, I just came by to let you know."

Wanda replied softly, still noticing Peter's sleepy countenance.