friends or foes ?

BOXU and his viewers looked at the other group in a sort of awe. The other group was trying to build a house ! slowly but surely they were building something resembling a house !

They had finished the exterior, well it was just some cut wood logs tied by nearby found vines , but it was something. It kind of resembled what a house exterior looked like. Suddenly they heard a shout

" Banjo you fatty ! That's not how you carve a tree trunk !! " Coalberet said

" Yeah , no shit , who would have thought that the guy who watches anime all day would be able to do some wood carvings " Danno said taunting him

" If you have time to make fun of him why don't you help us !? Goddamn freeloaders ! " Bottle_cap said annoyed

" Yeah ! You two had not done a single thing ! At least me , swordbear and Bottlecap are doing something you guys are just giving orders like we are you slaves ! " said banjodude

" thats not true i am moving the logs to the building location ! " Danno said trying to defend himself

" Yeah 1 log that takes 20 minutes to be made and takes 30 seconds for you to move ! You are practically not doing anything " Swordbear said as he returned with a handful of vines

The group had decided to separate tasks for efficiency but everyone had soon realized the flaws this had.

First since banjo and Bottle_cap were a little stronger physically so they were tasked with cutting and carving the tree into logs for the house.

Sword_bear collected strong vines to tie them. Danno moved the carved logs and Coalberet gave the instructions ( since he was studying architecture in the real world ) and he knew how to build a house.

But everyone soon realized that moving a single log was much easier than cutting and carving a whole tree !

And second telling the instructions was much easier than actually doing them !

So the group was getting annoyed with Danno and Coalberet since they were also taunting them from time to time.

SNAP ! a sound rang in the groups ears as they heard a sharp snap of a twig breaking. All of them turned they heads to the sound and took their little stone axe in hand for any foe that was to come.

Then they saw somebody coming out ! But it was not a monster, no it was a human ! Not 1 , not 2 or 3 but ten whole people !

" wow did not think there were any other people playing the game other than us " Danno said surprised as he lowered his axe 

" don't just lower you axe like that ! we still don't know if they are friends or foes ! " Colberet said alerted 

" everybody calm down we come in good sprites , we were just looking at your house " BOXU said trying to calm the situation down 

" yeah we were just admiring your house ! "

" do you think we are some creeps who will sneak around without notice ? "

" if you want we can even help you out "

BOXU immediately liked the idea. he proposed that they can help them build the house and share the finale product.

" in my opinion its gonna take you a lot of time to build this with the 5 of you combined , and with the 10 of us it will be done much sooner maybe even before nightfall " BOXU said reasoning with the group

" yeah lets do it ! " Bottlecap said

" definitely! " Banjodude said

" say less ! " Swordbear said

The people and the 3 of them started introducing themselves to the group and exchanged pleasantries.

" Wait a second i didn't agree to this ! " Danno said

" Nobody cares about the freeloaders opinion and majority overrules " Banjo said without even looking back at Danno and continued talking with the group

BOXU also introduced the people to his life stream viewers " well looks like this stream will be a house building stream ! What a turn of events from our usual trash finding endeavors "

- just looking at this game is eye candy and we are getting a whole stream ? Lets goo !!

- came for trashy games , staying for house building

- put this playlist on it will help you relax during the building process " 

the viewers were totally on board with the idea of a building stream as it was a nice change of pace from the usual trash game finding stream. they also liked the group of friends chemistry.

BOXU also changed the stream of his stream to attract more ideas to - "Building a house "

So the tasks were split between the 15 people, Coalberet still gave the instructions on how to build the house. the stronger looking fellows were given the task of cutting down the trees. the people who were involved in some kind of art and crafts were given the tasks of carving the wood into usable logs. One group was sent to collect strong vines and others actually build the house by tying all of these together.

the work was going fine and smooth , all the players were feeling almost a sense of peace while working. they exchanged small talk among each other , telling their stories , some jokes and news about the real world.

the house was also almost done, now just the roof remained which could be build in about a hours time. 

Suddenly all of them heard many footsteps coming their way ! They all went on alert and started looking at each other's faces. the sounds was getting louder and louder by the second.

" its definitely a large group , maybe 6 or 7 people and all of them are running " BOXU said in a panic

" how do you know that ? " Danno asked 

" From experience " BOXU said 

before Danno was able to question further however , a sudden ,sharp noise came from the bushes and a group of tall and lean men came out that looked like tribesmen.

The men were lean with visible abs and defined muscsular structure, they only wore a lion cloth however , meant to cover just the minimum amount. Their bodies were oozing out sweat and they were all huffing and puffing for air as they searched for something to rest upon .

They did not even seem to notice the shocked people starring at them for a moment.

When one of them did notice however his face twisted and bent into an expression of utter rage and anger , he tapped one of his comrades and pointed at the group , and he to became mad seeing them.

In just a few seconds all of them were looking at them in a fit of rage as though they had murdered their whole tribe.

The group was felling lost in the whole situation as many questions loomed over their heads.

" WHO ARE YOU !! " the tribesmen in the front demand

There was a small silence, the kind someone takes when they have to think of what to speak and how to speak it , just small enough to not deter from the conversation and barely long enough to collect ones thoughts.

" Who are you to ask us this ? " BOXU finally said

Danno noticed that BOXU, unlike all the others had a stone face and showed no signs of worry or fear. He was also shocked that he was able to say this to the horrifying tribals faces.

The face of the tribals twisted even more and they somehow looked even angrier than before. The tribal in the front motioned to one of his companions and he upon receiving the signal charged forward.

BOXU saw this and in a small window of time grabbed the stone hammer from his belt , took one step back and one forward ,pulled his arm back and with full force threw the hammer towards the charging tribal.


A loud cracking noise came as the hammer hit him square in the head , his eyes rolled back and his legs stopped making him fall down full force on the ground. A trail of blood from his head soon followed.

Complete silence ! There was complete silence for about 10 second but everybody felt as though a eternity as passed. The tribals were shocked , the group of BOXU fans was shocked , the friend group was shocked, the stream viewers were shocked.

The chat was going wild and the number of viewers was increasing by a huge amount.


- I came here for chill house building and I am staying for bloody battle with tribals

- this went from 0 to 100 real quick and I am all for that !

- BOXU I thought you were gonna eat them but weapon combat is also good I guess

The tribals quickly came out of their daze and the rest of them started charging towards the group as well.

" Everybody stay on guard , I don't know what is happening or why this is happening, all I do know is that these guys are not someone to talk things out so now it's kill or be killed " BOXU said as he held the axe with one hand and the carveing tool in the other.


Your comment are very much appreciated as they help me to improve my writing.

What do you think will happen next chapter ? And thank you for reading !