Ch 9 - A New Day

" Daddy say aaaa " the little girl said holding up a wheat biscut in her adorable small hands.

BOXU loved getting fed by his daughter in the morning , he knew that this little morning tradition has started on his daughter's 4th birthday when she fed him some cake and from then it became a special part of his morning breakfast that he always looked forward to every morning.

After having his breakfast BOXU played with his daughter and wife for a bit. They played a new board game that had come out recently based on a very popular movie. After that he went to his streaming room.

He adjusted his seat , cleaned his moniter with a little towel he had lying around , checked his camera and booted up his PC. He then went onto the streaming application and clicked the shiny red ' go live ' button.

" Hello , hello everyone we are back for a new stream ! How Is everyone's weekend going ? " BOXU said as he sipped on his morning tea

After a small sesion of chatting with his viewers he finally talked about which game they were going to be playing today.

" This is not going to come as a surprise to anyone, but we are gonna be playing 'blank' again , I see a lot more viewers than our previous streams ,probably because my previous stream getting preety popular, "

BOXU did gain a massive jump in average viewership from his previous streams. In the past he used to get 30-40 viewers, now he got 100-110 viewers which was a massive jump for someone like him.

" I also apologise in advance as I sometimes get too immersed in the game and I even forget I'm streaming , so I don't look at the chat for long periods of time. With all of that out the way let's start a new day !! " BOXU said as he hopped into his VR pod.

A small loading screen popped and in just a few second he smoothly loaded into the game world.


" WAKE UP ! " A voice bommed through the cave.

Racko , Rick and many others woke up in a startled manner. When Rick looked up he saw the scar-faced player standing over him , staring at all the late sleepers.

" How much more are you gonna sleep ! Get up it's time to work " he shouted once again

" Hey man what's your name ? " Racko asked him

" It's Beresile " he said nonchalantly

just then Trevor arrived inside the cave. He looked at Racko and Rick and started.

" Hey so I'm really thankful for your help the other day , and to repay you I'm gonna give you the chance to join our group " Trevor said

Shocked gasps filled the air inside the cave , as people discussed what they had just heard Trevor say.

" Did boss just invite people into the group ! "

" Am I dreaming or what , how is this possible ?! "

" The usually no nonsense boss is thankful to someone ?! Well I guess they did save his life in the fight , but still ! "

They were not surprised that Trevor was thankful to someone, it was just that they had never seen him before thankful to someone. He usually liked to do things with the people inside his group and hated outsiders.

But without a single thought Racko immediately replied back " Nah , I'm gonna make my own group ! , I appreciate your offer but I'm not looking to join someone, I'm gonna build myself from the ground up ! "

" Yeah me too I'm gonna follow Racko, thanks for the offer but I'm going to stay with Racko. " Rick also replied back

More shocked gasps filled the air as people were surprised by their responce.

" They refused to join the team ? Do they not know we're probably the strongest team in the game ?! "

" That Rick guy is actually preety good at fighting , he would have been an amazing member for us ! I wish he joined us "

Trevor seemed surpised, but he didn't mind thier descision too much.

" How about being allies huh ? When your in distress we help you out and vice-versa " Racko said

" Yeah sure , new allies huh ? " Trevor said with a faint smile on his face as he shoke Racko's hand to signify them becoming allies.

Rick and Racko then bid him farewell and walked out of the cave.

While they were walking through a clearing in the rugged forest, Rick suddenly thought of something.

" Hey ! Where you did you keep those wodden tablets?! " He asked with a panicked expression , after all they had spent most of their time and effort in making those the other day.

" Don't panic ! I still have three of them " Racko said as he pulled them out of his back " I keep them with me all the time , don't worry I care the most about these tablets ! "

" How did you even manage to sleep with those ? " Rick asked confused

" Don't ask about that... It was not a pleasant experience I tell you " Racko said

" Why didn't you give one of them to Trevor ? Wouldn't it have been a good gift for the alliance ? "

" Their group is already strong enough as is , and if I did give them a tablet it would not have been a monopoly now would it ? " Racko said as he continued walking through the forest

( Going back to BOXU )

" HEY BOXU ! " bottlecap said as he walked towards BOXU

" Wow the house is complete !" BOXU exclaimed

" Yeah me and Danno actually woke up early since we couldn't sleep much in excitement , about finally completing this damn thing and would you belive it other people in our group also couldn't sleep ! So all of us got together early in the morning and finished up this thing ! " Bottlecap said

" We're looking to build some furniture next , but priority right now is just to have fun , exploring the map and all. "

" I actually had some things I wanted to talk to the group about though... " BOXU said

" Oh don't worry we everyone will be back in a few hours to focus on group activities you can tell it to them then. "

" Ah thanks, see you later , take care on the way." BOXU said as he took off to explore on his own

He actually wanted to meet other players and explore how other people were doing out in the big forest that all of them had spawed in, this would also be more entertaining to the new viewers who were not used to his old style. So he took off in search of new faces

After a while...

BOXU finally saw another person. He walked up to him and introduced himself.

" Hey , hello man what are you up to ? " He asked

" Sup man , nothing really just walking around , I'm actually looking for a place to stay the next night. You happen to know anywhere I can stay ? I'm not sleeping in a tree branch this night I tell you ! " he said

BOXU wanted to invite him to his group , but he decided against it. As he wanted to confirm with the others first.

" Sorry I don't "

"No problem , but It wouldn't have been a problem you know if that group hadn't taken over the damn cave ! I was furious , but I couldn't do much... but I am glad I didn't stay there for the night ! " He said

" Why are you glad you didn't stay ? " BOXU asked

" Don't you know about the attack that happened in the night at that place ? " He said shocked that someone hadn't heard about this

" What attack !?! " BOXU immediately grew intrested in the subject

Then the player told him about the whole tribal attack , and how it the tribals used some kind of magic in the middle of the battle.

" Well I heard many of there people died ! Got what they deserved I tell you ! " He said chuckling " I heard it all from where I slept on the tree branch not too far away , and after Sleeping like a rock all night I talked to some people who actually saw the fight from a distance, they told me all about it . "

" Magic !? Those damn tribals can use magic ! I'm glad they didn't use it against us or we might have been wiped out ! We need to strengthen our defense against these kinds of threats as soon as possible. " BOXU thought

After that he bid farewell to the passerby and continued exploring. He had formed a negative opinion on the cave group after his conversation. He also learned that they were quite capable, since they successfully repelled the tribals and the monster that followed.

He wished that their groups didn't cross paths in the future...