After feeling exhausted Tori-An releases a sonic scream that send a shock wave thought-out the forest destroying everything in its path. Meanwhile outside the school building Arianna and Lauressa discuss the test they're about to receive Lauressa wasn't sure she will pass that test Arianna reassure her that she will pass, soon Cordelia Maelyn and Brooklyn joined their conversation Tori-An slowly made her way towards the school entrance when she notice Serena with her friends upon seen Tori-An, Serena reminded her next time she shouldn't release such high frequency it hurts her eardrum that's when she realizes Serena was able to hear her scream however Tori-An felt confused due to the fact that she was alone that night. At the diner Serena and her cheerleaders sat in a booth together ready to make their order, as their order was made the owner makes her way towards their table with a smile on her face she hand Serena her drink first then handed the girls their drinks last, the owner proceeded to stare blankly at her, right as Serena takes a sip and immediately turned to stare at the owner her friends noticing something wrong ask her whether she's alright which she replied by nodding her head and quickly ran out carrying the drink with her soon Maelyn showed up to the diner where she notice Serena standing with her back facing the parking lot she quickly stared at a car honking behind her realizing she had taken her eyes off Serena she quickly turned around stepping backwards upon seen Serena standing up facing her with blue eyes before she could react Serena dashes off in a fast speed, and minutes later Serena began to run in the exact same direction as Rhydian without realizing it soon she saw Lauressa who seemed scared of Rhydian and without hesitation Serena stepped in front of her with glowing blue eyes Rhydian stared at her with amaze, it then turned out that it's all on act the two puts on. At the Thestral Sherwood home Jaromir examine Serena and discover that she's a werecoyote that possess the ability to fully transform into a true coyote, Maelyn then ask how she survived which she then revealed that just like the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings she's one of the supernatural send by the professor Rhydian makes it pretty clear that he doesn't quite trust her Serena proved to them by showing her bracelet upon seen that the bracelet is still online he believed her. Later on Serena demonstrated her ability by transforming into a true coyote, she struggled with her ability as she transformed back into a human, Jaromir realized that she's unable to stay in her coyote form for more than two minutes. Upon seen the symbol of a black circle Serena realized danger is near meanwhile Helix from the black circle created a mirror in which he notice Cordelia slowly fading he then shed his disguised revealing a demonic form soon as Arianna and Jaromir went back outside Jaromir have felt dark magic, soon the two came across Serena who showed them the black circle symbol which sends shiver down their spines, at the meantime Cordelia felt dizzy and blackout Helia surrounded by dark aura held Cordelia in his arms. That's when Helix revealed himself and strikes at them after been hit with a power blast Lauressa fell onto the ground as Felix aim towards her, Maelyn immediately jumps in front of her and received a blast sending her onto the ground, Cordelia fangs vanishes as she tried to transform back and somehow she wasn't able to Rhydian fell to his knees as his ability leaves his body Arianna realized that Cordelia and Rhydian lost their ability to transform after Helix strikes them, and despite been strike by Helix magic Serena somehow didn't lose her ability due to the fact that she wasn't transformed at the time. Helix felt a bit of remorse after striking Cordelia and taken her ability to transform which he soon releases which Cordelia didn't seen quite thankful she swiftly launch an attack towards him as he manages to avoid Helix recite his words ready to strike Cordelia, realizing they need a protection spell Lauressa ask Maelyn to create a barrier around the three at first Maelyn struggled to create a protection spell however with the help of Arianna she successfully manages to create a barrier to protect Cordelia Rhydian and Serena, the way Helix would harm the other yet he hesitated to hurt Arianna despite her using various methods to harm him. During the fight Helix realized Rhydian was no longer in sight it suddenly hits him that Maelyn and Cordelia were the distraction before he could make sense of it he stumbled backwards as he clenching his fist blood began to drain from his mouth as a sword pierce though him, he fell onto his knees and before dying Helix told Arianna that they aren't that different she's just like him fight for powers Brooklyn confront Rhydian after he felt bad for killing Helix.


After the black circle strikes had previously attacks them Serena alongside the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings became more cautious of there surroundings. At the meantime the witches clans had been strike by a goddess called Savannah who's known for stealing other witches magic and with the last bit of magic Hayden had opened a portal to send Corinna Sagittarius town. At the Raeken skyscraper Lorelei awaken to find Tori-An missing from her bed with panic in her voice she shouted for Kyllian the two separated to search for her suddenly Kyllian called Lorelei as he carried the unconscious Tori-An in his arms the two gently lay her onto her bed as Kyllian informed her that Tori-An might be sleep walking due to the fact that he had found her sleeping onto the porch. At the meantime Jaromir had learnt that a portal had appeared near the forest he alongside Rhydian Lauressa Cordelia and Arianna was then given the task to find out who or what was sent through the portal, soon they came across the portal that closed in a blink of an eye, the girls then decided to separate themselves from the boys to cover more grounds the trio then came across a worn and broken down cabin with the roof caving in Cordelia along with Lauressa and Arianna made their way inside the dark cabin, with there flashlights despite it been morning inside the cabin was dark for some unknown reason without realizing that the cabin board is slowly breaking Lauressa steps onto the wooded board as it caved in she fell injuring her leg both Cordelia and Arianna helps her to stand while Jaromir Rhydian and Hardin went to the cabin where they meets up with the trio that's when Rhydian and Cordelia smelled gasoline soon it soon drip into the cabin the door that was once opened now closed which prevented them, from leaving suddenly the cabin catches fire it quickly spreads an the five teens starts coughing as smoke spreads in the air giving the teens hard time to breathe Rhydian then realize that they weren't alone as footsteps began to retreat the five teens immediately blocked out soon and the door was then forced opened. Soon the siblings attended their classes then during lunch hours Lauressa Cordelia Tori-An Arianna and Brooklyn had a discussion about the portal, later on Serena request to speak with Cordelia alone before Tori-An could respond Cordelia began to mock her Lauressa glance at Cordelia with a disappointed look on her face. Corinna catches the attention of everyone as she walks through the hallway, Serena who had her back turned was able to sense magic as soon as she turned around she saw a glimpse of Corinna entering a classroom, inside miss Alexa classroom Corinna began reciting some unknown words which catches Brooklyn attention after school Rhydian was about to enter his car when he seen his first love his heart filled with rage and happiness he was about to walk over towards her when Brooklyn approaches Corinna immediately recognized Rhydian shirt Brooklyn was wearing and stayed calm Rhydian notice and quickly leaves with Brooklyn, Corinna endured the pain of jealousy. Meanwhile to show appreciation Cordelia surprise Serena with a bouquet of blue roses with a fake smile she took the bouquet and throw it onto the ground and proceeded to walk off leaving Cordelia stunned a student remarks enraged Cordelia who grabs her by the hair dragging her outside. After sensing Corinna magic Savannah made her way into Sagittarius town. Lauressa reminded Arianna that Serena wasn't one of them soon Tori-An Cordelia and Serena walks towards them and while walking towards Tori-An house the five girls came face to face with the goddess Savannah who wanted to know Corinna whereabouts Serena not wanting Rhydian to get hurt informed Savannah that they don't know her whereabouts, with rage Savannah use her power to strike Serena who immediately retreat in pain, been a original siphon witch Lauressa chanted a magical spell and was, surprised when it didn't harm the goddess, at that moment Rhydian rushes towards her and was immediately burnt by the sunlight the goddess smile as she revealed that they no longer has magic to defeat her, and upon hearing heavy breathing behind her she turned to see a wolf standing behind her with a smile Savannah was able to break the skin of the wolf killing it Savannah Lauressa and Arianna was then able to felt Corinna magic before leaving Savannah pulled out a dagger and throw it towards Rhydian, Cordelia without hesitation jumps in front of him luckily Lauressa reacted just in time to turned the danger into dust. Upon knowing Corinna whereabouts Arianna quickly leaves with Lauressa the two stood outside a house, Arianna then cast a spell outside the house as Lauressa enter she notice the room stained with blood and shattered mirrors all over the room and no sign of Corinna. At the meantime Brooklyn stood in front of an abandoned house where she saw Corinna floating in the air Brooklyn crept inside the house on tiptoe unaware that Savannah felt her presence, as Corinna floated in the air blue strings of magic surrounded her Savannah recite a spell to steal Corinna memories of Rhydian tears fell from Corinna eyes as the memories of Rhydian slowly erased Savannah raised a sharp knife and plunged it into Corinna chest killing her in the process, Corinna bracelets starts to beep as it went offline Rhydian bit his lower lip with anger as he watches her fades away, Rhydian turned his head as Savannah approaches them Lorelei wearing a black outfit and a mask releases a sonic scream that pushes Savannah backwards, it enraged her as Savannah strike her with magic in order to protect her sister Tori-An releases a sonic scream and managed to shake Savannah who loses balance and fall into the portal as it closes Tori-An immediately leave with her sister as the others find their way to Jaromir, who recite an incantation spell that allow Rhydian to become unconscious.


In nineteen o seven, four royal witches made their way into rosemary town to retrieve a magical tiara during their search Jackie had unknowingly discovered a dangerous resurrection spell and in order to find the whereabouts of the tiara she use the spell resurrect her aunt however things took a wild turn when her aunt use a body swapping spell to switch places with her, the aunt then searches high and low for the tiara unaware that Mercer had given the tiara to Jennifer who had already fled the town. After realizing that Jennifer had the tiara Jackie place a cursed onto the villagers, during the witches celebration Joan discovered the lifeless body of her sister Jennifer, Joan been the second in line, Jasmine also learnt of her sister death and weeks later Joan had vanishes with no trace and upon discovering that Mackenzie is pregnant, Jackie place a curse onto the unborn child. Jaromir learnt that Brooklyn is indeed the baby witch, and her curse was that she won't live to see the age of sixteen, at the age of five Brooklyn discovers that she can see things that are beyond the human eyes. Brooklyn realized that she had died before and was reborn with no memory of her past lives. During a mission things took a turn for the worst when Melanie discover the tiara, and upon seen the tiara Jaromir had a worried look across his face, Melanie excitedly walks towards Brooklyn and place the tiara on her head calling her a princess suddenly Brooklyn ancestor Jackie appeared in front of them, despite been a ordinary human Candace didn't hesitate to step in front of Brooklyn the rest of the pack tries to attack Jackie and soon realized that they're no match for her seen the tiara placed on Brooklyn head Jackie told her that the tiara doesn't belong to her, knowing that things will escalate, Jaromir informed the pack to separate themselves, Brooklyn then ran barefoot through the forest wearing a white dress stained with mud after discovering the truth about her ancestors she unknowingly created a storm in a fit anger, Candace who's with her told her to control the storm before it gets out of hand, Brooklyn tried to stop the storm however she soon realized that she wasn't the one that created the storm as the two spins around they were shock to see Brooklyn aunt Jackie who reminds her that she's a royal not a witch. Jackie eyes filled with rage upon seen the tiara in Candace hand, Jackie told Brooklyn to take the tiara from Candace, before Candace could react Brooklyn had already taken the tiara and was about to hand it over to Jackie when her mother Mackenzie showed up to stop her Mackenzie explained that the tiara doesn't belong to Jackie, it belongs to her who's next in line, in rage Jackie use her powers to throw several stones into her direction, Jackie then told her that she needs to wear the tiara, at that moment Brooklyn realized she had to choose between her friends and her ancestor Jackie, with a sigh Brooklyn places the tiara onto her head and suddenly she's engulfed with flames, soon the flames vanishes and revealed Brooklyn in a blue dress with long black hair the tiara fits perfectly on her head, Jackie feeling betrayed by her granddaughter strikes her as she loses balance and falls into the abyss dragging Brooklyn down Candace reaches out her hand for Brooklyn to grab however the hesitation in her eyes as she turned to glance at Cordelia, Brooklyn the princess last in line to the throne showed she has no interest in been a princess as she handed the tiara to her mother for safe keeping the tiara was sealed inside a box and it was once again hidden. Back at school Maelyn informed Josephine of Brooklyn been a princess Josephine then told Maelyn that in their eyes Brooklyn had always been a princess, at meantime Tori-An had her head rested onto the desk, with teary-eyed Serena had informed Tori-An that she had gone back to Reign and she shouldn't be angry at her Tori-An sigh before pulling her to a hug. Then after school Rhydian discusses about their new princess then around nine pm Serena breaks down in Tori-An arms after been cheated on for the fifth time, at the meantime Reign walks around his room with tears in his eyes he dial Serena number as she picks up he quickly end the call without saying a word, later on as Serena makes her way outside she notice Reign standing near his car he also notice her and wave towards her, soon Candace had arrived and Serena leaves with her, the two makes their way to the Raeken skyscraper. Serena stood with Arianna and Rhydian when she notice Reign had arrived she tried to hide her smile as he glance at her Rhydian had place his phone next to Reign phone when he received a text and accidentally grabs Reign phone seen that the text was from Candace he realized he had grabbed the wrong phone, Reign upon noticing his phone was missing panic he then saw Rhydian holding his phone which causes the two to get into a argument, Serena stood in front of Reign as Rhydian was about to hit him Arianna lead him outside, soon Tori-An Cordelia and Lauressa joined them Serena then jumps into Reign arms as he lifted her up as the two were having an amazing time Reign received a text message which he then tried to hide from Serena who had already notice she quickly grabs his phone only to see that Candace had texted him, in rage Serena smashed his phone onto the ground as they went back and fourth in an heated argument the others stood their in complete shock Arianna then gently grabs Tori-An hand after seen that she was about to step in. After been hit repeatedly by Serena, Reign in a fit of rage pulled out a pistol and aimed it straight at her Serena eyes instantly widen, the Tori-An screamed out no right before screaming Serena name filled the silent atmosphere.